Civil war COLT, Medal of Honor, Signed document from Pres Lincoln awarding the medal.

Then there were a several Medal of Honors that was awarded for capturing a Confederate Flag. Coron Evans, Private, Company A, 3rd Indiana Cavalry at the Saylors ( or Sailors) Creek on 6 April 1865 also captured a flag. He captured the flag of the 26Th Virginia Cavalry. The part about the Mule is also correct, Grant had pushed his Army so hard that many of the horses had given out. The 3rd Cavalry requisitioned a number of local mules and old Coron was quite vocal in bragging about how his mule could out jump any horse. Too bad it wasn't Coron, he sounds like the type of G I that I would like to share a beer with. More colorful :)
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Ozzieman I need to research and hopefully find an expert on Civil War relics that can document a really nice collection.
I have not seen these yet so the information is sketchy. I am going up to his fathers home next weekend and will take pictures of the collection and try to find out more useful information.
I am not trying to buy this set since there is no way I can afford it nor is it for sale, but the problem is that they don’t have a clue as to its actual value which with a little research that I have done so far I am shocked at the possible value of the set,,, if its real.
The person that original owned the set is my friends grandfather and was a man of means (very wealthy) and very knowledgeable of firearms. This set contains the following items.

1. A very good condition Colt cap and ball revolver. (I am trying to find out what model and any other information on the gun.) I was told that the gun looks to be in exceptional condition and was never refinished. And was carried by the Civil war Medal of Honor winner during the war.

2. Medal of Honor won during the civil war.

3. The signed document from President Lincoln for the Medal of Honor with the serial number of the medal.
If any one knows of a professional expert on civil war relics that can research and perform an estimate of the value of the set for insurance purposes, please let me know.
Thank you for your help.

Yes. Pictures. Please.

Some of the withdrawn medals were also re-conferred.

Yes to Buffalo Bill Cody and to Dr. Mary Walker.

The Battle of Saylor's Creek was the last battle of the war before Appomattox Courthouse.

If you take pictures, don't use a flash on the documents.
Being a bit of a photo expert I know about flash and old documents.:)
I am going up Friday on a fishing trip this weekend and will be taking photos of the set.
Hope to show them next week.
Again I want to thank every one for the help.
I apologize to every one, Friday’s fishing trip is off.
Due to health issues my friend can’t go up this weekend. We are still planning on the following weekend so I will have photos then.