City varmits - need an air rifle

Be careful with those colibri. While I've never had it happen, they can supposedly "stick" in the barrel of a rifle. There's a warning on the box "to be used in handguns only". I've fired them with no problems in a ruger 10/22 and a CZ 452. I guess it could happen, though, and if it does and you put another round down the barrel, you've probably got a mess. The CCI cb's are slightly louder, but they're more accurate and use a heavier bullet. Like I said, I'd be real leery about using cb's on a racoon or possum. CrazyLarry mentioned a good, ethical rule for varmint hunting on another thread. "Nothing deserves to suffer". Makes good sense to me.
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Speaking from experience dont shoot a skunk! I got sprayed at close range and its wasnt a pleasant experience. Run.
I was on vacation in Alaska last month and stopped in at Ketchikan for the day. They have hundreds of these funny (varmits) at the dump. Theyre big furry 100-500lbs and can eat you. I'd love to varmit hunt those bad boys but would like something around 30-06.
My grandpa lives in the city and shoots rats from his porch with an air rifle. Air rifle gets my vote for those kind of pests.
Another vote for the .22 with Super Colibris or CCI CB longs. If there is a legality issue using a firearm, I would opt for poison.
But fellas, couple things about the super colibris:

1. In the guns I've tried them in, they are not nearly as accurate as my air rifles - and accuracy is essential when you're talking about a head shot on Pepe La Pieu. You want to knock out the control center immediately so they don't spray.

2. EVEN IF it is technically *just as* illegal to shoot an airgun in the city limits in your locale as it is to shoot a rimfire firearm, as a practical matter, I believe it can make a great deal of difference as to whether you are cited, arrested, and/or prosecuted if you are shooting "just a bb gun, officer, what's the big deal?". But a .22 firearm, colibri or otherwise, in most jurisdictions, is gonna be looked on quite a bit more unfavorably by law enforcement, even if on the same technical legal ground.

3. They are excellent bird killers out to about 15 yards. But for 20, 25, 30 yards, or more, a .177 pellet gun is going to have a much better point blank range - we're talking 700-1000 fps instead of 500 for the super colibris, AND a better ballistic coefficient.

So there is definitely a place for a good, suppressed airgun in some circumstances. Another good thing about that is no class 3 paperwork is needed to get a suppressed airgun. I'd get one of those Air Force if I had the cash for it AND all the damned accessories required - hoses, clamps, connectors, tanks, the whole bit.

Crazy Larry is right - CB cap ammo (short & long), such as from CCI is NOT quiet. Sure it's a tad quieter than full power ammo, but still much much louder than a colibri or pellet gun. I have on order right now some RWS/Diana true BB cap ("flobert") ammo, and I'll post to let y'all know if they're more accurate than the colibris - I sure hope so!
A simple snare would suffice in your situation very, very well. Put it at the entrance they are using to get under your shed, check early a.m. Problem solved.
i just have to get in on this

i have been there too, and still kind of there now.
we use to manage appartments, and cats and rats were a really big problem.
i had a RWS model 48 .177 cal. back then in the start. it was nice. and a lot quieter than these people are saying. a fried had the .22 cal Model48. i got to see them side by side a lot. i eat his lunch in more hits and kills. the heavy .22 cal pellet just arked too much, you just have to watch the air temp. if it gets cold the pellet will brake the sound barrier, that makes it sound like a .22cal. rifle
so you can buy heaver pellets in .177 cal, that slow it down just enough to not let any body know what your doing.
i soon went to the RWS Model 54, that puppy is the sweet one..
and both can drop them dead easy at a lot more than the 25 yards they talk here.
and the open sights are fine sights as they are.
i still use it out here when the poseums and Coons get by something i can't use a reg. rifle for. the 54 has no problem taking them out.
the barn with tin sides is 80 yards out the kitchen window. and i can't even use a .22 to shoot them there. i have to use the Model 54 and open sights 80 yards not a problem.
so in your back yard it will do every thing you need and as long as it is not too cold no one will hear or know.
i have a nice pellet gun collection and high power rifle too.
bird problem in the tin barn, had to buy one just for that, the Model 54 will go through the tin like butter. had to find one that was just under speed to not hurt the tin, but knock the crap out of the birds.
so i guess i am still into what you need.
they are pricey but well worth it i think.
you might get buy with the Model 48 with no problem, the 54 is re-coilless.
it eats up scopes but is still fine with open sights.
you can kill a pigon on a power line at a 100 yards open sights with a .177 RWS Model 48 or 54 with no problem at all. we joke about the pellet hitting the big bird making more noise than the spring air gun makes.
and do not use any daisy or light pelets in it, you get speed but not killing power, and it shortens the spring life. Crossman Premeir 10.5 gr pellet is the only way to go .177 cal.
i have been using them for about 15 years. i also re-spring & rebuild them. you have to do that from time to time. a dry fire shot, will make you do it sooner.
I have solved some varmint problems here with my Remington 521T bolt .22 using CCI CB caps. The grass and plants in the far corner of the yard seem to be growing well these days.
you brought up something i forgot about

getting rid of the dirty deed..

just digging a reguar hole, will become a hassel.
i was having so many dirty deeds to get rid of, i had to come up with something new.
----BING---- brain storm
i got a post hole digger.
and dig out a nice post hole, about 2 or 2.5 feet deep.
with the post hole diger, you can now bell out the bottom, you can make it quit large, but not too large, you don't want it caving in.
now just keep the dirt close by. and every time a dirty deed goes in the little hole, you drop in some dirt.
keep a board over the hole, and a flower pot on it, and no one knows.

the hole can hold a lot of dirt deeds...
before posting holing out another one
and they take up a lot less room, than digging one with a shovel... :eek:
Varmit shooting I've done a bit of.
Used to have REALLY big wharf rats swim up a river, and eat garbage from our garbage area, restaurant fed rats.

First we tried a high velocity .22 pellet gun, at 950 fps. Looked like one of those break, pump rifles shown earlier in the thread. I hit mama rat, at about 8 feet, with a shoulder shot. Didn't penetrate, and, she looked at me, angry as hell.
I ran.:D ROFL
My other choice was to shoot her with a Detonics Mark VI, in 45 Super I was carrying, but, I don't think that would have gone over well with the rest of our bunny hugging staff.

Next, we moved up to 22 short. CCI Hollow points that didn't open up. IIRC. They went 6-8 inches in big rats, and, they didn't move much. Humane kill. That out of a 22lr rifle, with 18 inch barrel.

For varmits, etc. I'd suggest a CZ 452. Super accurate, and cheap. It's in 22lr, but will single shot in 22 short, with an excellent scope on it, it will drive tacks at 25 yards, like under a 1/4 inch.

You can also use 22lr in it, with sufficent bullet weight to do in varmits.

That said, I'd figure out a way to spray the skunk, so you don't have to kill em.
I'm sure there is some way to do so. I just had the s... scared out of me by another thread about some worm in racoons, that might spread.

Look for some threads on humane skunk control. Cut little guys, that, in the proper setting, make really fun pets. Smart, cute, and desmelled, only slightly worse at tearing up your house then our half
feral cat...

i guess i got the right Nic-Name Killseeker ;..; Grrr

i just love pesty varmit hunting. i just wish i could travel around and do some showing off. helping people, by showing them how it can be done quit and easy.
i have done so much of it, in all the places i have lived.
seems like, every place i moved to, had a major problem, left by the past people, living there, and around the areas. i have been knocking them big or little pesty veemans out of the ball park, for some time now. but doing it with out making Green Piece, get their pantys in a bunch, is fun too. i have taken out wild ally-cats off my short-shed roof, using an RWS model 54 pellet rifle, with a .177 Cal. 10.5gr pellet, with a planed shot, to make him fall just where i wanted him to fall, and neighbors having a back yard B-Q, just 20 yards away, never had a clue, what i just did. that would have been all i needed, was a big old ally-cat flopping around up there where they could see it.. ;..; Grrr.
and RATs man we have had a ball with them. we use to have them as big as them big City kind. they were called Field rats back there. the ones that came up to get in things, went Extinct after a few weeks of fun. having so much fun doing that, we went to the local feed store to get a bag of horse & mule feed, and put it out to call in more of them big old rats, fun was on again LoL . after a few more weeks of all that fun, all the fields in range of sight, was Extinct of them fun veemans.
so you just keep putting it out and pay it no attention for a while to let them breed back up and get use to coming in for the free meal, not too long of a wait, your little back yard shooting galley, is back open again.
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getting rid of the dirty deed..

just digging a reguar hole, will become a hassel.
i was having so many dirty deeds to get rid of, i had to come up with something new.
----BING---- brain storm
i got a post hole digger.
and dig out a nice post hole, about 2 or 2.5 feet deep.
Hmmm... Sounds like an awful lot of trouble, but the flower might grow real nice. You know, sometimes the 'dirty deed' goes good with gravy and a side of biscuits :D

The Rimfire rifles produced by Ceska Zbrojovka Uhersky Brod are among the most sought-after firearms in the world. The ZKM 452 rifles are manufactured from steel billets not tubing or plastic, barrels are hammer forged for accuracy and long life. The trigger is adjustable for weight, and the safety is located above the rear of the bolt and provides a positive firing pin block. The Lux models have a tangent rear sight that is adjustable for windage and elevation, 5 round detachable magazine and Turkish walnut stock.

1/4-1/2 inch, at 25 yards, with long rifle or shorts.

"bring forth the holy hand grenade!":D alil monty python humor for socrates:D

ever try fruit flavored bubblegum?they eat it but cant digest on groundhogs,chipmonks and rats.

skunks..try the mothballs.feral cats..try spraying ammonia around the entrances to where they are going.i.e. under the porch.some ultrasonic plug in devices drive them out as well.

shooting them with a pellet or low powered 22 round ,would depend ALOT on how close the neighbors are and how easily they can see you and report you.for that Id use a crossbow equipped with a red-dot.there are different tips available for the bolts that should handle it well.
Wharf rats get up to 16 inches, and with tail, 26-30 inches. That is a REALLY BIG rat. It looked about the same size as a cat.;) I sort of had a vision of getting both clawed and bitten, by a rabid, angry, huge rat.
Running may also be a bit of artistic license. Moving quickly away from the garbage area landing was more like it.:)

hee hee

:) I'd probably run too from one that big - reminds me of the kangaroo that tom the cat thought was an overgrown mouse in the cartoons.

We had a skunk problem, they would get into the trash etc. We learned to use a trash can. We used 55 gallon barrels but any container deep enough will work. Fill it 18 inches to 2 feet with water, float some garbage, make a ramp so they can get into the can. They fall or jump in and drown, and never smell. Worked great for us.
On the pellet gun I use a Sheridan pump, more versatile than some. You can control the FPS with the amount of pumps from weak enough to run the dog off thats craping in your yard without damaging him, to killing small animals. It will do skunks , mine has but man oh man can they stink.

One more thing on the pellet over the quiet 22's. I think the 22's are a little quieter than the pellet gun,, but,,,, if you get caught and find yourself in a court or law enforcment situation it "is only a bb gun" and not a firearm, which just might make a difference.
I've been looking into air rifles myself. I don't like precharged air, too much hassle, so I looked into the pump and spring guns. I was looking for power and accuracy. The best I've been able to find from my research are these:

In .22 cal (my choice when I have the money to blow on it):
PATRIOT EXPORT by Webley & Scott Ltd.
Pellet Weight 14.4 grain - Muzzle Energy - 27.07 ft/lbs :eek:
0.22 - 920 ft/sec - $465.00

in .177 cal:
0.177 - 1250 ft/sec - $399.95

Both are break-action spring rifles, so no need to charge then up from a scuba tank.