Citizen Makes 165yd Shot With Revolver to Stop Murderer From Ambushing Cop

Even with the reduced distance, that's a pretty nice shot under those circumstances. He wasn't just plinking stuff that doesn't have the potential to shoot back.
I am just wondering how in the heck he knew with any reasonable degree of certainty, what someone was planning to do 165 yards away.

Are you kidding me?
Yeah, maybe the guy was just waiting for the bus.
Conner had a dead body laying maybe 20 feet to his right when he was shooting.
You have to have a brain to see the logicial and usual consequences to an action.
If you are headed straight for a brick wall, you have to understand what will happen.
The shooter had a rifle, he was behind a tree. He had killed two people and two dogs. A leo pulled in in front of him. He opened fire at the leo.
And you think maybe he was just waiting for the bus?
again guys the distance was 165 FEET and as mentioned many times, just reading the article will answer most of these questions and doubts.
I am just wondering how in the heck he knew with any reasonable degree of certainty, what someone was planning to do 165 yards away.

I take it that you didn't watch the video in the OP. Stacy basically saw the gunman respond to the arriving officers and then open up on them. So it would not matter one iota how much reasonable certainty Vic Stacy had about what the gunman was planning to do just 56 yards away (Stacy was in error when he claimed it was 165 yards) once the gunman started shooting at the officer. At that point, what Stacy thought the guy might be getting ready to do and how certain he was about the issue was completely moot. The battle had started. Stacy did not fire before the gunman fired at the arriving officer.

Second yes you can make some interesting shots, its also called lucky.

Anyone ever notice how it is that most of the lucky people in such a crisis are the ones who are prepared and skilled? When it is repetitive, it isn't luck.
56 Yards under stress now that is fine shooting. I've shot my 22LR S&W 17 at 50 yards often it does take a steady hand.
Didn't Elmer Keith shoot longer distances?
56 Yards under stress now that is fine shooting. I've shot my 22LR S&W 17 at 50 yards often it does take a steady hand.
Didn't Elmer Keith shoot longer distances?

Small children, old men, tiny women shoot longer distances. Lots of them with very little practice.

Practice a little bit, under stress, anyone can ace 50 yards. Just imagine what you could do if you practiced.

Sgt Lumpy
Why would you be surprised at Stacy's assumption of Conner's intent, at that point?

because in taking post 01 at face value ( not clicking links- never do) I was under the impression that the distance was 165 yards not feet. I would question anyone's assumptions that are made at nearly 2 foot ball fields away from the point of interest. You have clarified the distance so its all mute at this point.
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because in taking post 01 at face value ( not clicking links- never do) I was under the impression that the distance was 165 yards not feet. I would question anyone's assumptions that are made at nearly 2 foot ball fields away from the point of interest. You have clarified the distance so its all mute at this point.

LOL, whether 165 yards or 56 yards, if you can see what was going, there isn't a problem.

We are back to football fields again? Do you know how long a football field is?
LOL, whether 165 yards or 56 yards, if you can see what was going, there isn't a problem.

If you can be sure about what you are seeing, sure.. no prob. The greater the distance, the less confidence a prudent person will have about opinions formed at that distance. We are talking about deadly force after all.
Okay, well a football field is 120 yards long so 2 football fields is 240. 165 yards isn't "nearly two football fields away."

Many folks see distance just fine.
Good for him America could use more citizens that are willing to risk themselves to protect others..hopefully the jury sees it that way and this man isnt punished for trying to do the right thing
First, I commend the armed Citizen for taking action at great risk to himself.


Third, I am a bit sceptical about the range of 165 yards ...... unless the Mr. Stacy was not on the property when he made the shot:

The RV Park at 7120 North Hwy. 183, Early, TX 76802 (this is the address in the news story - the name of the business appears to have changed) ...... It's a wooded area, and there are not many places one can see 165 yards ....... 165 feet? More likely.
Imagine that: MSM getting "minor" details wrong .......

They did not get the "minor" details wrong. In fact, they reported them EXACTLY AS CLAIMED by Stacy and released by the Sheriff's Department.

As I commented on Stacy back on post 21...

I would not be surprised if he [Stacy] was off by 50% or more on the estimates.

He was off by about 65%
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