Cigar as Deterrent

Bolivian cigars---with clove! :barf: (Yech!)

You'll probably recieve more compliments farting in a crowded elevator; but for the same reason, they make one hell of a nasal deterrent. :D


Cigar as a weapon? Hey, it worked for the chic in Romancing The Stone, di'nit? :p
Rickmeister, we pipe smokers have a counter for that. It's called latakia, and it actually tastes GOOD, so HA!

I've often wondered how effective my pipe tool would be. It's a little three-part device with a small spoon, a tamper, and a poker all held together with a rivet. I figure I could hold the poker between my knuckles and punch at an eye. Of course this would mean that for some reason my knife wasn't an option and I couldn't effectively use my hands, so looking at it as a whole, it's about as effective as my fingernails, but you never know.
I always figured the stem would be more effective than the pipe tool, especially if I was smoking one of those looong Canadians.
Of course, I prefer Danish Freehands. Hmmm, a Kirsten, now...
Cigar as deterrent...

You'll probably end up in jail when the EPA swat team finds that you not only have threatened human life with those deadly second hand fumes, but have also damaged the environment in the process. Charges : assault with a deadly weapon (toxic fumes). Then on top of that you'll be sued in civil court for violating your "victim's" civil rights.
If I have to go for a gun while smoking, then step one is to flick the lit ciggie at my attacker while doing so; most folks tend to instinctively duck/dodge/flinch away from objects flying at their face, especially red hot ones. Might just buy that extra half-second.
D.W., I always thought that the shank/tenon would break before you really got it deep into anything, although I suppose I wouldn't have to actually drive it into an eye to get the necessary moment I'd need.

Kirstens are those metal-shanked ones, right? That'd make quite a weapon. Since I smoke mostly deep bends (all but 2 are oom's), I guess I'll have to stick with my knife.

On an almost related note, which one of the op-center books was it where there's a pipe/knife duel?
Cigar as a deterrent ???

As I recall, Bill Clinton tried to use one to keep Monica Lewinski from attacking him, and it didn't stop her , she just kept a' cummin. :D
I recommend an extremely tight wrapped Parodi that has been lit with a butane lighter shoved either in the eye socket or up a nostril, kind of like one should employ a 25 automatic if that's all they have.;)