Cigar as Deterrent


New member

This just came to mind last night as I was enjoying a Cubano while out on a walk, but how effective would it be to wield a lit cigar as a deterrent when approached/harassed by strangers. Would it be a practical improvised 'weapon'?

I seem to remember learning some lit cigarette techniques over a decade ago, but have since forgotten proper, if practical usage of using the lit end to keep someone at arm's length, flicking ash into eyes, deterring a not-so-serious aggressor. Of course I know that lit cigars probably wouldn't do much damage, but none of us like to get burned either.

Would this most likely act as a deterrent to defuse potential confrontations, or would it likely escalate a situation?
Break a bear hug? It might be an alternative to a head butt. I suggest reviewing old tapes of The A-Team and copies of Wolverine for tips.

Let's be honest here. . . . you're fishing for an excuse to smoke cigars, right? ;)
I hear they do a pretty good job of keeping mosquitoes and flies away.


I'd think it would be a one shot weapon. The burning tip would fall off too easily.
Yeah, it's an excuse to smoke more cigars!

I don't want it to be a weapon as much as a deterrence.

If anyone is familiar with the low-level threats of aggressive panhandlers, street people, etc. we have in San Francisco, I was wondering what I could 'wield' in my hand without conspicuosly looking like a weapon.

It seems like a lit butt casually held between myself & an annoying person would keep them at a distance, hopefully make them move on, without escalating the situation.
Gotta say that the smoke from some cheapo cigars is dangerous and poses a hazard to those without adequate protection.
Can't see it being a deterrent at all.

Can definitely see it as escalating a situation if you used it or threatened to use it on a BG. That would definitely cause the adrenaline to flow -- in the BG! :eek:

As for docile panhandlers, maybe so.

You need the deluxe fighting peace pipe. :cool:


Ta Tonka!
You are under attack
Your only weapon is a lit cigar.
Shove that sucker through his eyeball...
And the altercation may have just halted.

I honestly can't see a lit cigar or cigarette as a viable self defense weapon against even the most humble pan handler, and then I imagine a simple strong word would do.

There must be some reason why police officers require those under arrest or detention to extinguish their butts, however.
1. Put cigar between your middle and ring fingers in a tight fist.

2. Punch the BG as hard as you can in the throat, nose, whatever is available.

3. Continue as needed.

4. Presto! Good thing you had that cigar . . . . :p
Don Gwinn,

Then the panhandler's complaint to the cops includes assault with a lethal substance in addition to assault and battery because the nicotine in the cigar is "bad" all by itself. :D :rolleyes:
This reminds me of Robert Earl Keen, Jr.'s song, Copenhagen. I bet it's a deterrent to worms and long relationships . . . . :p
Cigar as a deterrent?....Ridiculous!..................................If anyone can be deterred with a lit cigar then some threatening words should work as well.

If the attacker actually attacks, then definetly jab the lit end anywhere at his face. (Be prepared for them to try to grab at the cigar to break it, or worse, decide a swift kick to your groin is appropiate),
If you do put the cigar out on his face/hand/neck it will defintely piss him off! (Wouldn't it you?) But it will also give you a small window of opportunity to either flee or follow through with a counter attack aimed at ending the situation, if you are really lucky you won't have damaged the cigar so badly that it cannot be relit.....*g*