Church Shooting - Detroit

I made a thread here a few weeks ago (Church Security). Even before the rash of church arsons in Alabama, the State Board of Missions has been teaching seminars on the topic of church security. There must be a need if there is a course about it. I attended one conference and found a book on Amazon entitled "Crime Prevention in Houses of Worship". You would be surprised (or maybe not) what crimes go on in churches, synagogues, etc. They are difficult to find because FBI lists church crime under "business" instead of separately.

I have been preaching security at my church for 11 years, but it took 9 cars being broken into a few weeks before CHRISTmas to open the eyes of the rest of the leadership. As a result, we have patrols during services, and we are adding CCTV to our facility as soon as we get our newest building completed. Our church didn't even have a plan for evacuation in event of fire or severe weather, never mind bomb threats, or a plan for missing children, armed intruder, suspicious packages, medical emergencies, etc. I'm currently writing a safety manual for the congregation. We are fairly large for the area, but are rural and fire/sheriff/ambulance response is not quick most times. There is a monitored alarm for times when we are absent, but I am working on response during services.

Good stewardship means protecting all God's resources.
I am a regular church attender with a CCW, and while I trust God with my protection, I also know that I live in a dangerous world where irrational people do crazy and dangerous things anywhere and everywhere. Everywhere would include in a church, school, mall, or any other public place. I'm smart enough to know that I'm not truly "safe" anywhere, and I even carry on my person in my own home. I feel that it is my responsibility to myself, my family, and those I love to remain vigilant, prepared, and aware at all times. I don't worry about what may happen, but I am prepared in the event that something does happen. I have decided(like many, many others on this forum) to take personal responsibility for my own safety, and I don't delegate that responsibility to anyone else. Besides, who else would I trust my life to? Besides my wife, of course, who also carries everywhere it is legal to do so, including church. Just my thoughts. You can agree or disagree, but you won't convince me to change my mind.
Anyone who does a study of the major world religions can tell you that the building has little to do with being seen as a sacred place. Whether Islamic, Christian, or Jewish, the building does not protect anyone from anything. It is the assembly of like-minded people that make the location special (to the person), but not holy. Those of you who are comparing the lack of protection from a Divine Force as equating preference of a firearm are missing the entire point.

Rather than ridicule, why don't you at least think a few positive thoughts about the situation, maybe even pray for those people who experienced such a tragedy, and like my ole’ momma used to say… if you can’t say anything nice then shut your damn month.

Trust me, quoting a terrible movie like End Of Days is neither clever nor appropriate in a situation where people were shot in a church.

I miss the days of Classical Education being taught in Public Schools. All insults can be taken to me privately, if you feel the need.
Mete, I had a coworker who saw my beretta 92 on my hip and said to me "son, you don't need that gun, I have dispatched gods angels to protect this printing shop". I said thanks and went back to work. I didn't get sarcartic or anything. She was definitely blinded like you say. She was a terribly nice woman and a fine believer. I go by the paper and nightly news which shows that God has his hands full and expects us to take care of ourselves.
Here in Kansas our legislature is attempting to pass a concealed carry law (SB 418) again. We had one passed two years ago but it was vetod by our democrat governor. It looks like there may be enough votes to override any veto attempt this time.

Anyway, there was a proposed amendment that would have made it illegal to carry in church. That amendment was rejected. I guess the legislature knows that even if God is with you wherever you go, criminals can follow you there.
A good friend in LE told me DHS taught a course he attended entitled "Soft Targets: Malls, Schools, and Houses of Worship".

With Homeland Security and my own state Board of Missions having seminars/conferences on the subject, I'd say we definitely have a reason for concern.

Sure, God can (and does) protect us. But read Job. He took the hedge away from him and allowed Satan to attack him. And not because Job had sinned, either(well, no more than the rest of us, anyway). Why does God allow these things? I don't know, but he gets the Glory in the end. As bad as the world is today, if He completely stayed his hand, it would be infinitely worse.