Church Shooting - Detroit


New member
Just saw on FOX about a man in Detroit who opened fire with a rifle or shotgun in a church. Supposedly he shot 3 people. He was still at large.

As this "carrying in church" question comes up from time to time - is there anyone that really thinks church is safe(r) & so carrying there doesn't matter, or is sacreligous or whatever?
If you kill a man UNECESSARILY... It doesn't matter what edifice you kill him in... :rolleyes:

If you kill a man out of NECESSITY... It doesn't matter what edifice you kill him in... :cool:

If you decide that it is sinful, in the eyes of your God, to kill out of the NECESSITY to defend innocent human life... you're either a fanatic, or you worship the the wrong God... :eek:

IMNSHO... :p
Yes the sheeple think church is a sacred place therefore is safe and you don't need a gun there...And it doesn't matter how many examples to the contrary you show them ,they are still sheeple !!:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I remember a verse that stated if you didn't have a sword to sell your cloak and buy one.

Especially with religiously driven terrorism, if I could carry in church, I would.
Especially with religiously driven terrorism, if I could carry in church, I would.
Maybe more accurately, ESPECIALLY IN CHURCH!
We only need to read a paper or briefly look at history to know that religious zealots know no country, race or brand of belief system. They're everywhere to ensure we live their way or ultimately cease to live at all.
Mix these sick zealots with a little church and state issues right here in "River City" and you have instant ignition!
God must be so proud of the work they do in his name!:eek: :eek: :eek: :mad:

Why close it? It's a valid situation and since it does not point any fingers at the Spiritual side of the churches but rather addresses a very real threat, it is something worthy of reasoned discussion.
I believe it was said best in the movie End of Days by Arnold Schwarzenegger : "Between your faith and my Glock nine millimeter, I'll take the Glock." Basically saying that while god does watch over us, bullets are more persuading to a gunman than the bible.
The alleged shooter apparently later committed suicide. After he left the church members hugged and prayed !!
remember a verse that stated if you didn't have a sword to sell your cloak and buy one.

Especially with religiously driven terrorism, if I could carry in church, I would.

Rabbis here have issued rulings that call upon the faithful to carry in the synagogues.
Pointer requests: Please close this thread...

For obvious reasons...

Note, that his request comes after he has had the opportunity to make his reply.

I still don't see the obvious reason though........
why close this thread how is talking about carrying in Church any different then talking about carrying in the Mall? history shows us bad things can happen at either place.
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Given the locations in any number of news reports posted here where people are shot, I carry anywhere and everywhere I can.
Note, that his (Pointer's) request comes after he has had the opportunity to make his reply.
:p :p

why close this thread
Thank you for keeping it respectable...

I wanted it closed because it was beginning to look like it was deteriorating into a "let's rail on God believers and infidel haters..."

I support carrying whenever and wherever the need might arise... :cool:

Yes the sheeple think church is a sacred place

Perhaps I was too hasty... :o
Pointer , there was, on this or another forum, recently a list of attacks in churches .While I do not attend church my comment was not anti religion.The point was that there are those who can not and will not face reality. It is perhaps more so for church goers since the church has always been seen as a sanctuary. I'm sure that the list of church attacks would not open the eyes of the "faithful" sheeple, or any other sheeple. You should study the church pedophile history to see how much evil can be in church !!
According to the paper today, the shooting had nothing to do with religion. It had to do with(as usual it seems) a girl. The moron came into the church with a sawed-off 12 gauge to find out where his ex-girlfriend(whom he had assaulted a month before) was located. When her mother wouldn't tell him, he shot and killed her, and also took a couple fingers off the hand of a young girl seated next to her. Then this piece 'o work shoots a man who he was trying to pull a carjack on. That man died today. The 22 year-old shooter killed himself later on Sunday. Apparently the girl he sought had asked to press assault charges the month before, but no warrant was issued, no arrest made, and now it doesn't matter. This kind of crap has become regular news around here. All disputes are settled with shots fired no matter the pettiness or legality. Every day, no exaggeration on my part. Just about ALL shots come from illegally held guns. Stay away from Detoilet, it's not a nice place to live.
Re Church shooting.

I carry everywhere I can legally. I was quite active several years ago in a big church. I was acting as an usher that month and their had been a rash of car break inns. I was ushering with an off duty deputy sherrif also a church member who had his Glock in an ankle rig. He is very pro gun. I told him I had my Glock in an ankle rig too and he said "great brother if it goes down I have backup". The scum that were hitting the chuch members cars were caught that same week hitting cars in a mall parking lot. :cool: