Really? Seriously?
Soo..finding 50-60 bodies at a time killed by gangs/cartels is LEGAL? I would have thought those murders were of the illegal variety....
Really, learn where the sarcasm smiley face is, and use it!
All the signs in the world don't stop determined people. Posting a "nogun" sign at a business is nothing more than a pathetic attempt to CYA by the business. Its a sad commentary on the state of things today that a business must put up a sign specifically saying "you may not..." or someone will try to hold them responsible when a third party breaks not just store rules but the law, as well.
The idea that not having a "nogun" sign somehow allows or encourages someone to criminally use a gun in their store is laughable on a common sense level, unfortunately, common sense things are often not recognized by the courts and lawyers.
If putting up a useless sign allows a business to get out of the "deep pockets" category in the eyes of a jury, then of course they are going to do it.