Chinese Type 53 Nagant


New member
Hey Ya'll,

I ordered a Type 53 today. Anyone have one of these? I know the M44 is not as accurate as the 91/30 with the attached bayonet and all, but how does the type 53 shoot? Classic Arms said the stocks on these have some dents and dings on them, so I just may try to refinish this one. That is if the years of embedded cosmoline don't interfere with it. Any tips on refinishing a nagant stock? I also wonder what wood the chinese used on these. Anyway looking forward to getting it.
There are tons of articles and posts here on how to clean, strip, and refinish a Mosin stock, and another ton or so on why you shouldn't. These include rumor, mythology, apocryphal anecdotes, hearsay, legends, and some actual good advice on what to use and how to use it. The only good advice I have to offer is clean and/or strip with the least harsh chemical/method that gets the job done, i.e., if soap and hot water work, don't use acetone or, if a green pad works, don't use sandpaper.
I have one, my bringback. How well it will shoot will depend on your skills, the condition of the bore, the type of ammo you use-newly manufactured vs. surplus of murky provenance and years of poor storage, etc. Checking the screws and barrel bands before the first range session is a wise idea. My resident rifle guru says he tightens everything before the first range session, if the rifle does not shoot well then you're loosening the screws rather than adjusting them back and forth. A thorough cleaning of the bore, of course, though don't worry if you can't get it shiny.
I bought a Type 53 from a local gun shop last month. Accuracy depends on the individual carbine's condition. However, potential accuracy and quality are equal to other M44s. I don't refinish so am of no help there. The stocks were made of a local wood called catalpa, chu or tulip wood.
There must have been a large shipment, everyone's advertising them now...
I've stayed away from them because the ads I've seen indicate they're pretty beat up, with frosty thanks...

Let us know how yours looks when you get it.
Family,Firearms and Finishes has some hand-picked if you want to go that way, may give you a better than a throw-of-the-dice rifle than just ordering one blind.
Well I got it, The stock has some dents and scratches but overall not to bad, the bore looks pretty good, but I will be able to tell more when I clean it. the blueing on it is decent. I will post pics later, don't know if I will try to do anything to the stock or not, I like how its all dull and not shiny. And I'll tell you this much the action on this Type 53 is MUCH smoother than a Russian. But that may be cause it has a billion rounds through it :D. I just wanted this thing because I want one of EVERY model and variation of the nagant. And I am chipping away at that goal pretty good. I will pick up a round Tula and Izzy Friday, found them locally. But yeah I'd much rather buy them in person, I really don't care for this sight unseen stuff. But all in all it should make for some fun FIRE BALL slinging range sessions :D
SOG has them for $150...mebbe I need to get one...

What is their reputation as compared to the Russians for accuracy?
Really liking this type 53

This type 53 rifle has some nice features on it. The front sight post is ALOT like an SKS looks different than the M44 front hooded sight. What I REALLY like is the trigger it has VERY little creep and breaks really clean and crisp, I haven't put the gauge on it yet but its not real heavy either. The opening spring pressure on the bolt is lighter than the Ruskies too. Pics to come soon so far I'm happy, She's getting a bath today I just took all of her clothes off LOL I say snap these up fellas while they are available.
Here is a few pics of it after I cleaned it all up. Man the action of this thing is slick, I can tell a difference between it and the 91/30. And the rifling it this thing is deep and bore shines like a new penny.

Mine just arrived from SOG yesterday. No pics yet, but the metal was in excellent condition, with just a bit of surface rust at the last 1/4" of the barrel. It just brushed off, so it may have actually been some "rust dust" that just stuck there.

The stock...well, clearly it has had some use. It's not terrible, but the varnish has some white, scaly spots on the sides of the butt and it was really dry. Also, on the left side, right in the middle of the finger grooves, was a burnt spot. Not like it got was actually charred! Nonetheless, I'm quite satisfied. I didn't expect that it would be a perfect collector's item. It's what I figured it would be: an arsenal reworked rifle that's been around the block a time or two since 1954.

FWIW, the only mark on the stock (aside from the burn) is what appears to be a number "1". Also, the bolt doesn't match the rest of the numbers - again, not a surprise. I'm sure that there was a big bucket o'bolts in the arsenal.

As far as whether one would be advised to pick up one of these rifles, my thinking was that this is the first time that I've seen them in quantity and, who knows, it might be the last. For one and a half bills, it seemed like a cheap way to fill in an empty spot in my collection. And, like I said before, I'm satisfied.

Tomorrow, despite the potential for rain and snow, I'll be off to the range to see what happens.
Made it to the range today and it was beautiful - 40 degrees and sunny is pretty rare in February!


I took a few extras with me. It was also the first time shooting the Steyr M95. Both the Steyr and the Type 53 have smooth actions and nice, nice triggers. They're both more accurate than I am - I don't know if I'd say tack driver, if only because my poor old eyes can't really do their part, but it seems to me that both carbines put their rounds right where I aimed them. I could hit a clay pigeon four out of five times at a hundred yards with each. Not too bad with my fuzzy vision.

The Steyr wins out in the end because it balances better (and looks nicer), but the ammo cost is a little brutal. If I can find the right mold, I'll be casting and loading my own, I think.
My T53 was sadly "bubba'd" before I bought it (thinking I could return it to military trim, unfortunately not), but is an excellent shooter. I had not noticed the difference between it's front sight and my M44's - same post and ring but the T53 has a wider base/dovetail portion.
I really wish someone had not cut down the original stock, as it's dark color and figure look very much like a decent Walnut!
I may finish the 'customizing' started on it, as the stock, barrel and front sight/bayo unit have all been buggered. No collector value. Would make a nice little little scoped deer or pig rifle.
My six other Mosins remain as issued.
Nice range pic and report Hardcase. And you got the dark colored stock on your 53, I was hoping classic was going to send me that stock. Oh well I may have to order another without the hand pick fee :D. And that M95 is a beautiful weapon. i have though about getting one, but you're right the ammo prices are horrible, but none the less, they all can't be as cheap as the nagant.
What caliber is that Styer?

At the last gun show I saw a few boxes of weird old Norma Brass cases selling for cheap, but I didn't know whom might want it or even its value. If anyone wants to clue me in I'd appreciate it.
From my understanding its rare to find a matching chinese M/N in good shape. So if you got one keep it lol.
At the last gun show I saw a few boxes of weird old Norma Brass cases selling for cheap, but I didn't know whom might want it or even its value. If anyone wants to clue me in I'd appreciate it.

8mm x 56R, as jsmaye said. PRVI unprimed brass sells for about $55/100 at Graf's. The hard part is getting a bullet to fit the bore. For some reason, there is quite a variation in bore diameters.

I assume they aren't matching?

No. I imagine that at the armory (or even at CAI), there was a crate of rifles and a bucket of bolts because everything but the bolt matches. I wasn't as interested in a matching rifle as much as having the Chinese variant to fill my meager collection.