Chinese SKS- How long do I have?

I haven't actually seen anything on those sights. Ill have to take a look. I got destroyed by some stomach bug so the sks is currently in pieces in the garage. I've never seen so much cosmoline in my life haha. Its been a fun chore though taking it all off.

The wood is pretty beat up but no major pits in it just a lot of small ones. and the metal is is about 90%. Pics when I dont feel like death and the cosomoline is removed!
Im using brake part cleaner for the metal, and wiping down the wood. Most likely will use a little brake part cleaner on that too since its beat to hell anyway.
If you decide to buy a TS 200, the better Tech Sight for the SKS, you might enjoy the improvement in accuracy. No perm. alterations are needed, other than filing the tiny dimple Inside the bolt cover, on the takedown lever.

My only regret, other than not having the gun bug until well into middle age:(, was not buying the Tech soon after I bought the Norinco in '08.
I think the SKS is a very much underrated rifle. The dreamily endless supply of them may be only one big news headline away. Besides the relatively inexpensive ammo, rock solid performance and fun of shooting, the history is another appealing factor to me. Great for hunting, plinking and defense they are one of the best investments I've found in semi auto rifles. Stock or modified. Buy both, buy often