Chinese SKS- How long do I have?


New member
So a couple of websites have gotten some Chinese SKS' in stock. Now heres the question.

Can I wait a month till my bonus check comes in or do I have to act now because they will be gone in a month? Id like to avoid putting it on a Credit Card as much as possible, but I also don't want to miss out on a deal.

Been looking into getting a Intermediate round surplus rifle so I can give my shoulder a break from my Steyr M95/34 and my Mosin Nagant.

I missed on a 1905 Swedish Mauser a couple months back that was $230 and im still kicking myself for that one. Granted I was still in between jobs when I missed that beauty.

Also quick question there is an option for a 'cosmetic crack' stock for 25 dollars less, anyone have any experience with cracked stocks before?

I don't care about the looks as much as it cracking more over time or messing with the function of the gun.
With over 10 years of having a C&R FFL one big thing I have learned is when you snooze you lose!
Will you get your bonus check in time to pay off the charge on the credit card for the SKS during the no interesr grace period?
Hmmm most likely and cheapshooter you are a fantastic bad influence. SKS will be purchased next week.

Have you had any experience with cosmetic cracked stocks?
If that's the Classic Arms recent offer of all matching SKS rifles, buy it today.

Good surplus is going to disappear very soon.
Ahhh! damn bi-weekly paychecks and bills coming out in the begining of the month! lol

This will be purchased soon, ill just eat peanut butter and jelly for lunch til next pay check!
How much are they asking for them ?
These are going to do nothing but go up$. Supplies are drying up and I don't see any big shipments coming in.
Ps.. Stocks are still easy to come by.
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Chinese SKS are always in abundance. they wont disappear overnight like AKs or tokarev ammo

22lr ammo ALWAYS had been in abundance too. Yeah, you can still find it sometimes, but its going up like everything else. Whether its guns and ammo, or food..
I traded a extra norinco SKS i had for a nice YUGO AK under folder even up this march.
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and yet throughout that whole ordeal this winter when ammo, AR15s, and AKs were completely wiped off the shelves... chinese SKS were still available everywhere, I bough mine during that craze and the fellow still had them left. some stores were forced to filled the racks that used to hold all the EBRs with nothing but SKS and almost all were chinese.
Great post. I always like the bonus check justification.

I hope for the OP we can get an answer on the cracked stock but how about the "handpick"? I have always just added in that extra but is it really that big a deal? I have always wondered if they had the best set aside or it meant some kids just goes and grabs the one he thinks is best from the pile. Is handpick really necessary?
I'll give you another example of 'snooze or lose'. Just Wednesday received a note from the Maryland Shooters Forum that Widener's had $135 Yugo Toks. Went to the site, checked out the description and for the price said, "what the hell', and ordered one immediately.

Less than 5 mins later, while others on the forum were discussing whether or not to buy, Widener's were sold out.


yes, most firearms will always be available later, but
if it's available now for a good price grab it, cause
good deals don't last long and
the prices on guns and ammo tend to go only one way over the long term--up
Handpick means the visually best of 5 or 10, the group being the case of guns open at the time. I usually pay the fee and get pleased for it.
Thanks again Cheap! I wasn't aware of this site

Also update. I will be purchasing one on Tuesday!

EDIT: Ya I have also always wondered on the 'hand pick' option. I used it on my 1895 Nagant Revolver that was rated 'very good- Excellent' and got an excellent one. But when I bought my Steyr is 'good-very good' I didn't select hand picked and still got a real good looking rifle.

So bottom line for me...who knows?

I probably wont be selecting hand pick for the SKS as it will be more of a shooter than a collector piece.
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Just placed my order for my SKS from on my lunch break!

Opted for the +20 dollar hand select, anyone have any experience with how long it will take for me to receive my present?
Excellant news, Nice relaxing Saturday date with me and some cosomoline.

Im hoping that me deciding not to cheap out and not only, not get the cracked stock option but also selecting a handed picked rifle pays off :)

Ive seen in the reviews that people have been getting Russian sks...Do I feel lucky? haha
Prices are coming back down...
AR lowers under $100 again, rifles for $600...
AK's for $600.

Keep in mind that even milsurps won't "disappear". They're always there, and in fact, much of the "surplus" being sold by dealers these days isn't from foreign government arsenals, but private collections being recycled.

Like anything else, an SKS (or any weapon) is worth exactly what someone is willing to pay for it at the time.

You might be familiar with Tech Sights. The TS 200, which was easily installed on my Norinco requires No permanent alteration to the exterior (just filing the tiny dimple, on the inside of the small takedown lever).

It is so much more accurate, that my only regret was not buying it sooner.
It is the Only alteration I've ever done to any of my fourteen rifles, because all are milsurps except for two.