Chinese policemen gunned down kidnapper

One thing I though was weird was the fact that the CHINESE police had “POLICE” on their uniforms spelled in English???????
I have no clue why. Would it not have been more normal to have it written in Chinese?

Between increased tourism by westerners, the Olymics, and western influence, it isn't terribly surprising to see "POLICE" on their jackets, though I would have expected to see Chinese symbols as well. "Police" and the various western spellings are similar enough to be recognized around much of the world.

Here is another video documenting the Chinese police and their gear. Note that a lot of their gear has the English word "POLICE" on it.
Here is another vid with the Chinese police after killing another hostage taker. Note the use of "POLICE" on several of the uniforms...
Video starts at 2:03, the poor guy didn't even fire his gun, the police alreadly killed him. If this happed in America there it be very controversial

Why would it be controversial when the suspect had a gun pointed at the police?

The only thing that might be controversial is if the officers weren't reprimanded for putting their lives at risk by not ending things MUCH sooner.:cool:
Those Chinese cops are probably wearing knockoff pirated 5.11 jackets and they get a discount for some reason ;)

They did fine. Probably should have shot sooner, but how many armed perps do they really face? I am sure it happens, but almost certainly not in the numbers we see.