Chinese policemen gunned down kidnapper

No it wouldn't he would have died much faster than in China. He was holding a gun with muzzle pointed at police, over here he would have had zero chance and first order to drop weapon would have been followed in split seconds by barrage of bullets. These guys are almost in slow-motion and gave him way too much time. If he had decided to shoot he had a chance to shoot one of them. Just seeing gun muzzle pointed at you is enough to justify killing the perp. No one will ever know what he was thinking, what an idiot!
well they said "drop you gun" but he said "no" then he was shot repeately. They did not even ask him to surrender or warn him and it it not really necessary to fire so many times.
well they said "drop you gun" but he said "no" then he was shot repeately
Didn't matter if it was police, military, armed security guard or civilian. Pointing a gun is an offensive action and you have the right to prevent him from harming or taking somebody's life by taking his first if he refused to disarm. It was a good shoot.
I won't even pretent to know what SOP is for Chinese police when confronting an armed perp but if that were here in the US he'd have been shot right away. Given the hesitation of the police to fire, it looks like it could be a case of suicide by cop. If the perp had the intent of shooting at police he had ample time to do so. What is the average sentence for kidnapping in China?... oh yeah, it's Death. (NOT intended to start a capital punishment argument, only suggesting what may have sparked the behavior... cause after all, i'm also an internet video criminal behaviorist and I'm never wrong :p)
well they said "drop you gun" but he said "no" then he was shot repeately. They did not even ask him to surrender or warn him and it it not really necessary to fire so many times.

Don't kidnap people and the point guns at cops. They might kill you if you do. They won't kill you if you don't.

He's not a victim. He was the aggressor and threatened to kill innocent people. Now he's dead. It's on him. No one else.
Yeah, the only problem I saw that was controversial was that the police waited too long to deal with the threat. The kidnapper, had the three key criteria for self defense to be used against him including intent, opportunity, and ability.

You don't point guns at the the cops.
I have seen cops in Kenya armed with AK-47s get into it with crazy guy with a machete who cut 3 of them and they still wouldn't shoot him. They did beat him half to death of course and as far as I know there is no such thing as police brutality over there and there is no suing the cops even if they kill you. It seems just that alone reduces the chances they kill you. They really didn't want to kill the guy and went beyond call of duty not to kill him even after he inflicted dead cuts on 3 of them. :confused:

By same token I saw on video caught by a tourist over there where a motorist is pursued by plain cloths cops in unmarked cars. They box him in. He gets out of the car confused with arms in the air begging for his life. They mumble something translated as (we are going to finish you. Choose in the face or in the back) They then tell him to lie down on the pavement face down, one of them pulls out a pistol and executes the poor guy with three shots to the back of the head. :eek: Beyond believe. It looked like an extra-judicial killing. Maybe he ****** off some politicians or official who knows!! But The shocker is when minutes later uniformed police show up on the scene briefly talk to the civilian dressed cops, and then the uniformed police clean up the mess. Video picked up later showing a story in the paper next days talking about a police pursuit followed by thug exchanging gunfire with the police leading to his execution. It seems routine over there for police to kill with no obvious reason and mostly hardly anyone raises an eyebrow. Attitude seems to be "guy must have done something bad"

I just have never really understood why there were two wildly different MOs in the same country by authorities unless said authorities suctioned the second incident. A lot of these things have no ryme or reason because in most countries the rules are so damn vague. Apparently in Kenya if you face away from the cops and run, they have the right to execute you. No one runs from the cops like in the US. When you see a traffic stop, its funny a guy with an AK simply waves and most everyone obeys doesn't dare run because they won't bother chase you. They have a group down the road ready to light up the fireworks no matter who is with you in the car. In the US you wouldn't get killed for simply running. But wielding a machete let alone cutting a cop with it gets you killed.

I suppose the rules in China are different. But If it were me, honestly I would have shot him the minute he said no, which was clear indication of intent. When the cop says drop it, you better drop it unless you are deaf. I however don't agree when cops shoot a guy for wielding a knife, unless he cuts you or rushes you, you shouldn't just kill him because you think he could throw it at you. Then again unless you are on scene your judgement of situation is usually off.

When I travel I usually research and try to find out what to do if stopped by local cops. This way I won't do what comes naturally to me at home and windup in trouble due to a misunderstanding.
One thing I though was weird was the fact that the CHINESE police had “POLICE” on their uniforms spelled in English???????
I have no clue why. Would it not have been more normal to have it written in Chinese?
dec41971 said:
I have seen cops in Kenya armed with AK-47s get into it with crazy guy with a machete who cut 3 of them and they still wouldn't shoot him. They did beat him half to death of course and as far as I know there is no such thing as police brutality over there and there is no suing the cops even if they kill you. It seems just that alone reduces the chances they kill you. They really didn't want to kill the guy and went beyond call of duty not to kill him even after he inflicted dead cuts on 3 of them. Shouldn't have to say it, but GRAPHIC

That was in Nicaragua, if I'm thinking of the same video, and it wasn't even a Machete, it was simply a 10 inch knife. Which is amusing, seeing as people don't expect a knife to actually drop a person. The man also stated his intent. He was insane, and their hesitance to kill him was likely because of that. But yes, he did take down 3-4 police before they finally shot, and they DID shoot when they could. There were other people not far off, which had to be taken into account.

As for the video in the OP, it seemed like they gave him ample time to drop his weapon. They were heavily armoured as far as I could tell, and the man was panicked. It seemed like they entered the room so fast he couldn't pick a target. He had his chance, but a stand off has to end. I think they did fine, I'm sure the suspense made those seconds seem like hours, but they tried. That accounts for something, criminal or not.
Thanks BlackFeather! Would you happen to have a link to the video with the guy getting executed? It was on BBC website for a while can't find it. And sorry about the mix up. I thought it was Kenya, but maybe only the execution was in Kenya, but now I am not so sure, maybe Nigeria but definitely in Africa. Anyhow it makes one think twice about the rules on the ground in a foreign country. What you don't know can really truly kill you. Never assume our rules make sense everywhere. I wonder how much of this is culture and values and how much is really bad training. If no one perhaps showed those folks how quickly you can get killed may explain them waiting so long for man with gun there before taking him out.
If this happed in America there it be very controversial

And you know this how? Says you is in china.... If you ever come here, do not, I repeat, do not expect American police to wait as long as them chinese police did. Here you will get a hail of bullets hitting your body.

When police say drop it, best drop it. or suffer the results..
Human Rights Violation?

I'm sure the policeman was thinking about all of the Human Rights Violations America has heaped upon China, therefore the "wild west" law and order theme has been left to Hollywood.
Video starts at 2:03, the poor guy didn't even fire his gun, the police alreadly killed him. If this happed in America there it be very controversial

Possibly, probably not. The only people upset about it would likely be the criminals. They tend to cry some crocodile tears when they lose one of their own and walk about how they are being kept down.

Pointing a weapon at someone IS deadly force in US law. I find it hard to believe that in China it is that much different. If a known dangerous criminal is pointing a gun at the police in the US, this is often his last act on Earth.

I'm sure the policeman was thinking about all of the Human Rights Violations America has heaped upon China, therefore the "wild west" law and order theme has been left to Hollywood.

:confused: I won't even pretend to understand what that means.