China Readying to Secure Lebensraum

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Is that guy like 200 years old or what.......

probably ran out of his dementia medications before giving the speech.

We are one of China's largest trade partners.......I say Greed overcomes vanity anyday. What 80% of chines want is wesern style living.

make capitalism not war...........

I say put this thread out of its misery.
It is different in character and degree from western racism. More of ethnic/national pride,
Yes I agree with that for the most part.

But I have seen blatant racism in Asian countries as well as from the true Asians here

The Asians raised here do not seem as racist as the ones I have met overseas or the FOBs
Two questions:

Why did I just read all of that,


Who has too much time on their hands that they wrote this bullpucky?
But how did this speech get out I would think that this is something that the Chinese would want to keep under their hat for now. With the element of surprise being all the rage in military circles.
Do you remember the little war between Egypt and Israel in 1973. The Egyptions got in their landing crafts and went halfway across the canal then turned around and went home. Israel went totally nuts for a few days. A couple of weeks later Egypt did the same thing. Israel went nuts again. This happened time and time again over the months so that finally the Israelies could set their watches at the time Egypt would load up its little boats. Israel got used to the military exercises and didn't go nuts any more. Got lazy.

Then one day the Egyptions didn't stop in the middle of the canal. :eek:

I'm not making this up.
This is the absurd way too many posts go on this forum:
"Well, where's the source?"
"I dunno, but it COULD be true, ya know."
"OK, then let's PRETEND it is true and debate it as such. We'll have so much fun."
"OK, then, I think the point is that, ASSUMING it's true, I disagree with the third sentence in Paragraph 135 because....."

Only problem is, the fence sitters stop by and move on due to the Low Signal to Noise Ratio. Which leaves us all with a higher Twit to Member ratio....and so it goes.

I'm not accusing anyone on this thread (including the originator) of being a "Twit". You'll each define your conditions in the following posts.

Carry on. :rolleyes:
Because of its one child policy China's population is actually falling. I would have thought that a bigger potential lebensraum issue / problem lies with India.

Certainly both China and India represent significant problems for the West- particularly as the population in most western countries ages.
Which leaves us all with a higher Twit to Member ratio.

When I was a young yuppie I had a girlfriend whose bra size (34) was larger than her IQ and whose main occupation in life was being a professional football cheerleader...we called her "the Twit".....when she and her cheerleading gurlfriends got together it was an extrmely high twit ratio...


Isn't it true that in certain archaic languages (aramaic?) "Ninja" is synonomous with "Twit"?

It'd be nice if the forum software had an option for "Enter this post but do not bump to the top". That'd be real handy for "don't feed the troll posts", not that that would be applicable in this case.

Or, like the primitive forum software at Auction Arms, which makes the starter of a thread its default administrator and permits unilateral thread deletion by the starter/admin at any point in time.

A feature I would have appreciated myself on occasion.

...just musing.
When she and her cheerleader girlfriends got together it was extremely high twit ratio.

That has to be one of the best blurbs uttered around this place.

That would rate a chortle and a guffaw.... :p

Lucibella you "offered" to delete this thread if I couldn't produce sources, I didn't and its still here, I will deal with it by forgetting about it. IMO its a waste of bandwidth now. I'm sorry I didn't research it better, but to my knowledge I cannot delete the entire thread.
Isn't it true that in certain archaic languages (aramaic?) "Ninja" is synonomous with "Twit"?

No actually, based on me and Spiff, its synonymous with "Fat" (at least in my case, I dont think they had a term for Spiff such as"hideously obese")

If they invaded the U.S., who would buy their flip-flops and mass-produced trinkets?

That not funny...what if they cut off the supply of toasters and wonder bras, what would we do then?

CobrayCommando said:
Lucibella you "offered" to delete this thread if I couldn't produce sources, I didn't and its still here, I will deal with it by forgetting about it. IMO its a waste of bandwidth now. I'm sorry I didn't research it better, but to my knowledge I cannot delete the entire thread.
First off, you have permission to call me "Rich". It's really rather more polite than "Lucibella".

Second, I understand your desire for me to delete this is quite embarrassing. Only problem is, there are about 2K per week threads posted on this site and Staff does not function as personal editors of poorly researched claims that cause embarrassment to the originators.

Starting to get the picture?
Again, Think Twice, Post Once.

Thread Mercifully Euthanized.
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