Chilling 'Conspiracy' from July 1994

Do-gooder @$$holes!!

The first thing we do, is hang all the do-gooders, right after the politicians and lawyers (except Futo, of course!)


Be mentally deliberate but muscularly fast. Aim for just above the belt buckle Wyatt Earp
45 ACP: Give 'em a new navel! BigG
"It is error alone that needs government support; truth can stand by itself." Tom Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 1785
Ah, yes, Emory University; home turf to "Dr." Arthur Kellerman of the "43 times" theory on murder and "five times" theory on suicide. Of course neither of these "studies" has ever been released for peer review. What more need be said?

Gun Control: The proposition that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her own panty hose, is more acceptable than allowing that same woman to defend herself with a firearm.
Remember, children are the weapon of choice of the modern Liberal gun banner.

"Broaden the list of people who can not legally have guns.

We see a particular opportunity in seeking legislative action to broaden the legal definition of kinds of people that should be excluded from purchasing handguns. This is not only a rational way to protect our children, but also makes smart legislative strategy. This approach has the advantage of highlighting the limited impact of current legislation while forcing pro-gun forces into awkward defense of spouse abusers, child-molesters and other politically difficult groups."

I am waiting for the legislation that bans guns in any home occupied by any of the above. This would effectively negate the rights of the spouses of those persons in the absence of any wrongdoing on their part.

Of course, in the minds of these zealots, "spouse abusers, child-molesters and other politically difficult groups." have no right to life, or the protection thereof, through the most effective means of preserving their life. Regardless of their legal status, they are still citizens of the United States and should not have their rights abbrogated by fiat law that seeks to negate the Supreme Law of the Land.

[This message has been edited by jimpeel (edited December 15, 1999).]
AFN had James (something)/SAFE's main guy on for a discussion of their views. Can you say "into the lions' den?"

The guest-host & I ripped him pretty good for the hour. James is a lawyer & when asked about prior restraint (taking away a person's rights before any crime was committed), I had to 'splain to him what the phrase meant. Asked about gun registration, he didn't have an opinion because their group hadn't yet formed a policy.

Supposedly, SAFE is a non-partisan (read has both Dem & GoP anti-gun idiots) group whose intent is to propose "common sense" "gun safety" laws "for the children" so incidents like Columbine will never be repeated.

Lofty goals indeed.
The main thing that I took away from that treatise was that I'm now seriously considering taking up smoking, just because it looks like that would piss the idiots off.

The part that I thought was going to be interesting was where the report talked about how "some people" believe there are actually legitimate uses for firearms. They stated that an approach that demonized all forms of gun use the same way would likely not work. I agree, but they never explained how they were going to convince those people (such as me) that believe guns do have legitimate purposes.