Chilling 'Conspiracy' from July 1994

Jeff Thomas

New member
I know some folks get irritated with these 'read this' threads. But really, ... you should read this ;):

Titled: 'Not Even One: Report from The Carter Center of Emory University Consultation on the Crisis of Children and Firearms', I found it while looking for web information on one of the groups that duped those CO high school kids into going to Washington DC today. The two groups responsible were Handgun Control, Inc. (no surprise) and SAFE (Sane Alternatives to the Firearms Epidemic), a political action group formed in the aftermath of the Columbine tragedy.

If you take the time to read this entire piece (and, it is long), I think you will find it absolutely chilling. I don't usually use such terms, and I'm sure the participants would not see their actions in such a light, but IMHO this is essentially an effort to subvert the U.S. Constitution. Of course, they view the 'individual rights' interpretation of the 2nd Amendment as a "myth".

Here are some of the more interesting quotes from this report of 5 years ago:

"Our gathering was framed around a modest focus on:
1- children, not all people;
2- firearms, not all violence;
3- handguns, not all firearms;
4- those initiatives that could make an urgent and significant
impact (the next five to ten years);
5- those things we could begin working on immediately."


"We find that when we look at things through the eyes of children we get the question right and usually the answer follows." - the small is beautiful approach of true stargazers.


"The central driving conclusion of our gathering was the conviction that not one gun death of a child can be acceptable. Not even one." - which naturally and logically translates into being totally apathetic about how many other deaths they may cause by their foolish policy decisions.


"We found ourselves describing both an agenda and a movement. The general framework of our strategy flows into four basic categories, detailed in chapter three of this report:
- legislation that needs to be passed,
- research that must be done (and funded),
- a movement that must be built."


"We are attracted to the concept of a flat tax on handguns high enough to make the purchase decision less casual and to provide a flow of revenue for research, trauma centers and community initiatives that are necessary. We consider it very important to maintain the right of communities to try their own creative pro-child gun strategies. Thus we are concerned by state level preemption laws, which ineffect preempts (nullifies) local laws by the passage of a state law, pushed by cynical pro-gun interests afraid of creative municipal and county initiatives."


"We strongly support the movement by some key foundations to provide support in this area. However, government resources are essential for the scope, scale and longevity of the research needed. Any serious legislative steps to protect children must include funding for the research necessary to evaluate and improve our efforts."


"We must build a movement that is equal to task of changing the social climate. Movement building is as urgent as legislative and criminal justice interventions. The social climate cannot be changed as quickly as legislation can be passed. We know, however, that within our urgent time scale of five-to-ten years we have the tools and techniques to alter the role of guns in our society. Guns may be a deeper, more powerful cultural icon than cigarettes. We have barely begun to engage the task of changing guns from symbols of sexy power to symbols of stupid impotence. The tools of public education, mass media and community mobilization have only started to be employed."


"The Public Health Approach
Perhaps the most influential among the frameworks for advocacy considered at the consultation was the public health approach, the movement to "reframe" the problem in terms of the impact of firearms violence on the public's health. Advocated persuasively
at the consultation by Mark Rosenberg of National Injury Prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Arthur Kellerman of Emory University s Center for Injury Control, this approach has captured the imagination of many concerned about firearm violence. Though it has only been within the past decade or so that experts have begun to look at the staggering human costs associated with this epidemic as an issue primarily of public health, this perspective has already demonstrated its usefulness." - foundation for the municipal gun manufacturer lawsuits we're seeing currently.


"Many Americans see firearms as having at least some legitimate uses. Of course, a few have argued that the Constitution guarantees that each person can arm themselves if they choose. Such deeply-held myths will not be disposed of without careful and sensitive national debate over the appropriate relationship between the individual, the police, the community, and the state." - this part is certainly interesting.


"Though the current situation of virtual lack of regulation might benefit most from the creation of a new, independent regulatory agency such as the FDA or the CPSC, a more realistic alternative would be to greatly expand the authority of the BATF (through legislation) to set and monitor safety standards for firearms. Most handguns, as well as all assault weapons, would likely fail to pass any such new criteria, and would thus be banned."


"As the Advocacy Institute noted in a report prepared for the Joyce Foundation, 'Many and diverse individuals and organizations are poised to take up advocacy against gun violence, or to raise the epidemic of gun violence to the top of their advocacy priorities-- groups ranging from the Coalition for America's Children and the Children's Defense Fund to the NAACP, and the American Bar Association; the AFL-CIO; large and small retailers; mayors and law enforcement officials and their organizations; the American Public Health Association; the American Academy of Pediatrics; and Physicians for Social Responsibility.'" - I assure you, the list gets longer.


"Broaden the list of people who can not legally have guns.
We see a particular opportunity in seeking legislative action to broaden the legal definition of kinds of people that should be excluded from purchasing handguns. This is not only a rational way to protect our children, but also makes smart legislative strategy. This approach has the advantage of highlighting the limited impact of current legislation while forcing pro-gun forces into awkward defense of spouse abusers, child-molesters and other politically difficult groups."


"Common Space
A movement is more than meetings and speeches. The anti-tobacco movement teaches us that it is about common communication channels, interpersonal relationships and strategies built on trust. On a day-to-day basis, the gun safety movement will need safe common spaces in which to meet and plan. The tobacco movement used SCARC-net, a computer network, as an online committee room in which an enormous amount of hard planning and information- sharing was accomplished. The Advocacy Institute is laying the groundwork for what might be called "safety-net" to do the same thing for the child gun safety movement. This is potentially a powerful tool for us all." - I wonder where this is today?


"Signs and Symbols
The Carter Center consultation spent time thinking through the ways in which the handgun has become a central and oppressive symbol of fear and danger in our society and how the symbol can be changed. Within ten years we expect to see, and will work to ensure, the handgun changed from a symbol of power to one of weakness. A cigarette once subliminally communicated sex; it now means "addict" and brings forth pity instead of desire. We will work toward the same transfer to happen with guns ("only the weak would want a gun"). This by itself does not rid the society of dangerous weapons. But it has an enormous amount to do with whether the weapons are carried casually on the streets, in the schools and in our homes."


Perhaps this stuff is old news to many of you. I suppose I was naive enough to not realize how cold and calculating these folks are. All the while probably believing they'll make America a better place. True believers who cannot see any downside to their actions and single-minded goal.

Preventing violence for kids is great and important. But, these people planned 5 years ago what is happening today. The destruction of the right to keep and bear arms, and all of the potential disasters stemming from that destruction.

All because they firmly believe preventing the death of one child is more important than any other consideration, apparently including increased crime and despotic government. I don't want to see another innocent child die. Not one. But I would not sacrifice many more American lives, or the future of our country to save that child. That may sound cold, but there are consequences to their actions, and those consequences are potentially catastrophic.

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited July 16, 1999).]
chilling indeed. I wonder how we get this information out to our fellow citizens, perhaps through the nra....fubsy
Chilling is the correct word. This might have been written by any one of a number of historical despots during their rise to power.
"War is Peace"
"Freedom is Slavery"
"Ignorance is Enlightenment"
"Oh no! I can't shoot MOA with an AK at 1000 yards! This must be a symbol of stupid impotence, just like that report said! After all, only the weak would want a gun. And those horrible gun shows! I'm such a weak person! I'm a junkie looking for a fix! Save me from myself, before I buy again!"

Curious how the media wasn't railing against the cutesy "SAFE" group. They're paid HCI lobbists, aren't they? The death of one child is too many, so let's just nip the whole reproduction thing at the bud. BAN CHILDREN, IT'S THE ONLY WAY TO SAVE THEM ALL!

[This message has been edited by RepublicThunderbolt (edited July 16, 1999).]

Who is it we're at war with? Oceania, isn't it?

My coworker became concerned at the sight of my head turning nuclear red, as it does when I'm angry (and which seems to be happening more often lately) and asked what the hell I was reading. I didn't say a word, just showed him.

This guy isn't a gunnie. Nevertheless, he sputtered, "What the F*** is that S***?!"

Do those bastards (yes, that's the right term) think they can get away with this?

Oh, wait... they *are* getting away with it. Silly me, I thought I was in America for a minute.

Ignorance is takin' over,
We gotta take the power back.
--Rage Against The Machine
After reading the "report" hyperlinked above, I have come to the following conclusion: They have had a plan to completely disarm us for years. They wait for a "tragedy" and then push one small part of their master plan. One small step closer to success.

Then they wait. They wait for another "tragedy" and then introduce another small step in the master plan.

Enough "tragedies" will lead to the success of their master plan to disarm us all.

I am nauseated and motivated at the same time. I am "nausivated!"

“The whole of the Bill (of Rights) is a declaration of the right of the people at large or considered as individuals. ... It establishes some rights of the individual as unalienable and which consequently, no majority has a right to deprive them of.” -Alexander Addison, 1789
deanf, that is exactly the conclusion I have drawn. I had come to believe that quite some time ago, but even so, it didn't become black and white to me. After reading that report word for word, it 'threw a switch' in my perspective on their 'movement'. The conclusions I had previously drawn were based upon watching their actions. This report laid it all out in stark detail.

This is the political equivalent of war. And, the anti-self defense crowd means to either destroy the independent, American way of life, or incarcerate us, our friends and our families.
All that BS in there about saving one child almost made me throw up. I'm so sick of all this "the children, save the children" crap. IMHO it is sad when a child dies, but you know, its also sad to take away the rights of law abiding Americans. They cry about a kid dying because he was shot... But I dont see them crying when an 18 year old dies on a battlefield to save them a dime on a gallon of gas!!!! So theres no problem with an 18 being shot up on a battlefield so long as they are protecting thier (the antis) rights.
The total destruction of the Bill of Rights must be a gradual, time-consuming effort. Each step must be based upon some terrible occurance that justifies "corrective action".

Such corrective action must be presented in a manner that moderates can see a semblance of reasoning behind the demands. Then, upon "compromise", progress still is achieved.

Incident after incident, demand after demand, compromise after compromise. Each small gain is a brick taken from the wall of protection provided by the Bill of Rights.

Each "compromise", each unchallenged demand, directive, procedure, or law, is another small chunk taken away from the American people's life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

That wall, the Bill of Rights, has been severely weakened by neglect and outright surreptitious attack.

Continued "compromise" has "compromised" both the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. It's time for repairs.
Isn't it about time we all started demanding Bill of Rights enforcement? Every time a law is passed that violates our unalienable rights, we not only need to express our outrage at this treasonous act, we need to nullify it in the jury room. We also need to remove any politician who votes for these laws; the ballot box is the best route to take, although I would prefer seeing these treasonous cretins publicly tried for their crimes.

The statists are trying first to strip us of our ability to resist, then to mold us into willing collectivists. It's quite obvious they aren't actually worried about safety-- they admit as much when pushed. Therefore, the only reason they have to infringe on a natural right is to gain power. Rights are not cumulative, 20 men have no more right to speak freely than does 1, but power is cumulative. Might makes right to the collectivist.

Any affront to any of our natural rights is an affront to them all, and must be treated as such. We must demand that the rights of all people as guaranteed in the Bill of Rights be staunchly defended by our government, not infringed by it. As Jefferson so eloquently put it in the Declaration of Independence: <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>That to secure these rights Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the Consent of the Governed.[/quote]

We can never consent to be governed by charlatans and traitors masquerading as legislators and judges. Our battle cry should be "Enforce the Bill of Rights!" Our task is to let the politicians know that there is a price to be paid for breaking their oath to uphold the Constitution; at the least it should mean they need to look for a real job come November.


"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed -- and thus clamorous to be led to safety -- by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." -- H.L. Mencken
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>"Broaden the list of people who can not legally have guns.
We see a particular opportunity in seeking legislative action to broaden the legal definition of kinds of people that should be excluded from purchasing handguns. This is not only a rational way to protect our children, but also makes smart legislative strategy. This approach has the advantage of highlighting the limited impact of current legislation while forcing pro-gun forces into awkward defense of spouse abusers, child-molesters and other politically difficult groups."(Emphasis is mine)[/quote]
And what other groups do they speak of I wonder? Isn't this exactly what the 2nd Amendment is supposed to guard against? Actually, I would consider these people to be guilty of subversion, treason, and a host of other offences. What they propose it clearly illegal, and morally wrong.

Want to feel your age?Check it out.
Actually, framing the debate in terms of public health/social costs would be good for us, seems to me. Prof Lott has already done research that will blow them out of the water on this. He proves guns on the streets save many many lives.

As for the "deeply-held myths" about RKBA being real, they're (fortunately) too ignorant to know they're flat wrong on this issue, and any court THAT FOLLOWS PRECEDENT will protect the individual RKBA for all non-felons. They have apparently bought into HCI's deception on this. They are in for a big surprise.

These people that wish to disarm the public as a means to "save the children" have no true statistical base for their aurgements.
These folks point to firearms as the "greatest threat to children in this century". (I forgot who said this quote) If these people are so concerned with the lives of kids, why are they not chasing the auto industry. John Lott in his work "More Guns, Less Crime" demonstrated with figures from reputable sources that children are killed at 20 times more in auto accidents than from firearms. If one examines insurance company statistics for the deaths of children, falls, bicycle accidents, auto accidents (collisions and hit by), beaten to death by parents or relatives, et el; firearm accidents or intentional shootings are at the bottom of the list for all these incidents.

What we are trying to combat is the EMOTIONAl issue of firearm deaths. It is the emotional angle that plays on the hearts and minds of the good people of America.They attack guns and gun owners as a means to satisfy their own need to feel morally superior, because they are basically insecure. When was the last time any one heard about the reponsiblity of the shooters and their parents from the Columbine incident? Of course not, they are played up as victims. No, they blame the TECH 9 that this kids were carrying. Why, probably because the Tech 9 is ugly and looks evil. They never mention that no one was killed with a 9mm round, the victims were killed or injured by shot gun pellets and fragments from the pipe bombs.

What needs to be done is simply tell the truth. Is there someone out there who can attend a Rosie O'Donnell show and stand up to ask her if her body guards armed? Vote for government representation that reflects OUR values and kick them out if they turn tail. Call local talk shows and tell the public the truth about firearms. Let these people on the fence know that we are the same as them and we are doing what we do for their freedom, also.

Let's take the first step. The radio announcer Paul Harvey USE to announce once a week on his radio show about a citizen that saved himself or others with firearms. I think Harvey called the segment "Americans are fighting back." One of these stories has stuck with me for over thirty years. It was about a hunter who after seeing a state policeman shot and killed by a thug; took his hunting rifle, shot and killed the bad guy. WHILE THE BAD GUY DANCED A JIG OVER THE BODY OF THE DYING OFFICER.

I have sent Mr. Harvey a letter asking him to start these broadcasts once again. Will you guys do the same? If we all do this maybe he will start this again. At least it is a start.

Sorry, that I got long winded and possibly preachy.

Joe Portale
Sonoran Sidewinder
Tucson, Arizina territory
Given what you've just read, wanna know my concern? These people are absolutely amoral (irrespective of the "for the children" and "if it saves just one life" demagoguery associated with their statist moves). It is not above them in the least, it would appear to me, to employ one or more agent provocateurs should the catalytic "tragedies" so necessary to justify civilian disarmament fail to materialize either in number, frequency, or scale. While insidious and appalling to conceive, history is replete with such actions; the NAZIS as well as the Stalinists being notable in this regard.

Safe shooting - PKAY
Here I go for the upteenth time. Guys, we are fighting a coporate governmental system that doesnt give a rats a-- for our constitutional rights.The deck is stacked legally against us when we go into their corporate or actually admiralty court system. Unfortunately, with our social security cards and other marks of citizenship in the US Corporate System, we are bound by their corporate laws. Our politicians set this corporate system up decades ago. Yes, Big Pig, the Us corporate state can easily send one of its 18 year old corporate slaves to fight one of its wars. We as a once free people bought into this corporation called the US GOVt. When one does the research , he will realize how our nation was bought by the big Banksters (Federal Reserve System) in 1913 and only evil has resulted from that time on. I think the Founders would call for a Constitutional convention as the only legal hope to remedy this MONSTEROUS Government takeover. WE need three fourths of the state legislatures to call a Constitutional Convention. The only other solution is for the 50 state republics to form new nations. I am afraid, however, that the New World Order is too far along in seizing complete control of America and the masses are too dumbed down to know the difference.
I've read alot that these shootings are results from C.I.A. and FBI using mentally
ill children that are on psycotropic drugs
to shoot other people. is it possible that
our government is so scared of a armed populace that they would do something this
bad to further their agenda? seems were
about due for some shootings or bombings,
the next incident should be a real blowout.
I'm going to briefly drive this old thread back to the top of this forum.

It is useful to me as I prepare for a speaking engagement, and it strikes me that some of our newer members may find this information helpful as they try to understand the context of all of the various assaults upon the RKBA. For example, the HUD lawsuit threat ...

Old, but still pretty interesting news in my book. If you find it interesting, may I suggest you save the entire report to your hard drive - there is always the chance they will eventually see it as unhelpful to their cause if it remains in the public domain.

Thanks. Regards from AZ