Childhood Dream: Colt Dick Special

Came upon a Nickel DS last year and scooped it up. Don't like nickel, but love the piece. 6 shots and perfectly fitting grip.
Mine is a 68 less the shroud over the ejector. Actually the first snub nose revolver I owned. It was followed by a 2" S&W Model 10.

Enjoy it.

A buddy had an unfired Dick Special that his mom bought in '76.
He was not a gun guy, but he owns some businesses (bar, apartment buildings), and was interested in learning to shoot.
I was trying to get the gun from him - I would have bought him a Glock, and taught him to shoot it, in exchange for the Colt - but he had an emotional attachment to the snubby.
In a "you don't want to meet your heroes" moment, I was very underwhelmed by the Colt's DA trigger. It was heavy, not especially smooth, and had a sort of unpredictable release that made it hard to shoot.
We put 50 rounds through it, and I should have applied some more, "Gee, you don't want to struggle with that trigger" pressure, but he still has the gun.