I live in a low crime small town neigborhood and keep a loaded model 60 on the nightstand. Filled with plus p lhp. Felt satisfied with that due to low threat. This morning at around 3, some intoxicated skinhead looking nut came to my front door and was trying to gain entry. I heard the commotion and took along the smith while I went to see what is up and then got on the horn to 911. Forgot my glasses! Don't do that! The perp finally gave up but his parting shot was vandalising my house. Busted out the porch light and other stuff. The police arrived and found him nearby after a short chase. Hauled him off. I never got very excited and did not feel unprotected with the smith pointed at the front door. That is the closest I have come to having to shoot, not too close, thankfully. However, before retiring again I thought about it and decided to stoke the model 66 with silvertips and then felt better about it. So am I undergunned with the snub?