Chicago Won't Let Retired Cops Carry Concealed Guns

Chicago had a bad reputation for LEO on the take

Is that something that might be in the thinking, when the civilians say, hey let them feel the other side of the countries problem.

I am afraid the LEO are in the position 'the less guns the better for them', short sighted in my opinion. If that is the thought, they are mistaken.

To many times they are in the mentality of us against the rest. If the gangs could be reduced and controlled by the peers in the inner cities I would believe the LEO would feel that it is not, us against them.
But the Gangs that are in the inner city take it out on their own people as a general rule.

Ever notice how the voting of the inner city is? When people make money they start voting for things that help them make more. The ones who want more from the Gov vote that way.
Normally we have ideals and we think these are the things that prompt us to do what is right, I don't believe that is the major mover in America today.

I believe if the police were to take a poll they would be in the class that wants the gun off the streets and out of the hands of everyone, bad thinking on their part. IMO

There's more to it...

I think most of you are missing two important aspects of this story - how little Daley trusts his own police force and how does he gain by having the City attorney take this stand.

The younger Chicago police force for the most part already considers themselves a special group and has little concept of the fact that they are civilians, too. The us/them mentality is strong from the start as it is basically a version of what the rank and file police see as the perks enjoyed by the political class in Chciago. The older cops have been around long enough to know how quickly you can find yourself on the outside and are a bit more cautious.

Also, Daley can pander to the gun control crowd on this. If he wins, he can play it up big as a great victory for gun control and the average person(sheep). If he loses, he gets a set of rules he can manipulate, perhaps some federal money for the new set of rules and another sound bite for the evening news.

I don't mean to say these are the only issues. Daley is right there with Schumer and Fienstein as far as the "this for me, but not for thee" gun grabbing. But, Daley is first, last and always a politician driven by the desire to amass more power.

Don't let me inturrupt the LEO bashing... :rolleyes:
I did not see Daley's name in the article

Because he is the mayor do you think he made the ruling? I don't think so.
I think it comes from the city attorney who make's the decisions as to what is best for the city.

Like it said in the article 'Gun carring for Police is a responsibility and not a luxury'.
Maybe a lot of Police officers don't want that responsibility. Maybe they want to go to la la land and feel warm and fuzzy again. LOL...

It is something you miss when you are subjected to the real cold hard, uncaring and killing world, of what police see daily.

Where are the 'care bears when you need um'?

Mayor Daley is a well-known micro manager. I would say the odds are almost 100% that this was cleared through Daley.

Particularly so since Chicago really stands little to lose by allowing their retired police to carry concealed. Don't forget this is the same City (and mayor) that signed on to the big gun lawsuits in the name of "public health" and continues to waste (taxpayer) money doing so. Gun control is one of the Mayor's old standbys. Learned it from his Dad.