Chemical Agent stories

I went out to take my dog (rottweiler) for a walk. I got out on the porch and told him to sit while I locked the door. I didn't know it, but the mailman came up the driveway behind me. My dog never moved, never growled, didn't even hardly look at him, but of course the mailman pepper sprayed him. He had absolutely no reaction to it at all. Didn't even blink. I asked what the hell he was doing and the mailman told me he didn't want to take a chance. I said, you see how much good that stuff would have done you. I wanted to brain the piece of *&^% but I held my tongue. I work as a paramedic and have seen many, many people get maced and peppersprayed. We carry a neutralizing spray for it called Cool off or Cool It or something like that. Most of the time, the police don't want us to use it for obvious reasons. I have seen many failures with it. I ran on a guy once that was cornered by about 5 officers all in a semi circle with their guns drawn. One of them would occasionally pepper spray him with no effect. He was standing there twirling two butterfly knives. An older detective showed up and was breaking the other officers balls for not getting aggressive enough with this clown. He grabbed a device we had called a scoop strether, or orthopedic flat or whatever you want to call it. And told me to get on the other end. We charged the guy and pinned him to the wall with it while everyone else dogpiled him. The guy still managed to stab one of the officers superficially. The perp was well known to me as a chronic user of angel dust; we have run on him two or three times before.