Checking my Zero on a Crow

hunger games

I'd suggest the recipe my father game me for carp, if your going to eat a crow. Find a nice out house with a shingled roof. Throw the critter on the roof and burn the out house down. Then eat the shingles. :p
I agree. If it comes in to the decoys when calling; it's a matter what it looks like.

Ha ha. Reminds me of when I shot at (but missed luckily) a falcon or small hawk of some kind which swooped down by my dove decoys when dove hunting. I reflexively shot as it came out of nowhere and being in the vicinity of the decoys, I naturally initially thought "dove". In hindsight, it was "hunting" the decoys. It wasn't even winged.
I once had a hunting buddy who had come to Maine from the 'Big Cities'. He loved to hunt and shoot, using guns that became his after his dad died.

One day, we were hunting grouse and woodcock and I heard him shoot, so I yelled out, "Did you get it?" And he said "I think so.", so I went over to help. I asked him what kind of bird it was and where it went. He told me it was a woodcock and it flew up and perched in a tree. I told him that woodcocks don't perch in trees and after a bit of looking, I found that he'd shot a small hawk. Later, he shot a Flicker, thinking it was another woodcock. That was the last time he hunted birds with us.
My hunting mentor told me: "You need three hunters to walk into the field after crows, then two leave, 'cause crows can only count to two".

Also works for deer. They can't count at all.

As for misidentifying goes back to the basic rules of gun safety.....Be sure of your target and what is beyond it. If you aren't sure of your target, you shouldn't even have your finger on the boom switch.