Check this out!


We'll pare this down when it gets unwieldy or lock it and start a new one. Help him out.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I'm all in favor of what this guy's doing, but he's only getting about 900 hits per day... he Needs to average about 11,000!

Post his link on every forum you can think of. Post it on the anti boards... it only needs a hit, not their opinion. Post it on the cooking forum, the car parts forum, everywhere! I think this is great, but he needs lots of help.
19,750 and counting. Don't forget to post an update back here once in a while to keep this at the top of the forum list.

Also, perhaps slackO could re-name this something catchier to get folks to really check it out.
TBM - is that better? (it's an attention grabber for me...)

Anarchism: The radical notion that I am the sole authority when it comes to deciding what's best for me.