Check out this video while it's still up...

Around here, that's the same as fondling my ol' Lady, neither will be tolerated.
Just in case this isn't hyperbole/exaggeration, I'll point out that I'm not aware of anywhere that fondling a person without their consent (sexual battery) would be considered the same as touching someone's vehicle without permission. If a vehicle owner were to respond to someone touching their vehicle as if the offender had committed sexual battery the vehicle owner would most likely be committing an offense as serious, or perhaps more serious than sexual battery.
JohnKSa Wrote;
Just in case this isn't hyperbole/exaggeration,

Well, it is and, it isn't. While legally there is no comparison between the two. To a certain subset, "culturally" they carry the same, or a very similar weight.

Touch either one and , in the biker community, you're going to make someone extremely upset.

If a vehicle owner were to respond to someone touching their vehicle as if the offender had committed sexual battery the vehicle owner would most likely be committing an offense as serious, or perhaps more serious than sexual battery.

My suggestion is not to engage in either offense.
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The riders entire demeanor speaks volumes about him and, his attitude;

1. No helmet (Though legal, shows a disregard for his own safety)
2. Khakis (again, un-prepared for riding )
3. Soft shoes ( ditto )

So leathers, boots, and a helmet and the bandits would have stayed away. Naw.

4. Situational awareness (he appears to know he's in a sketchy area and ignores his gut )

People who live in "sketchy" areas and consider it to be their home are not fearful of the area like outsiders. How do you know this isn't the guy's home turf?

5. Did not secure his scoot ( if the fork lock had been engaged, the guy would likely have not been able to turn over the cycle )

Yeah, he would. He just would have turned it over the other direction. Fork locks just lock the forks. They are not active vertical stabilization devices to prevent toppling.

My suggestion is not to engage in either offense.

And yet you postured and said you would.
So leathers, boots, and a helmet and the bandits would have stayed away. Naw.

Not what I said at all, I pointed out that criminals look for people who "stand out" and are "out of the ordinary" He is obviously ill prepared for the activity, and thus "stands out". As an aside, , had he been wearing the gear, he would certainly have been better protected from a beating.

People who live in "sketchy" areas and consider it to be their home are not fearful of the area like outsiders. How do you know this isn't the guy's home turf?

People who live in such areas also know where frequently dangerous areas are and avoid them. As for whether this is his "home turf" I have no idea, it is conjecture, same as yours.

Fork locks just lock the forks. They are not active vertical stabilization devices to prevent toppling.

Hi cycle has been customized a great deal so, it is hard to say whether his is capable of locking however, on most cruisers, when the forks are locked in the proper position, it is precisely a stabilization device ( mine locks my jiffy stand as well ) YMMV

And yet you postured and said you would.

I said if you touch my Wife, or my scoot, there will be trouble, that's a fact.
I read the story, and while I agree waiting in the store and calling the police was definitely the best option, I thought the entire point of carrying a weapon was to avoid being a victim!

With a custom bike, we're talking felony money levels of destruction of property. Plus, I'm curious what police response times are in a neighborhood like that.

When you need gas, you need gas. Legally being in front of an open business that you are patronizing is no place to be assaulted and have your property destroyed. I can't think of any reason this victim (if he had a carry) shouldn't have defended himself. These are clearly men who have made a life of illegal activity (by their first question) and wanton disregard for our societies social contract---why pay to keep them in jail when a dirt nap for them and some legal fees (even though it's all on video) would have ACTUALLY FIXED THE PROBLEM?

That guy whose mother turned him in; what career do you think he will return to after his relatively short jail time? Bad men prevail when good men fail to act!!!
The motorcycle guy has the right to be wherever he wants to legally be and he should have the right to defend himself with deadly force if attacked with deadly force. That includes a gang attack. There are some things he could have done differently, but it's still not his fault that he was attacked. It's those criminal's fault.

What I saw was a bunch of young guys hanging out with a bunch of idle time, selling drugs to make money, and in a pack mentality. No discipline, no education, no incentive to get a good education, no spiritual leadership, low self esteem, no work and no desire to hold valid work. Just quick fast drug money. This is the tragedy of these urban "hood" areas. This is the reason why the crime and murder rates are so high in these areas. This is why we should stop letting our politicians, civic leaders and the anti-gun crowd deflect the attention away from fixing the problems with urban America and onto guns.