Charter Arms Professional

I'm in the "shoud have been chambered in 327 Federal" camp. Even if it is only 6 rounds. But then, I also probably wouldn't carry it anyway. Just one of those cool range toys I already have too many of LOL
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I am for any gun that promotes 32 caliber rounds. I like it and hope they sell a bunch of them. If I were in the market I would would buy one in 32 mag. I wouldn't get one in 327. If I want more power than the 32 mag I will just go all the way up to a 357 and get the benefit of much heavier bullets.

But I already own a S&W model 431PD and a model 631 both in 32 mag. The 431PD only weighs 15oz loaded. It just gets forgotten its in my pocket. The 631 is more of a trail gun but could be carried. It has a 4" barrel instead of the 3" of the Charter but I bet if I can carry a 3" barrel I can carry a 4" barreled gun.

I hope someone buys one of the new Charters and gives a detailed report.
I saw a short video on you tube about a guy talking a lot about the gun but wouldn't show it or go over its details up close for some reason.....
.327 is more than double the pressure of .32 Mag, unnecessarily so IMO. I think had the pressures been 30 to 35k max PSI, that would have been enough, still significantly higher than .32 Mag's 21k max PSI.

.327 can be loaded down to the mid 30k PSI pressures, but the problem is the guns chambered for .327 must be built to withstand full power .327 and that's where it becomes a quagmire. Manufacturers will not make a .327 revolver that's built for an in between .32 Mag and .327 cartridge (let's call this cartridge .327 Special) because if you can chamber the .327 Magnum in a .327 Special revolver, it's unsafe and the legal beagles won't allow it for fear of lawsuits.

So, we're stuck with .32 H&R Mag revolvers that could have a bit extra oomph to them if they were made in a .327 Special version or we're stuck with larger .327 Magnum revolvers that hold less rounds.
Well considering the 327 Fed Mag is more akin to a "327 Casull" then say a 357 S&W Mag, an " in between" 32/327 would be closer to a 327 version of a 357 S&W Mag vs being a "327 Spl." in fact the 32 H&R Mag is more akin to a 38 Spl. +P than a 357 S&W Mag, hence one of the main reasons the 327 Fed Mag was created, although it's a "super magnum".
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without seeing this gun up close I'd say its built on the Bulldog frame in order to get seven .32 chambers in the cylinder.
This is basically their Patriot model revolver, but in 7 shot for 32 H&R in a 3" barrel instead of the 327 6 shot in a 2 1/2" barrel. This small framed revolver (in the Patriot series) can't take the full 327's in steady use, so they had to chamber their new one for something milder. They also couldn't call it a Patriot, because that model name was in 327.
I have a Patriot and it's a handful in 327. I can see that firing full factory 327's would have a toll on it. I practice with Longs & 32 H&R's (I reload both) and I'm fine with a nice stout factory 32 H&R+P for carry.
It's a little larger than a J-frame and smaller the a K. Perfect size.
One less round, but if I do decide to carry with 327's, a few rounds out of it won't harm it. Just not for regular range use.
I really like mine and Charter stepped up quality.
Found a really nice old Bianchi holster for it.
Here's a pic of it.
ViperR, what kind of ballistic #s are getting from your 32 H&R Mag +P?
Well, I reload a 100 gr hard cast poly coated using FMJ data max listed. I don't have a chronograph, so I don't know velocity. The chart does show 1,000 fps, though. And both my 327's handle it great.
I can see myself buying this revolver. What is not to like? 3” barrel; small frame; 32 H&R mag; seems like a real nice carry revolver.

Hopefully the triggers are better!
I can see myself buying this revolver. What is not to like? 3” barrel; small frame; 32 H&R mag; seems like a real nice carry revolver.

Hopefully the triggers are better!
To most, the only thing not to like is it's not a .38 or .357.

I'm with you tho, I can see myself buying one and I do hope the triggers are improved vs standard Charter revolvers. They're gonna have to be as the LCR triggers are so good they've taken a huge chunk of the market away from the J frame S&W.
That's a pretty picture. If it was a .327 Federal, I'd buy it on the spot. I'm down to one revolver in .32 H&R magnum and I honestly never use it. It's become a fancy paperweight. :(

Don't get me wrong. I like .32 H&R magnum. Part of me wishes that there was an LCR chambered for it on the lighter .38 special frame. I just don't have much use for it in a larger or heavier gun. If I want to shoot something lighter, I will sometimes break out the old target revolver in .32 S&W Long. Otherwise, I just use .327 Federal in any of the different guns I have chambered for it.

For my next revolver purchase, I'm waiting to see if Ruger releases a 3" LCRX in .327 Federal. They've got the .357 version out now so I'm hoping it won't be too long.
I was over at my LGS (70 miles away over the mountain!LOL) and they STILL HAD the Smith 331 6 shot scandium 12 ounce J frame in .32 H&R in the consignment case after two months. I heard that they were very rare and going for 1300.00 on Gunbroker. The shop wants 650.00 for it.

But as in post 29, I'm not interested it because it's only a .32. If I'm carrying a revolver I want it for the woods too, so even .327 is not enough.
I can't image the da trigger being any better than any other CA Bulldog revolver. If they had re designed it, we'd all have heard about it in their first advertisement.

Does a small pistol primer take less force to ignite than a large pistol primer? I don't know, but I doubt it. I'd think the springs will be the same, but would love to be surprised. If they could lighten it, the women would love it. So would I.

What would be a welcome addition would be if that front sight were drift adjustable. So many are off a little this way or that.
well, its been several months.... where has all the hype gone? one on-line video, a few articles a few months old.....
well, its been several months.... where has all the hype gone? one on-line video, a few articles a few months old.....
There not in stock anywhere online, so can't buy them unless you know an FFL real well who has got one.

I see Charter has a $25 rebate on any new revolver until the end of August, so that's 8 weeks from now. Color me shocked if the Professionals wind up in stock everywhere on September 1st.
Does a small pistol primer take less force to ignite than a large pistol primer? I don't know, but I doubt it. I'd think the springs will be the same...

I don't know either, but I do know that as of a year or two ago CA had three color coded springs for their revolvers. Here's a general outline.

blue: lightest; for center fire guns on the Undercover frame
green: medium; for the rim fire guns
red: heaviest; for center fire guns on the Bulldog frame

I had a pre-owned Undercover that had a red spring, and called CS and asked about the springs. The lady said it should have a blue spring and sent me one. Another time I was getting light strikes in da with a very early .22 and she sent me a green spring.

The green and/or blue springs might work on the Bulldog sized guns, maybe just part-time.
The reply directly from CA.

Good Morning Steven,
It is in production as we speak. Have your dealers contact one of the distributors he uses and put an order in for you.
Have a Great Week,

Who wants to be the first to buy one and review it? I'd be curious to see what the barrel size and throats measure out to be.
The reply directly from CA.

Who wants to be the first to buy one and review it? I'd be curious to see what the barrel size and throats measure out to be.
Me, but I want to see what the size of these are in comparison to an SP101 is first. If it's roughly the same size, but has that 7th shot and doesn't have hallway sized throats, I'm more than down.

If these are the size of the .44/.45 Bulldogs, eh... that makes me lose a lot of interest. I have an objection to drastically increasing a revolver's size & weight for a mere extra round in the cylinder.