Charter Arms Bulldog

early versions

I had an early one, made by the original company, bought it used,don't know how much it had been shot. I shot the 3" Bulldog a good bit, and was surprised by it's accuracy. With young eyes, and those blocky, visible fixed sights, I could easily stay on a pieplate, 2 hands, unsupported, at 25 yds. Off bags, seems like I recall the little gun would stay at about 3" at the same distance. I loved it. Too much as it was. I got a bit enthusiastic with my reloads, and was shooting 250 gr Keith slugs. After about 2 yrs, , the little gun went out of time. I probably had 1000 yds through it.

I had an early .38 Undercover too, shot it a fair amount with std .38 ammo, mostly 158 gr LSWC's, it went out of time too, in about the same time frame.

All that said, I think the early guns were not bad. My use was likely a bit, the guns are at their best when shot moderately, with mild ammo. Used in that manner, I suspect the older guns would have held up much better. Can't say about the other mfg's and the newer guns.
I still have my Charter Arms .38 Undercover from the 70's. Decent little gun, I haven't shot it in a long while but I'll still stick it in my pocket if I'm just going outside for a bit and don't want mess with putting on a holster. It is pretty lightweight, I know they don't recommend using +P ammo.
Maybe the one I looked at wasn't a good example, but I wasn't all that impressed with the Pitbull I checked out the other day. The trigger and hammer seemed real gritty, in both single and double action. The ejector also felt gritty, and what was even worse is that the ejector would turn just a little bit so that it wouldn't seat itself properly without me having to push the rod a couple of times. And the lock up didn't seem all that tight to me. Again, it may just be a bad example, but I don't think I'd buy one after handling this one.