Changing stock


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How much of a big difference does a rifle get when one changes its original stock to aftermarket one or the purpose of doing so?

I have a Savage 12 FV and am looking to change for eliminating the top feed and trying to convert to accept magazine if possible, specially as I purchased a one piece scope mount. I have read it helps with getting better accuracy. If so, how much improvement does one get.

Have been looking at Boyds and some aluminum, but honestly comparing prices, seems more likely I will end up with a Boyds instead of an aluminum stock.
What difference are you looking for? In my experience changing out a stock is no guarantee your rifle will be more accurate. I usually change stocks for a couple of reasons first I want to shed some weight, and secondly I want to improve/change handling characteristics of the rifle. If I get better accuracy it's a side benefit, because if I'm spending money to change a stock out I'm usually already satisfied with the rifles accuracy. I would never spend money on an inaccurate rifle, unless I was using the action to build a custom rifle.

The problem with the Savage factory injection molded stock is there is a lot of flex in the recoil lug area that translated into forend flex. This doesn't mean they aren't accurate, you just have to really pay attention to your consistency when using a bipod or sling. If you're not consistent with how you pre-load your bipod or the tension on a sling it'll cause your accuracy to suffer from the forend of the stock flexing.

A one piece scope base might make your action a little stiffer, but it won't dramatically increase the accuracy of your rifle. It won't make a 1.5 MOA rifle into a sub MOA rifle, it is mor likely only going to shave a very minuscule amount from your group. Are you going to actually know if it's you or the scope mount that is improving your groups or accuracy?

CDI will add bottom metal to your existing Savage stock when you buy their bottom metal. Chosing between the Boyd's or an aluminum chassis for a rifle, I'd save my pennies and go with the aluminum chassis. The aluminum chassis is more expensive, but it is more modular giving you more options for customizing to fit you better.
For the most part, stocks don't improve accuracy by themselves. They improve the handling or comfort of handling and that may help improve your shooting. One thing that will improve the accuracy is the bedding of the action/barrel to the stock. suggestion - find a stock that is comfortable - grip/ length of pull,etc. then bed the hardware to it. It's my experience that bedding of even the cheapest plastic stock will help. I have to force myself to shoot one of the boyd synthetic stocks on my 6cm but being fully bedded and floated the accuracy is less than .25 @100. This same stock might be to your liking.
I have 3 Savage FV12's, all are .5 MOA in the OEM stock but I use a front rest and rear bag on a bench as I use 'em for pdogs out west. Lots of people hate the tupperware stock but I've not found a real good reason to change mine based on accuracy and comfort. Check out savageshootersdotcom for tons of info on different stocks for savages.
It depends on how much more stable and consistent the replacement stock is. The trouble with aftermarkets is that they may require some fitting. Some drop right in and are super stable and others need bedding. YMMV.
I've put many aftermarket stocks on rifles. I've never noted any difference in accuracy. If the rifle doesn't prove accurate before hand I'm not spending money for a better stock. Most of the less expensive aftermarket stocks are at best a lateral move, and many are a downgrade compared to what came on your rifle.

The biggest incentive for me is to cut weight. A McMillan Edge stock is about 1/2 lb lighter than typical factory injection molded stocks and can be more than 1 lb lighter than factory wood stocks. In addition to cutting weight the better aftermarket stocks look nicer and it is worth the price to me. They won't make an inaccurate rifle more accurate though.

Compared to wood ANY synthetic stock, even the cheap factory ones, is going to be much tougher and stable under varying weather conditions. Wood can be just as accurate, but you have to deal with wandering zero's as atmospheric conditions and altitude change. The cheap plastic stocks CAN be extremely accurate. The key is to leave a generous free float so the forend cannot touch the barrel. Do this and any of the cheap stocks shoot better than the man pulling the trigger.

I'm not a fan of plywood stocks. Compared to synthetic you get slightly more rigidity and compared to solid wood you get a little more stable stock, but not as stable as synthetic. They are also the heaviest option.

But for your use weight is less of a concern than a hunting rifle. One of the Boyds stocks might serve your needs. If it were my rifle I'd be looking at one of the B&C synthetic stocks with the aluminum chassis molded into the stock. It will be lighter than plywood more stable, and tougher.

Of course none of these will improve accuracy over what you have.
Makes a difference to me !!!

How much of a big difference does a rifle get when one changes its original stock to aftermarket one or the purpose of doing so?
First off, I change stocks for a variety of reasons and expect greater performance by doing so. That has been so, for all the stocks I have changed and have never changed, strictly for cosmetic reasons. …… ;)

Be Safe !!!
Thanks guys for the replies.

The main reason for wanting to change stock is to eliminate the top feed and convert to magazine feed. I currently have 2 - Savage 12 FV (223/6.5 Creed). I manage with top feed. I knew that before I purchased, so basically I knew I had to suck it up and deal with it. But after looking online out of curiosity, I have seen different stocks. The only dilemma I have is if the stock doesn't "fit" right and I have to work on it.

Not looking to change for accuracy... just something I have read/seen online a few times. Was just wondering if it was true. They do mention free floating barrel so it doesn't touch anything when fired.

I don't shoot prone only off a bench. To be honest, don't know if prone is allowed at the range I go to. Guess will just have to ask when I go. So I don't know what "style" would work best for me.

The aluminum chassis caught my eye as I could change parts when needed to.
It gets into personel expeirence.

My brothers and I talked about it, he felt 6.5 CM and 223 would likely not benefit from a stock change on the Savage.

308 and higher yes, lot more kaboom and motion etc.

It also gets into what personable experience is.

I have two Boyds stocks (Thumb Hole) and they fit the Savage perfectly. Some tang relief was all that was needed, rest was uniform bearing.

I had one EABC stock which looked identical that was bad and it got bedded.
RC20, you had suggested Boyds At One on my other posts, I have been keeping an eye on that one for the .223. Just haven't made the just yet. Just knowing that I may have to put "work" into it, makes me chicken out. Not that I don't want to, just that I'm skeptical that I may somehow screw it up bad and it won't fit at the end of the day. Have been trying to find videos on this, but have not found one for the At One. Seems as I have to keep on searching to see what I can find.
Sounds like you want to build a rifle. What's your budget?
Converting to a mag fed action will not be cheap. Probably less expensive to sell what you have and buy one with a mag. The Model 12 V Low Profile is one of 'em.
Hate to say it, but T.O. is kinda almost, sorta right.
When i build a rifle, i'm doing barrel, trigger, ground recoil lug, receiver trued.

To change over to mag fed, you would need a new stock. But you would also need a "bottom metal" kit. Aka something to hold your magazine into the stock, with a way of ejecting it also.

Also note that you will not be loading to the gun, but to the magazine instead.
So if a 140gr match bullet right now is loaded to say 2.875" COAL, you would now have to load it to mag restrictions on 2.800".

They are range rifles. Your shooting for accuracy.
RC20, you had suggested Boyds At One

I believe I suggested Boyds but not an ATONE. I prefer the laminated ones (though some you can get the cheek rest and I think an extender added though it cost)

I did shoot an ATONE, too much plastic on it and I did not care for the stock feel.

I like the Thumbhole type and partcuqalary like the featherweight (and I have a Bull barrel on it)

Its my favorite over the bench rest type TH stock (Prairie Hunter?) . It just feels better, the other one is fine, the featherweight just is better.

As for work, all I needed was a bit of relief in the tang area, easily done with a dremel, file etc.

I shot a non Boyds mfg, that has what I call the Super Grip. I was surprised, I liked it as much as the TH. Boyd's has a type like that as well but don't remember what they call it.

If it has a Bull barrel channel will need work, but trust me, if I can do it and look fine after, anyone can. I am not much of a wood worker type, more a wood butcher (I framed houses) -
T. O'Heir, not wanting to do a build. But yes, want to change to a magazine feed. Saw a couple of days ago where someone had the Savage 12FV and put on it a Boyd's at one with magazine feed.


Std7mag, this link was in the youtube video I saw regarding the same rifle. ( Thanks for the help on the size of the bullet. That did not cross my mind.


RC20, your right, you suggested the TH. Sorry for putting words in your mouth, lol.
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I have 3 MDT stocks (LSS, LSS XL and TAC21) I've used on two Savage rifles (10T and SBA). No fitting is required. Easy switch over. Plus it converts the rifle to a removable 10 round mag. Of the three I have, the TAC21 is my favorite and improve the accuracy of my rifles the most. Heavy so works for a bench rifle. No muzzle rise with the TAC21. Recoil is to the real only. The TAC21 was the perfect update for my Savage SBA 6.5 CM since the Accustock had a top feed box mag. Having a removable 10 round Pmag is a big improvement.

Highly recommend MDT stocks. They do improve accuracy. But anything is better than the Accustock IMO. I usually try to buy MDT stocks when they go sale. Watch for holiday sales.
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Ed308, do you mind sharing what your cost was or pictures of what it looks like now? If not, no worries. Sure will have to keep out a look out for sales then. Have read the MDT come up the most in search results for the Savage. Thanks.

Hopefully they have a sale soon.
Wood can be just as accurate, but you have to deal with wandering zero's as atmospheric conditions and altitude change.

A properly cured and sealed wood stock doesn't warp or shift due to weather, humidity, or altitude.
Trouble is, you aren't just going to buy one online, or off the shelf. Pretty sure no one is selling them, commercially, and haven't been for generations now.

Plenty of wood stocks, still, finished and sealed, made to be "good enough". But its not quite the same. In today's economy, a properly made and finished wood stock alone can cost more than most rifles. A matter of supply and demand, mostly. The time, and care (and these days also the skill) needed to produce a "proper" wood stock that is fully cured and won't shift simply isn't in demand any more, never did fit well with mass production.

I have a Savage 12 FV and am looking to change for eliminating the top feed and trying to convert to accept magazine if possible,
I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that specific gun, but if you are looking to convert a bolt action with a fixed magazine to one that takes a detachable magazine it will take more than just a different stock.

Take a look at your action. Are the magazine feed lips part of the mag box, or are they part of the action, itself. If they are part of the action rails, and you are looking to change to a detachable box where the feed lips are part of the magazine box, then some serious metal work will be required, and it needs to be done by someone who knows what to do, and how.

IF that's the case, you may find it more economical to just buy a different rifle.
Ed308, do you mind sharing what your cost was or pictures of what it looks like now? If not, no worries. Sure will have to keep out a look out for sales then. Have read the MDT come up the most in search results for the Savage. Thanks.

Hopefully they have a sale soon.

For my LSS, I paid $299 when they were on sale around July 4th several years ago. This past Thanksgiving, MDT had a sale and I purchased the a TAC21 for $400 and the LSS XL (blemish) for $100. The LSS and LSS XL are easy installs. Couple screws and your done as I recall. The TAC21 was more involved since I had to remove the Savage trigger from the receiver. That took longer when I got stuck trying to reassembling the Savage trigger.

TAC21 is my favorite. But it's really heavy. I couldn't shoot consistent groups with the Savage stocks. Would always pull one or two shots since I never felt comfortable. Cheek placement was a problem. You may want to try them and see how it goes. But you'll eventually want to convert to another stock to get a 10 round mag.
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