Changed my mind on universal background checks.

We don't regulate computers hardware on illegal speech/press use because some hundreds of users are using that hardware to display child pr 0n.

Courts might hold firingline or the NYT liable for copyright or libel, but the federal and state governments cannot require firingline to maintain liability insurance in order to have website and forum. They cant require you to prescreen comments (say equivent to requiring locks) and they cant require you to submit any material to a government agency for pre approval. You may exercise your own prudence in editing, moderating, and even if need be insuring, but it cant be required ahead of any harm.
The opposition will argue that "guns are different. They can be used to take a life (or lives) in an instant" and therefore justify greater prior restraint. The trouble with that argument is, they can be used to save a life (or lives) in an instant, too. Prior restraint sacrifices the potential benefit along with the potential harm, probably to a greater extent.

Interesting take on how the WH is managing the gun control debate. Basically, individual groups and legislators have to toe the line from the WH. The more extreme groups have to be happy with background checks.

However, the use of such for a registry will sink it. I think it is a setup to use the issue in 2014.

Also, Sen. Manchin is frantically trying to get some support for his view as his progun credentials have been washed away by his support for gun control. The Atlantic had a pretty good progun article awhile ago. He just wrote a letter to the editor praising that view. He didn't realize at first what he did and now is caught between pro and anti views. Stupid.
Criminals will not obey a universal back ground check.

Additionally, even the anti gun folks are admitting a universal back ground check would not have prevented any of the recent shootings.

Bottom line, no more laws meant to punish law abiding citizens.