Change in gun size with cooler weather?

I like to carry the most I can reasonably and comfortably conceal. I can always pocket carry and that ends up being it for the hot months of summer. Jacket weather opens up a lot of options and I prefer to shoulder carry. There isn't much that can't be carried that way. :)
LCP in front pants pocket always.
Warmer weather, when traveling, and being in locations more sus to bad guys, Kahr CM9 IWB.
Colder weather, move up to Springer XD40 Sub Compact. Still IWB
In coldest weather, where heavy coat hampers access to pocket, or waist band, Ruger LCR in coat pocket.
Yes, the weather does dictate the clothing options in my area. In summer time when shirt and shorts are the norm, a light compact pistol is very helpful vs in the winter when you can easily conceal fullsized pistols.
Only weather change I go through here is hot and humid or hot and humid with rain.

My carry wouldn't change much anyways. I already carry full sized guns as it is.

Who knows though, maybe I'd carry and MK23. :D
Different concealment guns

I live in Wisconsin where it is often hot & humid in the summer and bitter cold in the winter.

I currently carry a G43 in warmer weather and a G19 in cooler weather. My choice of holsters and concealment garments changes according to weather and circumstance as well.
I own two M&Ps, a full size 9 and a 9C. The original idea was to carry the C at home and the FS when I was out and about but I find myself carrying the C more often than not just because it's more convenient.

So to answer the OP's question as best I can I do switch off but it's not really weather driven. In fact I'm more likely to carry the smaller gun when the weather is cold because I can put it in my outer pocket instead of digging it out from underneath a half dozen layers of clothes
There are times when I pocket carry an LCP, based on the situation. I carry a compact 9 (SR9c) year round. More and heavier clothing does give more options, but as mentioned, inside temperatures often necessitate peeling off layers...
I wear a thin fleece jacket during our relatively mild winters here so that allows me to conceal my full-size carry weapons.

During warmer temps, I'll be back to my smaller pistols since I mostly wear untucked T-shirts and polos.