CEOs from 145 Companies Demand Gun Control Measures


New member
They decided to send a letter to the Senate. I don't know why the focus is on the Senate, I hear that there are "many" people in both parties that support these measures.

Text of Letter:

They are asking for Red Flag Laws and Background checks for PPS. It is a lot of the usual suspects like Dick's, Bloomberg, Group Nine Media, Levi's, Reddit, Yelp, Uber, Air BnB and a bunch of smaller companies I have never heard of.
Saw it a few days back. Nearly 2/3 of the companies are small (less than 500 employees). Not sure I use or do business with any of the companies on the list.
They decided to send a letter to the Senate. I don't know why the focus is on the Senate, I hear that there are "many" people in both parties that support these measures.

Text of Letter:

They are asking for Red Flag Laws and Background checks for PPS. It is a lot of the usual suspects like Dick's, Bloomberg, Group Nine Media, Levi's, Reddit, Yelp, Uber, Air BnB and a bunch of smaller companies I have never heard of.
Cuz McConnell(Senate) won't even let these come to the floor for a vote..cuz that would put more than a few GOP Senators on the record..which, regardless of how they vote, could hurt their chances of re-election..since, unlike the House, their race is statewide, not limited to a district..They are in a tough spot, IMHO...
Virtue signaling? isn't that what they call it now?

Buy my product because I (we) are morally superior, due to our public stance on this, or that, issue....

personally, I think anyone inferring they are morally superior for any reason, isn't...but, that's just me.. :rolleyes:
I don't know why the focus is on the Senate,.....

Could be that since the House has a Democrat majority, they know how the vote would go down. Since the Senate has a Republican majority, that's the people they have to sway.
CEOs? The same people the left villify as greedy corporate executives?

These are "enlightened" CEOs. They give money away to leftist causes, sell blue jeans and want to ban guns so they are ok. They will be the last ones up against the wall when the revolution comes.
While I can fully support the rights of these individuals to speak their views, what I find to be truly objectionable in this, is that they presume that their opinions are more valid than other citizens that aren't CEO's of a corporation. Indeed they presume to speak for everyone that works for them. They think they matter more than a laborer trying to feed their family. If it were not so, then why do they make a point that they are such important leaders? They could all just write letters to their own senators or newspaper editors in their own name, speak their views, and let it stand or fall on it's own merits.
I wouldn't know the name of a single person on this list. But if someone enlightens me to the fact that so-and-so happens to be the CEO of such-and-such,....Well then, this person is really important; and they really matter; and you don't; and neither do I. I find this to be far more offensive than the content of the letter.
But perhaps the facts, the truth, and true merit are irrelevant....Maybe only the people with 7 or 8-figure incomes and above matter anymore. A lot of what they said actually sounds good and reasonable on the surface, yet I sense there are devils in the details.
What's the payoff for the CEO's and their companies. Wonder how the stockholders are responding? I'd like to know exactly what is the motivation for these high risk moves. I'm waiting to see how this plays out. Don't have a crystal ball.
CEOs? The same people the left villify as greedy corporate executives?

Some terms and conditions apply®. Not valid if said CEO donates to the correct political causes. See also: Michael Bloomberg.

What's the payoff for the CEO's and their companies.

Gillette and Dick's Sporting Goods both saw losses as a result of their virtue signaling. I can't imagine shareholders were happy about that. The best I can figure is these CEO's feel so strongly they're willing to take the heat for it.

Even if it doesn't hurt the bottom line, I can't imagine it particularly helps. Most people aren't so involved with the issue that they're going to suddenly switch their investment portfolio to include Door Dash or Omnicom on the the basis of this silly petition.
Yeah, you’ll be able to boycott about 3/4 of that list without even trying or reading who is on it.
I just read through the list. I don't deal with any of them, but I guess if I'm already ignoring them it doesn't really qualify as "boycotting" them. They're just irrelevant to my life.
What's the payoff for the CEO's and their companies. Wonder how the stockholders are responding? I'd like to know exactly what is the motivation for these high risk moves. I'm waiting to see how this plays out. Don't have a crystal ball.

What risk? These companies fear virtually no backlash from the gun community that will be noticeable. As AB noted, he doesn't deal with any of them. At most, I am guessing that folks might deal with one or two on a very limited basis.

On a lot of the companies, the stockholders are just a few people who are probably like minded. In most cases, the stockholders probably don't know that this has gone on or don't care so long as the company is making the money.
USNRet93 said:
Cuz McConnell(Senate) won't even let these come to the floor for a vote..cuz that would put more than a few GOP Senators on the record..which, regardless of how they vote, could hurt their chances of re-election..since, unlike the House, their race is statewide, not limited to a district..They are in a tough spot, IMHO...

I can see you are unfamiliar with the story of Brer Rabbit and the Tarbaby.
Don't know if virtue signaling has much to do with it, as it would imply they're signalling to their customers.

To me sending the letter smacks of old-fashioned "One-Upmanship". Its aimed at people who are NOT their customer base. It says:

"I'm Woke and You're Not"
Doc Intrepid said:
Don't know if virtue signaling has much to do with it, as it would imply they're signalling to their customers.

Solid point. I don’t think they are signaling their customers so much as they are signaling their neighbors. And their neighbors likely don’t have a lot of practical use for personal armed self defense.
Most of those company names on that list have been known to be pro gun control for a while now. No big surprise there.

They have their opinions and I have mine. I ask folks respect my opinion, thus I respect those opinions of others. If folks with a opinion different than mine produces a product that I desire, either because of quality or cost, their difference of opinion will probably not deter my purchase. My purchase does not mean I agree with them. Gun laws change by those we vote in office, not by whose products we buy.