"Cease Fire" Commercial featuring Paul Newman...

Rob Pincus

New member
Who's seen it? I have, and it is good. It features Newman reading a newspaper article about two kids who find their parents guns and one shoots the other. Then he looks up at the camera and stares.. cut-away to the "Cease Fire" Logo and a voice over stating something like: "Before you bring a gun into your home, think about it..."

Why do all the good ad agencies work for the Anti's ??
sorry I'm unfamilar with all the anti orgs. The add is probably sponsored by the antis, but it seem pretty neutral to me. Its something that we should all do before we purchase a firearm. I know it would have saved me close to a 1k this month.

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
Could it be we gun owners spend our resources fighting "against" gun control instead of uniting and fighting "for" the RKBA?

1K? $1,000? Good Lord, guy! What happened?
1 Olympic Arms AR-15 Clone 20" barrel A2 sights in Cali after sb23 passed. 799+tax+fees+trigger lock=887

1 ruger 10/22 including scope + 500rd. ammo
supposed to be 199, but they rang it up as just the gun so it was 149+tax+fees=176 and they were giving away trigger locks with all gun purchases during the sale.
total damage = 1036
pick up the 10/22 tomorrow, and the AR clone next wed.

I wasn't gonna get the AR clone, but then i got the if I don't get it know, my son (if I every get married and have a son) will never be able to know one.

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?

[This message has been edited by chink (edited July 20, 1999).]
Aha! I see!
Wish you lived nearby. I'd offer to buy the ammo for both of us if I could share in the shootin'!
Then again, I might have something you'd be interested in.

In any case, congrats on your new items! :D
I've seen several of the "Cease Fire" ads.

They're very clever, well crafted, and almost flawlessly smooth. They're low-key and come across as warm, thoughtful, and sincere. They use spokespersons that America habitually likes and trusts such as Newman and Uncle Walter Cronkite. They quietly speak a simple but powerful message ("a gun is a danger to you"). They exploit America's concern for its children to deepen the impact of the message.

The ads are so good that even a pro-gunner may have to think twice before penetrating to their rotten, deceptive, propagandistic core.

Not unexpectedly the ultimate effect of the ads is to make me reach for the airsickness bag.

Just my $0.02

[This message has been edited by jimmy (edited July 20, 1999).]
While they are not speaking our point of view, I think they should be respected as great ads, which are undoubtedly effective.

Those are the kinds of statements that the NRA should be using our money to make, IMHO.

your right. I haven't seen the ad, but the way it is describe, and by my first post, you can see that it is hard to he the negative nature of the ad until you look at their web site and realize that they are evil
look at the stats page this on made me laugh

"One-half of all handgun owners say they keep their guns loaded at least some of the time."

of course my gun i loaded some of the time. Its call range time when I'm shooting it.

I'd take you up on that offer is I was close. I may have all the good, but I can't afford the ammo no more. except for the 10/22. I have 22 all over the house

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
Good point! The NRA is spending millions of dollars. We get "good compromises" and "It coulda been worse" stories. But I see very few ads on TV, hardly anything in magazines, and nothing in the newspapers. Hmmm.

And the NRA ads I see usually are more for recruitment than gun rights. Hmmm again.

If the NRA wanted to promote gun rights to the general public, they wouldn't be running recruitment ads in gun magazines.

Where are the ads in the other magazines? Hmmm #3.

If other magazines refuse to run the ads, where's the lawsuits? Or at least other ads condemning the loss of free speech? Hmmm #4.

Why am I wrong expected the NRA to influence people OTHER than potential donors? Hmmm #5.

Anyone else have "Hmms"?

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited July 20, 1999).]
It would be a cold day in hell when a mainstream magazine runs NRA ads regularly. They routinely refuse them. Especially a politically incorrect subject like gun ownership. The Leftist media has it's own agenda. Speaking of lawsuits, they are perfectly within their rights to refuse to run any ad. The NRA would get absolutely nowhere wasting money on these lawsuits.

As far as the Cease Fire Ads,whether it is those or others,the antis can cleverly call them "public service announcements" because they are under the guise of "safety" awareness. They then get their subtle anti-gun message across for little or no air time cost. I'm sure Newman and Crankcase worked gratis too.

[This message has been edited by Contender (edited July 20, 1999).]
I've heard the "mainstream press won't run them" BS for too long now. I want to see a stack of refusal letters. As mentioned above, how about a list in the next American Rifleman of the magazines that have refused the ads.

Hell, it took me about 2 days to get approval from USA Today for FOUP. All it takes is cash.

A&E was running a gun/violence filled trailer for one of their TV movies all during the week they trounced the gun on "Investigative Reports".... $$$$ is the bottom line.

there ya' go Rob, that's what i'm talking about. if the NRA really wanted to get the message across, they'd run ads in magazines and on tv. w/ all the money they spend, educating the masses should be priority one.
for that, i'd give money!!

what me worry?
You may be right Rob but, I could really picture Time or Newsweek or People or any of the other Leftist Rags accepting progun ads. I also can't see Redbook,Good Housekeeping,or any other Woman's mags running them.(A very important constituancy) Especially, in the climate we have now after the school shootings. Hell, my local paper wouldn't run a pro-gun letter on their editorial page if you hit'em over the head with it.

[This message has been edited by Contender (edited July 20, 1999).]
Dang... Now look at all the Salad dressing I gotsta throw out!

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...



Yes, Actually, I can. But, I'd gladly admit I was wrong if I saw a stack of rejection letters....

Rob, the Second Amendment Foundation has been targetting smaller journals and other publications:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
The ad has already run in issues of the Weekly Standard (June'99), Insight (June '99), Electronic Media (June '99), Columbia Journalism Review (June '99), Reason Magazine (May '99), and the National Review (May '99). The ad will also appear in the New Republic with even more non-firearms publication buys already planned. The new print ad is designed to compliment the on-going radio ads entitled, "It’s the Bill of Rights, Not the Bill of Needs!"[/quote]
Rob, I'd like to see the rejection letters myself. While I'm a life member of the NRA and support our organization because, at least it's the largest, I would like to see some evidence of whole hearted effort! I don't like reports of first class airline tickets, suites in hotels etc. while on the NRA web page you cab choose "grass roots" which puts you in touch with volunteers like us!
Same old same old! It's the "@" money! A dollar in equals a dime out! Couple of billion in and perhaps the NRA will purchase us some time.

I am not currently an NRA member. I let my membership lapse a couple years ago because of issues like this. I am a life member of the LEAA and a sponsor member of both the DSC and the NWTF. I belong to a few other organizations as a regular member. My wife is still a member of the NRA, so we are represented as well as most other families I know. I also have attended two "friends of the NRA" banquets over the last year, where I spent several hundred dollars on raffle tickets and such, so some of my money is paying for those first class tickets and hotel suites too. I feel that gives me the right to question how they use it.

I have worked in marketing & promotions for the firearms/hunting industry for a few years now, and I have never seen any network or magazine reject a gun ad or story outright on the basis of politics.. especially when money was to be made on it. I have had certian outlets discuss issues of what type of firearms we were representing or what kind of hunting we were doing.. but never an outright "No, we don't accept gun ads/stories."
Remember that most of the Ads you see and hear are PSA's, that the FCC mandates and the stations use for tax deductions... they choose what ever they want to put on. Also the hci and others get all kinds of money from the think tanks etc that are controlled by the Elite who want our guns taken away.... ever hear of the Ford,Carnegie, Mellon,or Morgan trusts giving money to the NRA?

Yes the NRA does spend too much time and money on recruiting ads... but since we've all gotten po'd and quit giving them money, they have little choice but to recruit new $$$.