CDC---they're baaaack

I keep my guns safe from violence by not participating in gangs, domestic violence or used for suicides. It’s worked out pretty well for my collection.
OK, good,valid responses. Thank you for those.

But the question still hangs - Who do you trust to investigate the problem of violence, of all kinds, including violence done by persons with guns?
But the question still hangs - Who do you trust to investigate the problem of violence, of all kinds, including violence done by persons with guns?

That's not the question. The question is who do you trust to evaluate the research and make policy decisions?
The question is who do you trust to evaluate the research and make policy decisions?

No one. Not that it matters, what matters is who we have, and who we're stuck with, and what they say and do, and WHY.

Its the age old Emperor's problem (or King or warlord or any leader, really)

Who guards the guards???

And can THEY be trusted??

And that's the problem with trust and credibility, once you damage those, they don't come back easily, or sometimes, ever.

Everyone who does a study, is being paid by someone. There is a very strong tendency to deliver what you think the guy paying you wants, so he will continue to give you work and you will keep getting paid.

People being paid by the govt face the same thing, Its the way we do things, and its terribly vulnerable to bias due to individuals desire for profit, either directly with money, or less directly with increased influence, or the advancement of a specific political ideology, theory, or religious beliefs.

No one should be above suspicion, no one is infallible and as the old saying goes, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
Reagan said "Trust, ..but verify" and I think when possible that the best course.
I agree with that. So then, who do you trust to do that?

I trust myself. There's already a ton of research material available. And if the American public had any faith in the fed's ability to keep them safe they wouldn't have created a wave of gun and ammo shortages.
In the case of the Portland High School, the perpetrator was definitely mentally unstable.
His Mother had the key to the safe, he took it!
Are more teachers being armed? Now? The old saying that to stop a bad (or mad!) person with a gun, is a good person with a gun? Seems kind of simple enough?
I have a neighbour who works from home, an odd couple of times my alarm has gone off, I receive a cell phone call! Reference a quick break-in, and search for guns? The only loose one is on my hip! The rest are in a big safe. The alarm brings the Police in ten or 15 minutes.

Since our upgrade on our Alarm system? No more false alarms.
I graduated high school in the 70s. My school was fairly progressive in art and language and music, we studied the rock opera Tommy, and even performed Jesus Christ Superstar.

But science, math, and history weren't, and I got a useful and fairly comprehensive education in both the basics and some extended areas of those subjects.

So, when the CDC tells me what to do about an ebola, TB, smallpox, or other disease outbreak, I tend to listen.

When they tell me about gun violence, I tend to use colorful and often obscene phrases that essentially boil down to "shut up and go away!" :D

I believe the purpose of medicine is to treat the sick and heal the injured and that social policies and lifestyle choices should be left to individual choice, or other, equally unqualified people, such as those we elect. :rolleyes:
Washington Examiner pushback piece

The Washington Examiner (WE) chimed in with its opinion of the recent Center for Disease Control (CDC) announcement to take on the topic of "gun control" again.

Predictably the WE is against the CDC taking this issue on but IMhO that's okay as they have facts and logic on their side. Example:

In the CNN video, interviewer Cohen alleges that the NRA, in the 1990s, “convinced Congress to cut funding for all gun research.” That myth has been the narrative of the public health community ever since. In reality, Congress only put a stop to the CDC’s “activities to advocate or promote gun control,” as the full House Appropriations Committee report put it.

The link to the article is below and, again, IMhO it is worth reading for its recap of the shady things the CDC has done.