CCW: What can they do with the info?

An Oklahoma dealer just told me although some of the old permits were grandfathered, that none of the new and renewal CCW permits being issued would allow buying a gun without NICS check. He implied that it was ATF doing that so I wonder if that is nationwide. Anybody else heard that?
Here in Arizona, our CCW law was written by the NRA. :) It is closely patterned after Flordia's law. You can carry anything that you can legally own. Arizona is also an 'open carry' state. This means that you can walk down the street with a gun on your hip if you so desire. It also means that we do not have any of those silly laws that punish you for accidentally displaying your concealed weapon!! :) Great state eh!!! :cool:

Just as there is no such thing as too much fun,
there is no such thing as owning just one gun!!!

Now, go do the right thing, and buy that Walther!!