CCW: What can they do with the info?


I noticed on the CCW application that they want to know exactly which guns you'll carry; model, caliber, serial number, etc. Has anybody wondered what the sheriff does with this info? In my state of Colorado, the governor has the right to revoke all handgun permits if he sees fit.

I know that if we ever had laws passed that, if we had to turn in our guns, I wouldn't give mine up. I wonder if they'd go directly to peoples homes which they had this info to collect the guns. As far fetched as that sounds, it's still concerning.
Hopefully not a concern. The more I hear about whats going on I also wonder at times.

[This message has been edited by Zensho (edited January 04, 2000).]
It is a liability issue. The idea is that you qualify with the guns you carry. The sherrif is less liable in the case that a shooting or AD occurs... At least, that is the general idea.

It makes some people feel better, too. ;-)

Thankfully, here in SC, you qualify with any handgun you choose and then you can carry that gun or any other handgun you choose. It doesn't matter if you qualified with a revolver or auto, you can carry either.

I qualified with a revolver and an auto and the CCW instructor noted it on the apllication.
Florida has no such requirement. Qualification is minimal (one shot) and no notation of weapon used is noted. Once you have the CCW you can carry whatever you please.

Yeah, I was about to mention that. I don't recall having to put down my guns nor their serial numbers when applying for my CCW (and I live in FL).

Whatever happened to Cincinnatus?
Here in PA. you are licensed to carry any firearm you legally own. CCW permit is good for 5yrs. unless revoked. No muss no fuss, but you do get a background check.

Happy Shooting :)

Help Stamp Out Gun Ignorance.

[This message has been edited by loknload (edited January 05, 2000).]
You can carry what you want in Virginia.
You need to show proof of firearms training.
DD form 214 will do, if ex military.

Give me Liberty, or Give me Foodstamps!
CCW laws vary by State. Texas for example only distinquishes between semi-auto and revolvers on the license or application. If you qualify on the shooting test using the semi-auto you can carry both, if you qualify with the revolver you can only carry a revolver.
Does that mean you can ONLY carry what you write down??

I think you should look into that further..

but the "when they come for mine" paranoia is rather silly don't you think.? They would come for EVERY DCM purchaser and NRA member and Person who bought a hunting license and yellow form purchaser they could find.

You are making a point that you are a law abiding citizen.. ask the question like "well i have this here 9mm... what if I buy a .38 later.. can I still carry that? (this way you could credibly only have to put ONE gun down on the form, rather than all the guns you MIGHT carry)

better yet Pick ONE practice with it and pack it all the time.


(hope some day us citizens in denver can get a ccw)

Dr. Rob

Considering the current political climate in Denver, it's doubtful a CCW will be obtainable in the near future.

Me too to The Dr. Doesn't look very blissful for CO this year. Squabbles already.

What a strange hodge-podge of CCW laws across this fine land. Larimer, CO doesn't require any type registration & too, hunters' safety card is good enough for training requirement & permit's good for "term of office" of the issuing sheriff.
I can legally (state & fed laws) carry the BHP into & sit in an elementary school class - very few restrictions on no-carry locale & those are, mostly, determined by fed law. Go figure. I can sit in a class with 1st graders but can't mail a letter at the post office while CCWing.

Can't bitch too bad.
Dr. Rob - I am guessing that you were referring to my post about Texas CCW.

" can only carry what your write down?"

No, you can only legally carry concealed a revolver if that is what you qualified with on the shooting portion of the required test to recieve a CHL. Using a semi-auto for the qualification test will allow you to carry either or both.
It varies by county- but in the metro-Denver area it is popular to define which gun may be carried- some even proclude certain ones, such as SA onlys... Denver has a, for all intensive purposes, a non-issue policy.

Evidently it does vary by county in Colorado as to the questions asked on the CCW application. We in El Paso county are blessed with a good common sense sheriff and, while his office did have a survey sheet with the last application regarding such things as caliber of guns shot and frequency of practice, it required no signature and did not affect the CCW application. We are licensed to carry any legal handgun concealed with the usual legal restrictions. This seems sensible since some situations call for a more concealable weapon than others which would be illegal if the CCW only covered one gun. :)
The packet of information I got with the application says nothing about the governor being able to take anyone's CCW and I doubt if it's true, even if your sheriff so stated, unless the governor somehow qualifies as a Colorado peace officer. It did say "Any peace officer in the state of Colorado may suspend and confiscate any concealed handgun permit issued by this Sheriff's office for delivery to the Sheriff, when the peace officer has reasonable suspicion that the permitee falls into a category for which the permit would not have been issued initially. The revocation of the permit may be appealed directly to the Sheriff, if the permitee believes the permit was unfairly confiscated and/or revoked." I don't see anything here that is arbitrary or unreasonable.

Gun control is a steady hand and hitting with the first shot.

[This message has been edited by OJ (edited January 06, 2000).]
People usually lose their permits, and sometimes their guns because of DUIs, ADs, or imprudent displays of their "concealed" weapon.

Fortunately for us in Georgia, there are laws expressly FORBIDDING counties from asking for non relevant information, such as gun models & serial numbers.

In Oklahoma if you qualify in class with a revolver, you can only carry such until you upgrade (30 bucks). If you shoot a semi-auto in the firstplace, you can carry derringer, revolver, or semi-auto. No specific gun inventory or serial numbers taken. No NICS wait in the gun shop with the card is a plus.
"No NICS wait in the gun shop with the card is a plus."

That's the case in Florida as well. My CCW is due to arrive in mid-Feb. I can't wait to hit the next gun show after it's in-hand :)
