CCW Scenario...Opinions Please

Frank I suspect you aren't a candidate likely to get into a fist fight any time soon, unless you habituate the kind of places where they are common.

Basically I see it like this. The only way anyone is going to thump on me while I am carrying is if he has me physically cornered and can't be talked down. If he still tries to thump me while looking down the barrel of loaded and cocked .45 and has just been told that if he persists he will die - if he does persist in that set of circumstances then I would feel in danger of great bodily harm becuase he is obviously loony tunes.

Why is it that you don't see that the way that I do? What am I missing here?
Frank I suspect you aren't a candidate likely to get into a fist fight any time soon, unless you habituate the kind of places where they are common.

I think it has more to do with mindset than where I hang out....A lot of the places I used to hang out were pretty rough....One was a cop bar that was gradually being taken over by bikers.

Why is it that you don't see that the way that I do? What am I missing here?

Not sure....Maybe because of my job? I've never really been in a situation that I couldn't de-escalate by leaving. I'd probably feel differently if I were 20 years older, but for me personally, the time to draw a gun is about a half second before the hammer drops. I've never seen any good come out of bringing a gun to a potential fist fight. If there's reason to believe you're about to be robbed in an alley, as opposed to getting a punch in the face because your eyes lingered too long on various body parts of somone else's girlfriend, that might be a different story, but I can't think of any bar fight (for example) that I've ever seen where a gun would have made things better. Or maybe, I've learned to develop other options after being told one too many times after pulling a gun on someone "Go ahead, SHOOT me!!" In 20 years, I can't really even think of a time where someone cornered a normal, law abiding guy with the intent of beating him to death. The weaponless assaults I'm thinking of had far less reasonable potential for death, and hence a lot less reasonable justification to be countered by deadly force.

Also, there is the law, and there is what I'm personally prepared to do. If I had shot every person who I was legally justified in shooting over the past 20 years, I'd have probably killed at LEAST a half-dozen people probably more. I'm willing to take a few punches before I pull the trigger whether it's on-duty or off. I also try to carry some pepper spray when I'm out and about. It usually works great, and it's a lot easier to justify to a prosecutor than a half dozen .44 rounds. I wouldn't even THINK of hurting my knuckles or wrists in a physical cofrontation if I had a can of pepper spray available.
Frank, in the scenario where I can't leave the area of the confrontation, it wouldn't be in a bar, cause in a bar I wouldn't be packing to start with (maybe pepper spray now :) ). It might be in a fender bender and dealing with road rage, but I can't really think of anywhere else it would be likely.

Let me ask you this then: If someone your size or slightly larger decided to beat you physically, and you had tried to walk away but could not, had tried to talk him down but could not, and you had forgotten your pepper spray, and he had you backed literally into a corner, you wouldn't pull your gun then? And if you did pull your gun and he still attacked you, you wouldn't shoot?

What do yo do for a living? Sounds like you are in law enforcement.
Let me ask you this then: If someone your size or slightly larger decided to beat you physically, and you had tried to walk away but could not, had tried to talk him down but could not, and you had forgotten your pepper spray, and he had you backed literally into a corner, you wouldn't pull your gun then? And if you did pull your gun and he still attacked you, you wouldn't shoot?

What do yo do for a living? Sounds like you are in law enforcement.

My size or slightly larger? I definately wouldn't shoot or even pull my gun right away, and I wouldn't let myself get backed into a corner. Things would get physical before I'd get backed into a corner or retreated anywhere except toward the door. Things would also get physical before I pulled my gun. I definately wouldn't shoot him before he hit me, and probably not then. If he grabbed something to hit me with, he may get shot at that point. I wouldn't pull my gun until then. Or if he was getting the better of me to the point where I was really legitimately afraid he'd get my gun. I just can't think of any situation where I'd be in a fight like that and couldn't escape unless it was a robbery which is altogether different. In a road rage incident, you don't really have to get out of your car. What's he going to do? Kick your car? If he comes out with a tire iron or baseball bat, that's a different story. I really can't think of any potential assault and battery situations where I would pull my gun as a way to stop the situation.

Yes, I'm in law enforcement.
Best D = escape route

Frank - I think you hit the nail right on the head. NOT getting yourself cornered is the best thing here. There are many situations that can be de-escalated just by leaving.

Or not being there in the first place. Most of us have very good evolved "gut" feelings. And if your gut is telling you its exit time - following it is probably a very good thing.

But the post is about what would you do if......and I think there have been some very creative options here and hopefully many folks now have an alternative or a plan if they get into a tight spot.
Or not being there in the first place. Most of us have very good evolved "gut" feelings. And if your gut is telling you its exit time - following it is probably a very good thing.

There are some places I just can't avoid going if the hamburgers are really good, or the beer really cold.
lets see here

if you let a person know that you have a gun and they want to mess with you, they have serious issues and need to be taken down probably. I would try to let them know that I am not defenseless and then act from there. if they persue after you let them know that you are armed then shoot his ass... :p :p :p