CCW Qualification?

It's been a bit, but in Kentucky you have to pass a background check, a day of classroom work followed by a written exam and a shooting test. The test was at 7 yards and if my memory serves correct you had to put 11 out of 20 on a human outline target (I could be wrong about the 11 part. May have been 15?)
In my CCW course we were required to fire 50 rounds at silhouettes, about 7 yards away. I was more of a test to demonstrate a knowledge of how to handle a handgun safely, than it was of accuracy. But I think if a student could not consistently hit the target, they would probably not get a certificate.
AZ requires 10 rd. accuracy test as part of CCW permit process. 5 shots at 5 yds. and 5 shots at 10 yds. 70% of shots at each range must be in target (14" X 16")
In Florida I had to submit an application and a copy of my DD214.

Others take a class, fire one anything, often into a barrel.

"the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed" By that, why should one have to even take a class, or fire a round, it is my constitutional
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One women failed when I took my test but only because she brought a revolver that looked like it had been fished out of Galveston Bay.....I think we shot at 3,5and 7 yds. I think a blind man could pass that test..
I dont see what the difference is? Are people who carry a firearms concealed statistically poorer shots?
Doesn't ahve anything to do with who shoots better, has everything to do with legal issues and such. The law says (depending on jurisdiction) if you want to carry concealed there is a test to pass. Has nothign to do with right to carry, has everything to do with being allowed to carry in a specific manner.
I havent seen this to be shown or applied anywhere, just lists of states that are reciprocal. Got any specifics?
As mentioned, a number of states require training to be comparable to their training in order to have reciprocity. Defining what is "comparable" can take a number of twists.
Louisiana test that I took was 8 hours of instruction. The live fire was 36 rounds with 12 each at 5 ft, 10ft, 15 ft with 2 mandatory reloads.
This is the drill in Texas:

a) The proficiency demonstration course will be the same for both instructors and license applications. The course of fire will be at distances of three, seven, and fifteen yards, for a total of fifty rounds.

(1) Twenty rounds will be fired from three yards, as follows:
(A) five rounds will be fired "One Shot Exercise"; two seconds allowed for each shot;
(B) ten rounds will be fired "Two Shot Exercise"; three seconds allowed for each two shots; and
(C) five rounds will be fired; ten seconds allowed for five shots.

(2) Twenty rounds will be fired from seven yards, fired in four five-shot strings as follows:
(A) the first five shots will be fired in ten seconds;
(B) the next five shots will be fired in two stages:
(i) two shots will be fired in four seconds; and
(ii) three shots will be fired in six seconds.
(C) the next five shots at seven yards will be fired "One Shot Exercise"; three seconds will be allowed for each shot; and
(D) the last five shots fired at the seven-yard line, the time will be fifteen seconds to shoot five rounds.

(3) Ten rounds will be fired from fifteen yards, fired in two five-shot strings as follows:
(A) the first five shots will be fired in two stages:
(i) two shots fired in six seconds; and
(ii) three shots fired in nine seconds.
(B) the last five shots will be fired in fifteen seconds.
(b) A student must score at least 70% on the written examination and shooting proficiency examination to obtain a proficiency certificate. A student will have three (3) opportunities to pass the written examination and shooting proficiency examination.

It's an easy test, failures are rare.
Dallas Jack
TX requires you fire 50 rds in different groups at three distances ... for instance, you get x number of seconds to fire three rounds at x feet ... I saw a woman who had never fired a gun before the CHL class almost pass .. then, of course, the instructor coached her through a second set of shots and she passed ... these tests are pretty much a joke if you've ever fired a handgun ...
When I took mine, the instructor basically wanted to make sure you were competent at handling the weapon, and could put the majority of the shots on paper. I dont recall a specific grade or percentage, but he did make one girl come back for the shooting part again as she didnt fare too well.

You may not have the same requirements where you live.
In Alaska at least the class I took,

The qualification is a 22 round drill. Starting from the 3-yard line and continuing from the 5,7,10 and 15-yard distances. A total possible of 110 points, passing score minimum of 77 points or 70% and higher.
Louisiana test that I took was 8 hours of instruction. The live fire was 36 rounds with 12 each at 5 ft, 10ft, 15 ft with 2 mandatory reloads.

Yep. And when I took it the last time, one guy was all over the paper (and off the paper, too). It's supposed to be mandatory that all 36 are in the silhouette, so I don't know what ended up happening with him.

On the other extreme, right next to his stall, there was a little lady there with a Makarov that put all of hers in a little group the size of a half-dollar.

Chauvinism or not, you know that fella had to be embarrassed.

In Missouri you have to put 15 of 20 shots (10 shots then 10 shots) on the "black" on the largest silhouette target at 7 yards. There were 25 or so in my class & I believe all completed the range test. Although, I must admit, I'm not real sure every in the class should have passed. There were a few that couldn't hit the side of a car & barely passed the 15/20 test.

There is also 8 hours of instruction that goes with it. Most classes in MO are approximately $125.00.
In michigan you have to put 6 of 6 shots on an 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper at 15 feet. Very easy.
I just took the Michigan Cpl class on saturday and we had to shoot a round target about the size of a paper plate 24 times from 5 yards to qualify. So it must be different depending on where you took your class. Took mine at Top Gun in Taylor.:)
Also, in Texas, if you want to carry a semiautomatic pistol with your CHL, you must qualify with a semiautomatic pistol. If you qualify with a revolver, then you may only carry a revolver under the auspices of your CHL. With a semi-automatic qualification, you are permitted to carry either.
In Idaho, I just filled out the form, showed my DD214 from my time in the Navy, gave 'em my fingerprints and my money.