CCW laws in NY

During the investigation the SCPD even went through my neighborhood and asked my neighbors humiliating questions about me such as "do I beat my wife".

Hmmm... I have nothing to compare the process to. However, I was pleasantly surprised with it.

The officer who interviewed me was professional and polite. There was a mix-up with the time - the appointment was 10:30, she called my house at 10:15 asking where I was for my 10am. Fortunately, I had pulled into the parking lot 10 minutes early. I think that "mix-up" was staged to make me off balance and defensive, but it wasn't that big a deal. The benefit was that the officer spoke with my wife and got the "do you know he is applying" question out of the way.

The interview lasted about 5 minutes. Most of the time was doing the fingerprints.

Two of my four required affidavits arrived by the time of my interview. I was told that all they use is two, so not to worry about the other arriving. I was given the impression that as long as the background check came back fine (i.e. I didn't lie on the application) the license was coming.

The SCPD, to my knowledge, never contacted anyone. At most, they may have called a reference to verify it's authenticity.

They have 6 months to answer - I received by permit in the mail in about 4.

My wife is going through the same process now. Was just as easy, but seems like it might take a little longer for the permit to come. Again, no one we know of has been contacted, and certainly no embarrassing questions have been asked.

Yes, the policy of no CCW sucks big time. But the process itself was so much simpler and less hassle than I imagined.

Again, I have nothing to compare it to, but I couldn't imagine it being easier (quicker, yes, but not easier).
At the time I obtained my licens(1985), they were really nice at Yapank. But when my neighbors came to me and told me about the questions that they were asked, during the investigation, that kinda got my goat.
Don't know if this is relevant, but anyone know what the "hunting endorsemnt" from NYC PD is worth in upstate NY?
Don't know if this is relevant, but anyone know what the "hunting endorsemnt" from NYC PD is worth in upstate NY?

If I understand your question , I assume you have a target license issued by 1 PP and want to know if their hunting endorsement works for Upstate NY? If that is your question, then the answer I believe is yes. You can use it to hunt upstate if you have a valid hunting license. I would check with 1 PP to make sure. I know that you can't use it to hunt in Central Park. Or at 7Th and 56Th.:rolleyes:
Live Fast,

The Albany area isn't much on CCW pistol permits. When one of my friends moved there from Ft. Drum he had to give up his unrestricted Jefferson county permit(which he had for over 10 years). You permit could be revoked for carring concealed so keep it in mind.

As for training there is MDTS in the utica area you could try.
some of you guys are crazy.. LOL.. There is a reason that county issues a "hunting and target only" wich only allows you to have it in the car with you while traveling to and from hunting/range.. most LEO's will certainly not like to findout you have one loaded, let alone on your body..

To the OP: A quick call to Joyce is the key to resolving this. Trust me, she has all the info you need.. Talking with her and reading the actual laws are a much better source of legal info..

BTW - Last I knew Mcgrath was fine with "Unrestricted" once you have had the H&T and taken the advanced class..
I had an unrestricted CCL from an upstate county for years. If you keep your nose clean for 18 months you may be able to have the conditional restrictions lifted by the issuing judge, or another judge that issues. The restrictions are the machinations of the judge's discretion. The restrictions are just the judges way of showing his/her power to you who dare to go through the process. A neighboring county had a real jerk for an issuing judge for years, and he was finally disbarred; the judges that succeeded him were much more lenient toward the gun owning public. Take some good advice from the voice of experience; stay on the butt smooching good side of your significant other; all it takes is for her to say that she's afraid of you and your permit and guns are history like right now, you dig? All it takes is a DV complaint whether founded or not and they yank your stuff. And you NEVER get it back.
some of you guys are crazy.. LOL.. There is a reason that county issues a "hunting and target only" wich only allows you to have it in the car with you while traveling to and from hunting/range.. most LEO's will certainly not like to findout you have one loaded, let alone on your body..

This contradicts what I have received from reliable sources... the gun club I belong to, a SCPD officer who is knowledgeable on the topic. The gun shop owner where I buy my pistols also told me the same thing with an ATF agent standing there nodding her head. That is - when traveling to/from the range (i.e. in accordance with the restrictions of your hunting/target permit) that permits acts as a full concealed carry. In other works, you can have your pistol loaded and concealed on your person.

I cannot find anything in the law or Suffolk County rule booklet that contradicts this. I am no expert on the topic, so feel free to point out any reference to prove me wrong.

Keep in mind, however, that this "CCW loophole" is not all it seems. The ranges that I know of are cold - so where are you going to unload before you enter the range? Also, according to current SCPD rules, you can't stop between home and range - so technically, you can only carry in your car and the range's parking lot.
This contradicts what I have received from reliable sources... the gun club I belong to, a SCPD officer who is knowledgeable on the topic. The gun shop owner where I buy my pistols also told me the same thing with an ATF agent standing there nodding her head.

I know how your feeling.. I have several friends who are in LEO in Upstate NYS, none of which really knew the difference between the permits I had. I could never get a straight answer. A week before I left NY my truck was broken into in Albany. When the officer arrived he immediatly started going through my truck (i didnt think he was gonna search like a drug bust), anyway I told him about the Glock in my center console and had my permit in hand, he read it several times, looked at me with a blank stare and said "does this mean you can carry a gun on you?" -- NO KIDDING :rolleyes:

The way I see it, if it became a question, they would check with the issuer, your county judge. Hence playing it safe when not having an unrestricted.
If I understand your question , I assume you have a target license issued by 1 PP and want to know if their hunting endorsement works for Upstate NY? If that is your question, then the answer I believe is yes. You can use it to hunt upstate if you have a valid hunting license. I would check with 1 PP to make sure. I know that you can't use it to hunt in Central Park. Or at 7Th and 56Th.

Just trying to see if anyone with a NYC Resident Permit (no more target permits in NYC) has ever had a problem with this hunting endorsement. 1PP won't give me a stright answer. Like, if I go upstate to hunt, can I stay overnight or is the endorsement only godd for the trip there, hunt, come back same day. Anyone deal with this?
Hello All,

I have posted on these very forums before about my headaches dealing with NY state and in particular Erie County. Over time I have just come to accept the...shall we say..."eccentricities" of NY state. Luckily, the problems seem to be county-by-county, so there is always hope to have a more rural judge take care of restricted license problems.

I will apologize up front for the semi-hijack, but I am being relocated to Albany NY for work and I noticed that some of the posters here are from that area. I do not know the area very well and am wondering what you think the best gunshops in the area are. I am very spoiled by having Buffalo Gun Center only a ten minute drive from my current location, which is and has always been a wonderful place to do business.

Any suggestions, good experiences, or places to avoid?

Thanks in advance,

jrm: you're right. On your way to and from the range, your Suffolk permit allows you to carry concealed. I was told by a PO in the license division that no reasonable officer, in light of past inclusions in the handbook, would give you a super hard time if you were stopped for gas or a quite bite on the way back from the range. That being said, I still woulnd't try it. But directly to and from the range--no problem.
Most NYS officers in my area will break your balls if you aren't being stupid. If you are being stupid, a concealed carry permit isn't going to give you any extra consideration.
Your permit allows you to carry concealed legally anyplace outside of NYC and those buildings listed as off limits in the law, period. The restrictions carry no legal weight but are part of the contract between the permit holder and the issuing Judge. Violation of them can result in revocation of the permit but someone has to know that you are carrying and notify the police. Then the police have to tell the Judge and he might call you in for a meeting with him. If you are stopped for speeding or questioning by the police you do not have to tell them you have a handgun on you. And if you are following rule one of concealed carry, "Concealed means concealed", then you have no worries.

You can be anyplace and claim you are on your way to the range, or you were. I headed to the range officer but my wife called and said she wasn't feeling well and I'm going to the store to get her some medicine. If you are on your way to the range you can stop and get coffee, or ammo, or whatever. Remember you are not breaking any law, you are violating the arbitrary restrictions the Judge put on your permit. When my friend and I got our permits in the same county we each were assigned to a different Judge. The one he went to told him not to leave his gun in the car if he stopped. She wanted it in his control. The Judge I went to said to leave it in the car if it could be secured and you could remove it without attracting attention.
In Essex and Franklin county, authorities almost exclusively issue concealed carry permits. Probably, the easiest counties in NY in terms of gun laws.
I believe Wuchak has it correct in his entire post. (very top right in red)

also to further one of his point, you are not required to notify a LEO that you have a weapon on you or in your vehicle. If he asks you about though, do not lie. Not only is that illegal, you are just better off being honest if questioned. Always have your license and CCW permit w/you while driving also.

here is original website if you want to learn more:
NYS red tape

Permitees in NYS should know that their permits are valid throughout the state except in NYC. You would need a separate permit for the city. Long Island residents who must pass through the city to get upstate may do so with the unloaded gun in a locked box and not readily accessible. The trip must be uninterrupted. You can't stop to pick up your buddy, or for gas or for coffee.

I'm retired law enforcement so I have the coveted "carry" license without restrictions. For a time, I also needed the separate NYC license but this hassle was eliminated for retirees and my Nassau County license is now valid in NYC.

NYS is an anti-gun state like MD, MA, NJ, CA and IL. I don't see any relaxation of carry privileges here in my remaining lifetime.
NYS is an anti-gun state like MD, MA, NJ, CA and IL. I don't see any relaxation of carry privileges here in my remaining lifetime.
I would add, except under court order. If 'bear' is clarified to apply outside of the home as part of the core right, there will indeed be a relaxing of cary laws.
some of you guys are crazy.. LOL.. There is a reason that county issues a "hunting and target only" wich only allows you to have it in the car with you while traveling to and from hunting/range.. most LEO's will certainly not like to findout you have one loaded, let alone on your body..

Restrictions are ADMINISTRATIVE only. The permit allows CCW. Carrying outside the restrictions is not illegal but can result in revocation or suspension of the permit. This is established NYS law.

The restrictions are also ARBITRARY and will eventually face the chopping block as BEAR is clarified federally.
My $0.02 worth of legal advice....

If I were a NYer or had a valid carry/firearm permit, I'd contact the community service office or crime prevention unit to see EXACTLY what the local PD's concerns or legal issues were. Be honest & open about your firearm questions and they should assist you. Since the LE agency is where you live or work that would be where you are most often.
I'd also suggest buying a copy of or atty David Wong's detailed guide to US gun & knife laws. Your state AG's office or may help too.

Stay safe & stay legal!