CCW incident in Baton Rouge?


New member
Have any of you heard about this incident? Here is the link: A few comments: It seems that the dead guy had already been shot in the stomach by the cop in question. The shooter gave one verbal command for the dead guy to get off of the cop, then shot him four times in the chest. A second verbal command was followed by a fatal shot to the head. What have you heard in addition to this? What do you think?

The way I read it, . . . it seemed to be a necessary shooting, . . . but you never know how everyone else will take it.

An Ohio State Patrolman shot and killed a guy in southern Ohio a couple days ago, . . . the guy first tried shooting the patrolman with a .45, . . . they rassled for control, . . . he wouldn't give up or give it up, . . . the officer pulled his own weapon and shot him in the side of the head, . . . ending the confrontation.

The news played it up that the officer had other options, . . . "Why did he shoot him in the head????"

You just don't know.

May God bless,
I haven't really heard anything else about it.

I think it was a justified shooting. Here in Louisiana you can use leathal force to preserve someone else's life if the someone else that is being attacked would be within their legal rights to use it.

Besides, what does that guy think? He can attack a cop and not risk getting shot? Not that cops should go around shooting people that give them trouble, but come on. You play with fire and you get burned...or shot.
Armed Citizen Saves Cop in Baton Rouge

On Friday, Feb. 17, 2005, a CCW holder armed with a .45 caliber handgun saved a policeman's life in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Officer Brian Harrision was escorting a funeral procession when he pulled over 24 year old George Temple II, a local businessman, to write him a ticket for breaking into the procession. That's when Temple physically attacked Harrison. During the struggle, which went to the ground, Officer Harrison shot Temple once in the abdomen. Police say Perry Stevens, who was wearing a neck brace and using a cane, was walking out of a store when he heard Officer Harrison yelling for help. Harrison was on his back with Temple on top of him. Stevens went to his car and grabbed his .45 caliber pistol.

Stevens ordered Harrison's attacker to stop the attack and get off the officer. The verbal commands were ignored. The armed citizen fired four shots, all of which struck Temple in the torso. With Temple still on top of the officer, Stevens advanced toward the struggle. He again ordered Temple to stop the attack, and get off the officer. Those commands are ignored. Stevens then fired a fifth and final shot into the head of George Temple, turning his brains into mush, and stopping his deadly attack with justified lethal force.

No charges have been filed.
I read details of this incident on THR yesterday. Sounds like a legitimate shoot to me. XB, do you have any details of Steven's shooting position in relationship to the struggle? I'm just envisioning how hard it would be to get off 5 shots into the perp without any chance of overpenetration into the officer, unless perp was sitting up on officer and well exposed from all sides.
That 's pretty much how I felt about it. I especially like that the CCW shooter was wearing a neck brace and carrying a cane. Hardly a menace to society, eh? No tactical BS, no trash talk, just common sense and a steady hand. Very Nice. My new hero.

I think it's tragic that there's people out there willing to fistfight, and by extension DIE (you fight with a cop, you SHOULD know he could well kill you) over trying to get ahead in traffic by breaking into a funeral procession. I mean, c'mon, seriously, HOW BAD could that ticket be? A few hundred dollars??? Perhaps this is an issue where the gene pool needed to be cleansed, though, as this guy was obviously not all there, and seems to have an extensive rap sheet.

I'd also be interested in the dynamics of this shoot. Where the perp was, where the shooter was, and where the cop was for each shot.
Some facts have come out on this incident. I had the links to post over at THR, but someone beat me to it. Wasn't posted here, so I deleted the links.

The perp was some kind of amateur or semi-pro boxer. He had several convictions for battery and the like. He had the officer on the ground, was sitting atop of his chest while he repeatedly beat the officers face.

At one point, the officer had managed to get his service pistol out and had fired 3 times, only once hitting the perp in the abdomen.

The Samaritan was exiting the store when he heard the officers cries for help. He retrieved his .45 and ordered the perp off the officer. The perp ignored the order so the Samaritan fired 4 shots into the torso of the perp and again ordered him to stand down. The perp ignored the order and the Samaritan fired once more into his skull. Aggression stopped. Gene pool cleansed.
Maybe the armed citizen should have had a .45 instead of a 9mm because everyone knows 4 shots to the chest with a .45 would...oh wait.....;) :D

In all seriousness though - anyone know if the guy killed was on anything but an adrenaline high? Anyone know what type of ammunition the shooter used? I'm surprised, if it was a close range encounter, and those were 4 good shots center mass, that the 5th shot was required. Just goes to show you - hand guns are small!
Way To Go!

Aggression stopped. Gene pool cleansed.
Amem to that! Only thing is he wasted four shots. He just should have put one in this guys pumpkin and got it over with! Mr. Stevens deserves a medal. :D
a 24-year-old "business owner" driving a mercedes who cuts into a funeral procession... sounds shady to me. i didn't like him without the criminal record, glad we know he's - was - a tough though too. anyone who would disregard others that flagrantly, anyone who would start a deadly-force altercation with a cop over a ticket... i'm glad he kept fighting and got himself done in, taxpayers shouldn't covering somebody like that. may someone cut off his funeral procession.

i didn't like how the first article was written. the references to old event create kind of a "wild west" spectacle of cops and CCW'ers.
Sounds like Temple was suffering from what I like to call SBS (Spoiled Brat Syndrome). I live in a small town near Houston and unfortunately I run into this type of driving just about every day when driving into the city on business. A lot of people drive really aggressive; they use turn only lanes and shoulders to pass, flagrantly run stop signs and red lights etcetera. I call it SBS because it is my theory that they were spoiled brats when growing up and never outgrew that behavior (and a lot of them were also bullys when young). They seem to think they are more important than anyone else and don’t have to obey the law or show respect for anyone else. They live their lives just like they were spoiled little kids. Then when they get caught “Oh, it wasn’t my fault, it was because (fill in the blank here)".
Total lack of respect

Breaking into a funeral procession shows a total lack of respect and I would consider this a mercy killing, ya know just cleansing the earth of all the garbage. Temple was supposedly some kind of amateur or semi-pro boxer and had several convictions for battery and the like. Saying he was a bully is putting it mildly! No one will miss him.
DennisD you got it right on my friend :)
I live near Houston too and you are right. And what about the crime rate going up recently since we have the refugees looking for an easy target here in the Houston area?

If you think you are above the law...It can get you dead:D
DennisD and nscale:

You should try driving in Miami and surrounding areas for a day or two. I think the cops have just given up.

For some reason, this thread brought to mind a bumper sticker I saw in the '80s. "Come Back to Miami...(we weren't shooting at YOU)".