CCW in Colorado?


New member
The Colorado Statutes regarding CCW:

(1) Pursuant to the grant of authority in sections 30-10-523 and 31-4-112.1, C.R.S. the chief of police of a city or of a city
and county or the sheriff of a county may issue written permits to carry concealed weapons. A chief of police or sheriff who receives an application for a permit for a concealed weapon from a person who does not reside within the confines of his jurisdiction shall consult the chief of police or sheriff of the jurisdiction in which the applicant resides prior to issuing said permit. The chief of police or sheriff of the jurisdiction in which the application for a permit for a concealed weapon is made shall notify the chief of police or sheriff of the jurisdiction in which the applicant resides of the disposition of said application. Any such permit shall be effective in all areas of the state.

(2) A sheriff or chief of police shall make an inquiry, including a fingerprint check, into the background of an applicant for
a permit to carry a concealed weapon to determine if the applicant would present a danger to others or to himself or herself if the applicant is granted a permit. The sheriff or chief of police shall not be liable for any damages that may result from granting a permit, if the sheriff or chief of police, prior to granting a permit, requests a criminal history check of the applicant from the Colorado bureau of investigation, including a request to process the applicant's fingerprints. The Colorado bureau of investigation, upon request by a chief of police or sheriff, shall conduct a criminal history check of an applicant pursuant to this subsection (2), including but not limited to processing of fingerprints for state criminal history information and using fingerprints to access arrest history records that are maintained by the federal bureau of investigation in the United States department of justice. The cost of such check shall be borne by the applicant.
That said, how really difficult/easy is it to obtain a CCW in Colorado (assuming no background glitches)? Any TFL'ers live in Colorado and have a CCW permit?

Thanks in advance.

[This message has been edited by AKrob (edited November 04, 1999).]
I live in El Paso County (Colorado Springs). I just put my application in last week and the clerks there said it would be 2-3 weeks until I'd receive it. Sheriff Anderson is reputed to be pro-gun and El Paso a 'shall-issue' county. I have also heard that out of some 5,000 permits issued within the county none have yet to be revoked. I never knew any of this before I applied so I feel blessed to live here compared to other counties in this state (you'll never find me in Denver). The fees came out to $99 for a first-time permit ($85 for the Sheriff's Office and $14 for CBI)and the processing (photo, fingerprints) took all of 15 minutes, though you had to have the application filled out beforehand and two forms notarized. I hope this helps and I'll post back when I get my permit.

Thanks for the info. I live in Denver county; it sounds like Denver might be difficult? How ironic if that's the case. Living and working close to downtown Denver, and having to go through some of the "rougher" areas is the primary reason I have considered CCW.

Any one else have experience with Denver county?

There have been a few revocations, but they've all been expires. No CHL holder in El Paso county has had his permit revoked for cause.

Sheriff Anderson is pro-gun, but he has some weird ideas (like destroying guns used in crimes). Getting a CHL here is cake, especially compared to PRD.

Besides, we have open carry. Pisses off the antis like you wouldn't believe. :)

Akrob, you can forget about getting a CHL in Denver, unless you hide under Webb's desk. Only people who can have guns there are cops and crooks. Average Joes aren't trustworthy enough, in Willie's opinion, to be armed.
"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property, or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question.." Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.

[This message has been edited by Coinneach (edited November 05, 1999).]
Ditto what Coinneach says. Move to Adams, Douglas, or Jefferson counties, they all issue, not sure about Arapahoe.Even Boulder issues. I live in Jeffco.
Wow, it's absurd to think that my friends in neighboring counties, literally minutes from me, are able to get licensed while I'm stuck putting up with this crap just for living in Denver - the place you might arguably need to carry most!

So what happens when someone applies in Denver County? Are they told, point blank, NO? Is there ANY consideration at all?

I'm cringing here....
Destroying guns used in crimes, eh? Would anyone really want to own a gun after it was used in the commission of a crime? Anyhow, I'll be checking my mailbox in two weeks.
So, what would be a good reason to give when I live in Douglas County for a CCW? I spend many hours in the mountains by myself and going to use this as a reason. I'm unsure if "personal protection" is enough, as it was in Alabama.
Parshal, I have a friend who has a Douglas County CCW, he used at least one extra page explaining his reasons- 2nd amendment was primary- I have one in Jeffco, they also ask for reasons, and give you about 3/4 of a page to answer. My reason- for lawful self defense.

We in Larimer County didn't have to give any reason at all. Some I've heard of in other counties have stated "for all lawful purposes." That may piss off somebody if they're not so inclined to issue in the first place. It would be prudent to do your homework & find out what successful aplicants have done in the more twitchy counties.

Too, don't forget that either the county sheriff or the Chief of Police of ANY city may issue CCWs in Colorado. & it's pretty wide open as to doesn't matter that the sheriff or CoP is anywhere around where you live. Any can issue literally to anybody.
Pretty patchwork in this state.

Just curious... Are you saying that I could send my application to the Larimer County sheriff (or any other pro-gun chief/sheriff), maybe with a good cover letter, and possibly be issued even though I live in Denver county?

And for that matter, who are the gun-friendly authorities in CO that might be so inclined?

Thanks for the info - I'm glad this thread was resurrected...

CCW is a BITCH to get in Denver.. funny thing though last time the Rocky Mountain News published a list of CCWholders.. MOST ALL had little (d)'s and (r)'s after thier names, or were retired cops.. the people WHO PASS THE LAW ALL HAD Permits.. but not us..

PS Fredirico Pena was on that list.


Denver, Colorado
Dr. Rob,

Here in SE Virginia, we had a state delegate get pistol-whipped in his office parking lot late one night. Two days later, he applied for a CCW permit, and received it in less than a week. Average wait period for us Joe's on the street is 6 weeks or so.

Oh yeah, forgot to mention that here in Virginia, CCW's are approved by circuit court judges, and those judges are appointed by.....the state legislature. Go figure.

I guess I'll be getting my CCW once I get out of the Navy and move to Greeley (Weld County). Sounds like their sheriff is a respectable fellow who can read.
AKrob- that's correct. I have another acquaintance who lives in Denver, is a teacher there, who also owns land in Park County. The Park County Sheriff, I'm told, issued the CCW on the spot. There was another sheriff, I'm hurting my memory here but I think it was in Wray, who was issuing to anyone in the state that passed the backround check. There is a clause in the applicable law that requires that local law enforcement be notified when this happens, this sheriff was notifying after he issued. The town/city council got so much flak that they instructed the sheriff to cease. Again, not sure of the venue, think it was Wray.
here in weld cty it takes 2-4 weeks for a ccw. wife put down for protection i put down business manager. to get one in weld you must either reside here or own a business located in the cty. same goes for larimer. i believe there are some ctys that you do not need to reside in to get one.
there are a lot of colo.redidents on this board too.
There ARE a lot of folks from God's Country posting here, aren't there?

And there will be one more once I get my DD-214!
Wow, old post. Now that I've had my permit for about two months I can say this place is truly God's Country and hope it stays this way. People around here are generally friendly and low-key but a CCW permit is always a good resource to have.
if this was truly "god's country" wellington webb would not be mayor of denver princess di(degette) would have never been elected and last but not least the gov bill owens- doug dean- tom tancredo and other "republicans" would not be preaching about sensible gun laws!!!!!!
also while i am on a rant
let me see webb feels that civilians are not responsible enough to own guns
BUT!!! has no problems with prior multiple(sp ck) use drug users who also admit to spousal abuse on the police dept of denver WTF. i do not care if you experiment with pot it should be decriminalized (my op) but this guy ellis johnson was turned down by 19 thats right 19 other pd's and denver hires him. have we as a society sunk this low???
i guess we have. oh thats right webb is a klinton bootlicker or is that as#$%^kisser should be interesting since webb supports gore and degette is for bradley.