CCW, going from small to large

A "pocket gun" is a backup for me. I never carry something other than full size as an only gun. Surely don't want to rely on a backup for combat, especially while I'm protecting my family, so i make sure i don't have to. As a police officer, I don't necessarily "have to conceal" but I do. The key is to "dress for success".
I started off with a J frame, then a compact 9mm, down to a pocket .380, now I carry a S&W Shield. I found I cant comfortably carry anything larger than something in the realm of a M&P compact, Glock 26, SR9C etc.. My current carry gun is the S&W Shield, which I find the absolute perfect size.
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I carry

What one carries depends on their life experience. When someone says “I carry,” what does that mean? It is one thing to carry, but another to be prepared, and to be prepared one must know what to expect to be able to be wisely prepared. You will notice street cops and/or ex-military tend to draw on the wisdom of real experience, whilst some depend on word of mouth or the word of those who have that experience. Some get trained at facilities that give them the knowledge and experience to make better choices ... a good thing for anyone.

But, and there always is a but in life, some choose by comfort, even the experienced ones. If the comfort isn't there the carry habits may be not be there as well, thus voiding any wisdom of experience. Carrying for protection is a complicated thing, and it changes for everyone as they go along ... aging, changing life dynamics, and physical prowess also comes into play. When asked by rookies on the job about this issue I always told them that a cop off duty will want the smallest and lightest gun on the market but, when a 6’ 11” bad guy with a gun comes at them they will wish they had a S&W 500!!! Until bad guys start sending you text messages that they are coming at this time and date it is best to arm yourself with a gun big enough to stop someone who has intent to kill you and/or your loved ones!!! The other side of the coin on some occasions where a big gun just isn’t practical to carry, a .22 in the hand is better than a 500 in the glove box!!!

I repeat … When someone says “I carry,” what does that mean?
I carry a HK45C in the winter months and a Kahr PM9, or Colt Detective Special Series 2 in the summer. I don't carry anything under 9mm for CCW. JMHO
Wild Bill,

Well said. I carry a 1911 gun on, and off duty (4" Lightweight of the Kimber flavor). I work plainclothes daily, so, in essence, everyday is the same for me. The 1911 and AT LEAST 1 spare mag. My "street clothes" vary from working to not, as does method of carry. Working, it's open, and off is concealed (IWB).'s the same gun I have carried for years, and as long as I can hide it and tolerate it, that's what it will be. The last thing in the world that want is a different gun than I have trained with for years when I need to protect my family while out dinner or at the mall. Regardless of weather, I make the gun work into whatever I'm doing. That includes mowing the grass and changing the oil in my cars. Period. (That should make the folks who like to keep their guns "scratch free" looks like it has been used as a fence stretcher and drug behind a pickup truck along the road :eek:)

This is coming from the same guy that still carries a 5 shot on the ankle ANYTIME he has pants on that will cover it up. I have trained with that gun probably 75% as much as the 1911. These guns are no different to me than my wallet.......if I'm dressed, I have them.

The old saying "beware a man who who has but one gun, for he probably has figured out how to use it" always made really good sense to me.

The bottom line is do what you are comfortable will get the job done and TRAIN, TRAIN, TRAIN. A gun you can't draw, operate or hit anything with under stress is more a liability than a help.
Wise Words

These guns are no different to me than my wallet.......if I'm dressed, I have them.

Wise words!!! Some say, " I am only going to the movies" just like the folks at the theatre in Aurora Colorado probably did before going to the movies that night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IT DOESN'T MATTER, if it is hot, cold, or of your perception of a SAFE NEIGHBORHOOD, such as Aurora, Columbine, Fort Hood for God's sake, or Chicago's south side ... if you carry, CARRY, or play Russian Roulette with your life or the life of others! The grave yards are full of those with good intentions ... EVIL DOESN'T CARE!!!
For me going smaller than a Taurus 709/740 or shield is too small for the big mitts. Hard to hold, hard to be accurate. Going larger, is easier to hold and more accurate, but harder to be comfortable with and physically tiring toting the extra weight / bulk.

So I've gone from big to tiny and landed on small / thin.
the last few months I've been carrying a Glock 17, all in a Crossbreed Supertuck. I've come to the realization that I may actually have to use my weapon to defend myself and I shoot a larger gun far better than a smaller one. How bout the rest of y'all .

I m awaiting my Illinois CCW right now.

I tried shooting smaller guns and yeah I can be on target at 20 feet though off to the left and a fairly big group. I shoot my bigger guns so much better and have my utmost confidence in them.

So I decided I want to CCW what I am very proficient with even if it meant less comfort. I have decided that the Walther PPQ will be my primary CCW. I also want to CCW my HK P30LS and probably my SIG P229 though it is pretty chunky and heavy.

I bought and Aliengear 2.0 with three extra shells to try out. I am so happy that even my HK P30LS is comfortable for me to CCW with it and disappears under a heavy cotton colored T shirt like a Carhartt. I have been wearing it around the house as much as I can to get used to it including walking, sitting, and even napping. Also picked up a Raven Concealment Phantom OWB for the PPQ that has been a dream to use. Things should even get better for me once my Beltman belt arrives.

I am total newbe to CCW but it appears to me there are holster options, such as hybrids, that can make for many of us carrying concealed a more substantially sized weapon without sacrificing a lot of comfort.
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I hope it isn't off topic and not to hijack a thread, but I have a rotation from which ill pick a "flavor de jour" sometimes it'll be a g19 or an lcr or a 1911 depends on the day itself. I shoot them all well, the 1911 best of all. Is this foolish?
Define foolish. Not having a gun would be foolish. Having a gun you can't present or shoot well would be foolish as well, but infinitely less foolish, unless you die or shoot somebody that don't need shooting (like a bystander) because you had a flavor of the day gun you couldn't draw or shoot straight..... again, train, train train and be comfortable with what you choose.
Started with a Walther PPK and moved up to a Kahr CW9. I can't conceal anything larger than that with any reasonable success during normal activities. I have, on occasion, carried a G17, but only for a short errand run when I know I won't have to be doing much sitting/bending/reaching.

I still have the PPK, and carry it on the relatively rare occasions when I can't dress to conceal the CW9.
Like most here, I first thought everybody would notice anything larger than a P3AT, and carried it for 6 months. Then I realized a PF9 and P11 is also easy to hide.

Now, with a good belt from Jim The Beltman and a crossbreed supertuck, my 75B is just as concealed, obviously unless summer clothing dictates otherwise.

Nobody notices a well concealed gun, and the belt makes even big guns easy and comfortable.
I carried a glock 27 for years. Switched to 1911 commander two years ago and haven't looked back. I find the commander conceals just fine summer and winter and it is more comfortable to boot.
I started carrying a Glock 26 and just wasn't happy with the smaller gun. That was years ago. I've successfully carried several full size makes and find them to be near ideal and easy enough to conceal. Ideal though would be slightly smaller, the Glock 19/cco size. Which seems to be my sweet spot.

My current standard is that it needs to have a 4" (or close to it) barrel for me to have any interest at all in it.
It all depends on what you are comfortable with. I have found I prefer my Sig P220 to a smaller gun. I'm a big guy so it's an easy carry for me.