CCW: Glock 43, SW Shield, or other?


New member
I currently have a taurus PT111 thats about 7 yrs old and looking to get something a bit smaller, newer, more reliable, etc. I live in the south where its pretty hot all year so a bigger gun just wont work well with shorts. I am looking at the glock 43 and SW shield and open to others. Any thoughts? Both seem to have extended mag options available or coming. I am planning on shooting both soon as well. I dont carry with a round in chamber and am left handed so a safety is not an issue (i have kids tugging on me and stuff so I just cannot do it).
The Shield is a fine piece of kit in this size (single stack mini 9s), as are the Kahrs (PM9, CM9, and MK9). If you're going crotch carry (thunderwear / smartcarry), the Kahrs have a wee bit longer trigger pull than the Shield, which could add a safety margin for your femoral & junk. Sig P938 is another option. The other one you mention ...uh, no, just don't... that would be a lateral move from a Taurus at best, not a step up.
Are you comparing the Glock 43 to the PT111?

I have not shot the 43, but carry a 26 everyday. I have read a lot of good reviews on the 43. The only complaint I have read is the trigger is a little heavier than the double stack.

As a past owner of 2 Taurus I will never buy another. My 24/7Pro was awesome for about 200 rounds then I couldn't get through a mag without a ftf. My millennium Pro was the same way. Only reason I had the MilPro was it was a gift from my dad. I gave it back to him. I gave the 24/7 to my brother after 2 visits back to taurus.

I'm sure the Shield is a fine gun, and you should be fine with either.

He did mention Kahr, and I love my P40. Probably should carry it more.
I would stick with the Taurus..If your not going to keep one chambered its really not going to matter what your carrying. Because without one chambered the odds are severely against you anyways.
I played with the Glock 43 and the Ruger LC9S and liked the feel of the Ruger better. So I went with the LC9S. I also like the extra round you get with the Ruger vs the Glock and you can get a 9 round mag for the Ruger. it shoots very nice and easy for me to conceal. And was $150 cheaper at my LGS. I have only put 450 rounds through it but not one problem at all other than my son wants it.
With a proper holster and a bit of instruction, it is safe to carry with a round chambered. If you aren't comfortable carrying a G43 or Shield with a round in the chamber, consider a double action revolver.

I don't have any trigger time behind either the G43 or the Shield but both seem to be getting good reviews. S&W makes a variant of the Shield with no safety.
I have the "old-fashioned" LC9. It has a safety and a somewhat stiffer trigger pull than the newer versions, from what I understand. The safety and stiffer trigger might make you feel better about a round in the chamber. I got it dirt cheap, since everyone wants the newer versions. It has been perfectly reliable for me. IIRC, the picture shows it with the slightly longer magazine.

I carried a PT-145 for years without issue. Its still a good gun. Recently bought a Glock 43 and so far its shaping up to be a fine carry gun with a round in the chamber. Im not gonna knock other similar guns but I thought the 43 was better than the others I looked at.
Thanks all. Im really back and forth between the two. I did check out a few other brands but am really leaning towards these two.

My brother is a huge glock fanatic so he is pushing me towards the glock. But I like that the shield comes with 7 and 8 round mags. Both seem to be even in reliability which is my biggest concern. The shield is cheaper but money isnt really a concern. Otherwise they appear pretty much neck and neck. I am going to check them both out this week and see if one feels better and shoot both too.
The current model of the PT111, the G2, is what I carry. Not trying to push it on anyone else, but it really is barely bigger than the Shield, or any of the other single stacks. I've been shooting it weekly since I got it in January, and I have had only one failure to eject in right around 2500 rounds. That round came out of a box that also gave my P07 and my buddy's BP9cc and his G19 failures to eject, so I am guessing that was a bad ammo issue. Ok, over sensitive Taurus owner response completed.

If you want a single stack 9, the only one I have shot is the Bersa BP9cc, and it is truly a sweet shooter. The trigger is a little funny at first, since it pivots strangely, but when you get used to it, it is really great to shoot, and it is most definitely affordable - around $300 to $350, depending on variables and seller.
Check out the Walther PPS. Size-wise, it's in the same league as the Shield. The PPS is a little thinner and I think the Shield is a little shorter. The PPS has at least three different magazine sizes, each with a different grip extension length. (At least two of them are included with purchase.) One major difference is that the PPS has a much better trigger, at least in my opinion.

The other major difference is that the PPS has a paddle release for the magazine. I know some people are hooked on the traditional button release but it's worth checking out. I've found that the learning curve is short and it's got some advantages. For one thing, it's ambidextrous for you lefties.
I'm a lefty and also live in the south. In my opinion, the ones you mentioned are just a tad too large for pocket carry...if that's what your plan is.

Personally, even in shorts, I carry IWB most of the time and do so with a Shield or PPS in a Crossbreed Supertuck-style holster . On the rare occasions that I pocket carry, I prefer an Airweight S&W snubby in 38Spl. If you want to pocket carry a semiauto, I would look at something in .380 with a modern defensive round of ammo.
I would suggest you physically try them. That will help you.

If you are into single columns I would also check out offerings from XDM, Ruger, and Beretta. They are also similar and your hand will like one more than the others.

Of the two you mentioned, S&W's is stainless steel. That can be helpful in a humid environment, and reportedly has a decent trigger out of the box.

I second the opinion on the PPS. I found its trigger to be superior to M&Ps and Glocks out of the box and accurate for its size. It is a very slim pistol with manageable recoil and multiple magazine sizes so you can vary the depth of concealment.

Me personally I like small double columns like the M&Pc, but thats personal preference. With any of the guns mentioned, you really can't go wrong.
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I looked at both, shot both, and ended up with the Shield. There is a pretty good video on the web that compares the 2, and I found it to be pretty much in line with my own conclusions: I didn't like the Glock sights; The Glock seemed to have a little more recoil, and was harder to put quickly back on target; You get at least one extra round with the Shield; And most surprising the Shield trigger was actually better than the Glock - this went against everything I had heard, but I think S&W has really improved the later model triggers.

I installed a LaserMax laser on mine, and carry it in an Alien Gear Tuck 3.0 holster. I highly recommend all 3.
I went and checked out a few guns this week. Still have yet to shoot them. BUT...I am thinking that I might get a gun for IWB and one for Pocket carry.

For IWB, I really liked the glock 26 or 43.

For pocket carry I really like the SW bodyguard or Ruger LCP.

Any thoughts on any of these for what I am trying to do? I am a smaller frame guy, 5'11 160 pounds so I cant hide things well at all:)
I think your plan is perfect. Remember to research your defensive 380 round (the main criticism being that 380ACP is generally weak compared to the usual "service caliber" chamberings). And practice, practice, practice with both of whatever guns you choose...especially that DAO trigger pull on the LCP or Bodyguard.
I have officially decided on the 43. I was able to shoot yesterday afternoon and compared the 26 to the 43. While I really like the capacity of the 26, It's just a tad to big to really allow me to carry comfortable IWB being that I am small least compared the 43. Those few millimeters really do make a difference. Plus I can extend the mags of the 43 to get 8+1, which makes me much more comfortable about the purchase.