CCW fanny pack

From what I've seen at the various shows in/out of state is fanny packs are very poor sellers. That might be a good thing depending on perspective. Backpacks by far are better sellers and the increase in mass transit makes it more so.
This is my favorite fanny pack and backpack that's a carry-friendly brand. There are lots of cool options, even color options:

They are well stitched and overbuilt. Also, like others have said, people who know guns will recognize their purpose.
I see a male with a fanny pack, anywhere but on a trail, and it says to me...."guy with a gun".

I've seen this statement many times since I started getting into the CC lifestyle. I have never heard it from any other source than concealed carriers, though. I have no real data to back this up, but I suspect that most people who don't carry don't make that assumption; "guy with a gun" just isn't on their radar until it is blatantly in their faces. When it comes down to it, If other concealed carriers suspect I may be armed, that is not a big deal to me. Assuming they are carrying legally, they are not the ones I am worried about.
No matter what type shape or description a fanny pack to many persons means "firearm" also i have observed a friend leave his fanny pack in a grocery cart and walk around shopping totally loosing control of it's security. On another occasion one of my fellow officers and i chatted while in Walmart, shortly thereafter i got a panic call that he left the pack on the fold dowzn section of the cart. I quickly went to the location and recovered the not-so- hidden pack. Point is if you wear one, wear it! Do not carry it around by the strap and leave it in a grocery cart.
Close alternatives to consider:

Belly band - the more cushioned the better (I went cheap and having a cylinder digging into your ribs is no fun). Some belly bands have a strap to actively secure the firearm in, and they can be rotated/positioned in any way you want, simulating the same position as a shoulder holster, hip holster, or anything in between.

Pistol Wear holster - never tried it, similar principle as a belly band but instead of pulling into your body with an elastic band, it has a pouch you wear under a T-shirt.

Fanny pack should work fine too, I see a lot of bikers with them. The same things that make it appealing as far as convenience and comfort are related to the removable nature which is also its potential weakness.
No matter what type shape or description a fanny pack to many persons means "firearm"...
I think context has a lot to do with it. In most places "urban", I would agree, out on the trail, not so much.

Most people Ive been backpacking with over the years, wear one as a supplement to their main pack, and I know for a fact, many, if not most of them, dont/didnt carry guns. None of them knew I had one in mine either.
I bought a fanny pack for guns and found it to be far too floppy for any amount of heavy weight, so primarily, I use it backpacking. It is really nice to be able to have everything outside of your pockets, because especially in winter backpacking, you are layering and delayering your pants.

100% of the people who I have known to wear fanny packs had no guns in them. I would suspect most people don't have guns in their fanny packs across the country. Concealed carry people are pretty rare. Lots of people sign up for a concealed carry licence, then never carry. Just think, carrying a gun in a fanny pack makes you an extremely rarified individual, like <0.1% of the population.

Further, most of the people who I have seen wear fanny packs, did not use them backpacking either. Hiking. Festivals. That sort of thing. I think you could get away with urban carry, especially if it looked like a camera case. Nobody thinks fanny packs are cool except for the people carrying them, so you may look like an odd ball, but I wouldn't assume they carry, like others have said, except for concealed carry types, nobody else will either.

That said if you have 5.11 or Maxpedition on your fanny pack, then people might more rightly assume that you have a gun in there. I've approached a woman, because I like Maxpedition Gear, and she DID carry in hers but she wasn't carrying when I spoke with her about her pack. She had been harassed (also while not legally carrying) because the bouncers at some event knew that Maxpedition products were often designed with carry in mind.

That said, I've never been harassed while carry or not carrying (95% of the time) my Maxpedition fanny pack.
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Further, most of the people who I have seen wear fanny packs, did not use them backpacking either.
I always found them to be a big help backpacking.

Worn "in front", it allows access to lots of small to medium "wants and necessities", to be readily available and in easy reach.

It also allows you to keep key things (compass, GPS, map, etc) with you always, should for some reason, you should need to drop your ruck.

Mine is older now, but looks something like this.....

It looks more "yuppie" like (the REI label is a nice touch too :)) than gun bag. It has two pockets, front to back, and the rear pocket is a nice, full size pocket, that easily carries a full size handgun and a reload or two. Easy access too.
AK103K: I agree they are great for backpacking! Especially when you are layering and delayering, then you can keep you important stuff in that pouch instead of moving things from pockets to pockets. Also, many shells don't have pockets, so you'd be covering up access to your pockets.

That's a stealth fanny pack to be sure. Good work AK103K!
Darker, Where did you come up with your statistics on the percentage of permit holders who do not or rarely carry? I have no data but would think that a person who has gone to the effort to get a CC license would carry a good portion of the time. Thinking of my neighbors who are licensed, one sleeps with his pistol (just kidding) since i never see him without, i either carry or have a pistol in my vehicle most of the time, another neighbor carries occasionally but always in church and his wife evaluates her needs before taking her firearm. Now that is diversified !
They are not statistics. But I could try to find them. I doubt there are actual concrete statistics on this. This is just the impression that I have gotten from the people I know in my own life. Some people who get a concealed carry permit actually never intend to carry. I know several people who have gotten theirs only to carry openly occasionally. I actually advocate people get their CC permits simply so they don't break the law unintentionally.

It is pretty easy to accidently conceal an openly carried weapon, especially in the winter time.
I just use any old Fannie pack for kayaking. Worn high in front with most of my gear in plastic or small dry bags, and tethered to my belt loop via a relatively short braided cord in case the plastic clip fails in a roll. The bags inside are all slightly inflated to help the bag float as well. The only other place I use the fanny pack is Disney, so it is usually always loaded and ready for the water should the desire to float strike suddenly. Cheers
+++ on Maxpedition

Not the fastest access, but it does more than just carry weapons. Use mine every day. It ain't gonna wear out!
I see a male with a fanny pack, anywhere but on a trail, and it says to me...."guy with a gun". No matter who makes it, or what color

I agree, with the two exceptions being Gay or a tourist.
I have worn fanny packs in tourist areas since long before I ever started carrying. Crotch packs for me, since I put them in front. That's the whole idea-put your wallet in there and force pickpockets to face you or move on. When I started carrying, I bought a leather one with a holster built-in, for those touristy times. Nice, and works perfectly, but I have no idea who makes it. Bought it at a local gun show.
Tommy's Gun Pack

I've got a few, in different sizes.

If you can buy one not in black, that helps. Also, buy a nice sew on patch, like a Nike Swoosh, BSA, Transformers, Batman, Superman or Mickey Mouse, and sew it onto the front pocket.