ccw and hd pistols for training

Statistically speaking America is still an extremely safe country.

But "If it bleeds it leads!" and the news has 3,000 miles and over 300 million people for it to happen to, We're on the scene live sometimes before the police watching it on our tv screens.

Still.. IT DOES happen.. and while it may not happen to you this week, or even this year.. in fact it probably wont unless you go trolling for trouble down dark alley's at night like Charles Bronson.

The fact remains that it DOES happen, and so some of us carry while we're out but why stop there? I'll be honest I've had more trouble with vandalism and other problems at home then I have being assaulted or even threatened in public.

Luckily I've not had anything burglarized but someone is usually home although if it's just me I keep most of the interior lights out.

Im a big guy and carry a fullsize handgun, Sometimes I have to check to see if it's still there cause frankly 99% of my day it's not forefront on my mind, it's just something I have if I need it, It's only the no-gun signs/zones that even make me think about it.

At home it's even less of a problem, continue to carry till bed/bath time, put it on the night stand, wake up get dress, back in the holster.. easy peezee.

So while it might seem paranoid to carry a gun or have one handy for home defense it's really of little effort and if I don't need it (And I probably and hopefully never will) that's just fine by me.

But if I do.. You bet your ass you'll wish you had it.
The sad reality of life is that there's a right way, a
wrong way, and what you actually do. What I do, is
the minimum it takes, to make sure my SD gun shoots

Then I enjoy my range time with my target pistols.