CCW a Canuck?

Should be a reciprocity thing. We cant carry there-they should NOT be carrying here.
I disagree.

Just because I can't carry there doesn't mean that their citizens should be denied the right of self-defense here. It's not the OP's fault that the Canadian government doesn't recognize certain rights. I fail to see what good it would do for us to follow suit.
Tom is absolutely right... America was born on the principle

that ALL people have rights, not just those that were born here or take an oath to be a citizen.

I can understand the problem with the back ground check from a government bureaucracy standpoint.

If they live in S.C., U.S. citizen or not, they can get a permit.
Tom Servo

Just because I can't carry there doesn't mean that their citizens should be denied the right of self-defense here. It's not the OP's fault that the Canadian government doesn't recognize certain rights. I fail to see what good it would do for us to follow suit.

That just open's a whole new can of worm's.
I have been thinking about this since I first read it a few days ago. Maybe we should give legal aliens the right to CC. My thoughts on this are based on the ethnic enclaves that develop in a lot of cities.

1. There are Chinese gangs in a lot of the 'China Towns' around the United States. Maybe if a few of these residents where allowed to carry the crime rate would drop. (again, I am too lazy to research the stat's on violent crime in these neighborhoods verses other neighborhoods in which we are allowed to defend ourselves.)
2. The same goes for other ethnic areas such a Russians, Vietnamese, Korean, etc, etc, etc... (I do not think there are many Canadian enclaves here in the U.S., but who knows.)
3. If an when these people return to their countries of birth, it is just one more freedom they give up. Maybe it would start a small movement in their countries of birth.
4. Legal Aliens have already shown they have followed the laws by becoming legal (No small task in itself). A legal alien deserves every protection under the constitution and our laws. Most legal aliens that I know are in this country not just to make money, but because they truly love this country. (My wife and her sisters can recite the three branches of the government, what the branches are supposed to do, how the election process works and a myriad of other details of our country's' birth that most of us have long since forgotten.)

I vote to give them the right to concealed carry.
That just open's a whole new can of worm's.
How so? Resident aliens (and in some cases, non-resident aliens) can own guns here. In many states, they can get carry permits. So far as I recall, none of them have caused any problems.
Kansas is a little different. As a non-resident of KS assigned here as a member of the military I can not get a CCW from KS either. They don't recognize the carry permit from my state either. This forces most of us to get a non-resident UT permit. Annoying and expensive.