CCL (CHL) and Cops, Love 'um/Hate 'um

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As long as you are acting within the law of the state you are in, it really doesn't matter if you are faced with a tolerant LEO or one who wants to bust you on any jumped up charge he can think of.

What ultimately matters is how you are treated by the justice system when you wound or kill a would be attacker in the street, or intruder in your home. I love Florida for one reason and it aint oranges or Mickey Mouse, if there's someone in your house who is upto no good, Florida state law deems him fair game, whilst I don't EVER want to shoot at anything big enough to eat a burrito, I love the lack of ambiguity this law gives in relation to defending your home and family.


Mike H
Yep, Mike H, that's one of the good things about living in FL. Gotta love that "Castle doctrine." (Man's home is his castle--if he's attacked in it, he has the right to defend himself in it)

Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.
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