
The bad thing about poison is that they may just crawl back under the house to die because it's their new home.

The petco thing is a good idea with the cat repelet.

Also the traps.

An airgun will not kill a cat (unless it's a dang good shot), only .22 and above. The only bad thing about having ferels under your house is that they love to tear things up (like your HVAC ducts if under the house).

The conibear idea would be tons of fun. Ive used those on everthing from squirrels to raccons and beavers, very effective trap indeed. Although, if you don't know what you are doing, they can put a serious hurtn' on you real quick like. :eek:
Cat eradication

Set an appropriately sized conibear trap over the entrance/egress hole. Set trap at dusk, remove dead cat at dawn. Repeat until all pest are removed then seal up the hole. Just bag up the dead cat and put it in the garbage.
If you know someone with a good dog that you could just borrow for a bit, that would be the best solution. Do you own a bow? I've seen more than one cat killed with an arrow, and they are almost always dropped on the spot.
Here's another option that saved my life. Might work for you.

Back in the '80s when I lived in rural CA, we had a family of skunks move in under our house. It got to where they were "letting go" a coupla times a week and we got real desperate. We called everyone in the book. Exterminators, animal control, police, everyone. No one would help us. Got so desperate we called everyone again.

Finally, my wife got this little ol' lady (or at least thats' what she sounded like) who told her "Hon (I love that. Hon.) Here's what ya gotta do."

"Send your husband out at 4am, when they're likely to be out. Have him carry a radio under the house. Not a battery radio, a plug-in radio. And an extension cord. Hook it up and set to play as loud as you can without bothering you in the house. And no classical music. We're talkin' hard rock, hon. In a few days, retreive the radio and patch the holes they were using to get in."

It worked for me.
Since you can't shoot them inside the city limits call your local animal control and tell them to come get them, that is their job after all. Might as well get something for all of those tax dollars you send them.....
Animal controll will offten trap them for you, not always though, depends on agency policy and resources. If not get a trap and contact animal control about taking them, or any animal shelter for that matter, or they may refer you to a local vet who contracts for animal controll services. Worst case many vets will do no-exam euthanasia for a cat sized animal for around 20-30 bucks.

Stratagy to make them move out is ill advised because they will continue to breed and populate the area unless they are either removed or rendered sterile.

Poison, bare wires and other kill traps opens the possibility of hurting someone else's animal, or some other person for that matter. Some of these ideas as well as use of an inadequate powered gun (read air gun) could also subject you to animal cruelty prosecution.
My 2 cents is, if you're handy you can make a one-way gate. Cats crawl out, cats can't get back in. Give it a day or two for total evacuation, then seal it off for good.
Mfree - excellent idea. Should be easy enough to make, if you seal off all openings except one and put plexiglass over it with hinges on the outside they should see the light and go push on it and get out, but if the edges are beveled down smooth they won't be able to pull it back open from ouside. Might even put a light spring on the outside to hold it down a bit more too.

The only other thing I can think of sounds crazy but might work. Go to the local zoo and ask for some lion dung. Spread the lion dung around and maybe they will leave the area to avoid the big cat that they smell just moved in.
Good idea about the bow but how are you going to get to the cat? crawl in after it or maybe use one of those barbed arrows with a string attached? I love cats. They are real cuddly and cute until they crap in my lawn and I go to remove the "pecan" before I mow the lawn. P.U.! I vote for the bolt .22 idea real late (to minimize the lookey lou neighbors ) at night with a flashlight and a laser sight crawl under there and take care o'bidness.
220 Conibear and a can of smelly fish for bait. $10-15. Used with care (it will kill and maim larger animals and hurt curious children) you only further task will be disposing of dead cats.

Rutherford County Animal Services!!

Come on now, Cats in the hunting section? You should be ashamed of yourself :p Seriously, I live in Smyrna and had a similar problem. Animal Services will help you out.
Fire Extinguisher

If they usually come and go by a certain access - leave it open then go to the othe side of the house (or more than one side if you have to) and shoot a CO2 Fire extinguisher under the house. Makes a heckuva noise and has the advantage of being really cold - so that will get them all out from under fast. Then just close all accesses. The CO2 is odorless and won't leave any residue.

An aside story: I worked out at Lowry AFB in Colo when they were closing it and there were a few dozen ferral cats that had taken up residence under the old abandoned barracks. A lady I worked with was a bigtime cat lover and belonged to a "keep em alive no matter what" organization. I happened to be working on the Saturday that about 8 middle-aged cat ladies tried to catch them nets (kinda like fishing seines) was one of the most hilarious things I ever saw. Those ferral cats are serious athletes. The ladies chased em around for a couple hours then gave up. Total caught: zero

and finally on cats - new U.S. record for cat ladies: Ruth (82 years young - can you believe it?) near Wash D.C. was recently found to have 187 live cats in her house!! :rolleyes: