Cataract surgery

I had cataract surgery about 6 years ago. My vision long ranger is still a strong 20/20 Was even better at first. Problem is about four years ago I developed double vision that was corrected with glasses. Now I can't use a scope. The reticle does not seem to be where it belongs in the sight picture. I can take the glasses off and keep one I closed but then I lose my depth perception. I need to have a consultation with my eye doctor to see if this can be corrected by other means. Maybe surgery or some such.
Paul B.
I suppose it is rifle scope. It is single tube, unlike binoculars, so there is no sense of depth anyway.


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"I suppose it is rifle scope. It is single tube, unlike binoculars, so there is no sense of depth anyway."

The problem stems from the special lens for whichever eye distorting how you see the reticle. You see it OK but it's like you're sighted in to hit here but when you shoot with the glasses it hit there. It's hard to explain and confusing when I try. You'd have to experience it to really understand. :(
Paul B.
I understand. Does your scope have adjustable parallax? Adjusting that may help.


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I don't know whether it will help, but it won't hurt to try. Your scope has fixed parallax, probably 100yd. Focus on the target. It may or may not be perfectly in focus depending on the distance. Now adjust the diopter on the eyepiece and keep check parallax by shifting head position slightly. You will find a setting that has no parallax, i.e. POA doesn't move when your head position varies. At this setting the reticle may be somewhat blurry, but it will be right on target.

This is not the kosher method. Better way is to have adjustable parallax.


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Jim Watson said:
there is a guy on THR who is very happy with his ... Vivity multifocal
I am that poster (I now post as "LiveLife" after retirement).

I went through single vision glasses, bi-focals, tri-focals then to progressive and later cataract surgery. Regardless whether you use glasses or cataract surgery, do tell the eye doctor about your need to see the gun sights at specific distances, especially for pistol sights that are at two focal length distances (Hold your pistols and measure distance to front/rear sights and show these numbers to the eye doctor) because our bodies are different.
Dano4734 said:
Recently had cataract surgery and now my close up vision is shot. I can’t see the front sight of my pistol without reading glasses however, if I use my reading glasses I don’t see the target.
Regards to eye glasses and seeing pistol sights, there is no comparison and hands down progressive is the way to go to smoothly transition to see both rear and front sights (Near and mid vision) without annoying lines (And for me, bi-focal was definite "No go").

Regards to cataract surgery Intraocular Lens (IOL) implant options, you essentially have two major groups of monofocal and multifocal. Monofocal allows you distance vision but your near/mid vision is poor and will need glasses for reading up close and viewing your smartphone/computer screen.

Multifocal allows you distance vision but also "improves" (Depending on IOL type/brand) near/mid vision that may require use of glasses for close up reading of fine print. And downside of multifocal IOL are "star burst/halo" effect over oncoming headlights for night driving and splitting of amount of light between distance and near/mid vision which affects night vision. After explaining to my eye doctor that I do a lot of driving at night and shoot pistols/scoped rifles, she suggested Vivity IOL implants, an upgraded multifocal with extended depth of focus that minimize "star burst/halo" effect and 100% light transmission for both distance/near vision with great mid range vision (Hands reach/computer screen/car dash distances) that helps with night vision. And I may only need reading glasses for close up reading of fine print -

It's been 2 years since my cataract surgery and 20/20 distance vision is maintained, there is no "star burst/halo" effect on headlights for night driving, mid vision is excellent (I can see everything inside the car, including dash) and can read restaurant menus without too much difficulty. (I only need reading glasses for really fine print like medicine bottle fine print) And of course, I can see my pistol sights clearly against clear target picture and using scopes for 50/100 yard shooting produces clear field of view picture to see 22LR holes on target.

But this is one shooter's experience and your experience may vary based on your medical situation so definitely consult your eye doctor and research/educate yourself to make informed decision that you will use daily for the rest of your life (FYI, some patients have gone from monofocal/other brand multifocal IOL implants to Vivity with report of improvement. YMMV).

BTW, here's repost from THR and hope this information can help others -

"After looking at Symfony, Synergy and PanOptix multifocal intraocular lens (IOL) implant options, because I do a lot of night driving and look at computer/laptop/cellphone screens, my eye doctor recommended Vivity IOL -

Main departure from other multifocal IOLs is the benefit of not having star bursts or halo around the oncoming headlights or other light sources at night and brighter/vivid vision due to 100% transmission of light like monofocal IOLs (88-93% for other multifocal IOLs).

Cost on top of Enhanced VSP eye insurance was $2500 per lens and getting Vivity toric for right eye to correct astigmatism. (I was planning to get laser eye surgery but since that is no longer needed after cataract IOL implant surgery, it's a wash with better outcome. My sister and BIL both had laser eye surgeries but now he's got cataract and will need cataract surgery).

After surgery vision is 20/20 and I can clearly see sights of my guns and only require use of reading glasses for really small print up close (Near vision is improving to where reading restaurant menus is now doable).

My eye doctor knows I am a shooter and we talked about this. I considered PanOptix as it provides better close up sharpness than others (Symfony, Synergy) but eye doctor told me that I won't be shooting all the time (Ha, she doesn't know me that well. She thinks I play with puppies and cook/BBQ all the time ... Wait til she sees my reloading room :eek:) and "activities of daily living", especially night driving which I do quite a bit, may have higher priority over shooting later in life.

Besides, 88% light transmission of PanOptix vs 100% for Vivity was the game changer for me, especially night driving issues with Vivity hands down being more superior as demonstrated to me last night.

BTW, view through scope - Target and crosshair both sharp.

One Month Update:

Saw the eye doctor for one month follow up and had retinal scans done. She is happy with surgery results but looks like I will need reading glasses for really fine print up closer than hand's reach distance. (2.5x power) She was happy to hear I do not have any halo/rainbow effect driving at night as I do a lot of night driving helped by 100% light transmission.

When I went shooting for the first time since surgery in both eyes and happy to report that Glock 22 sights were clear against clear targets. When I consistently produced 1" groups at 7 yards, it brought tears to my eyes as I thought before surgery I was done with sighted shooting for the rest of my life.

I also did follow up and reference baseline shooting for upcoming myth busting dirty vs clean 22LR barrel accuracy thread and after adjusting the focus, was able to clearly see the bullet holes on target (50/100 yards) and cross hairs of Burris 6.5-20x and Bushnell 6-18x at maximum magnifications. (Better vision probably helped produce almost 1/2" group with 10/22 and CCI Blazer)"

2 Year Update:

20/20 distance vision with excellent mid range. Reading glasses power down to 1.5-1.75x​
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