Casting your own bullets with molds?

That pistol is done with Animation software, I used Solidworks and it has an animation software to do the same thing. The pistol is only in 2D. I designed parts in 3D and then animated assemblies. Like the parts of the pistol going from what is there to an exploded view, or looking at the pistol at a 3/4 on view in 3d and having the hammer move back while the cylinder rotates.
But the powers that be in the engineering firms believe that anyone over 60 cannot possibly be capable of mastering leading edge technology.
So I work on a Ranch now. Still have the software here on the computer though.
It was fairly easy to master and yes you could do it.
Yeah, bud, and you're probably happier, but making less money.

And that might make you happier, too.

I just did my income tax, after a 15 month sick thing, with SSDI as my main income, and am not too unhappy. Did a projection of next year with this years schedule, and a pension to boot, and think I can survive. Just gotta decide when to take the pension, keep screwing with the lawyers or just say the hell with it.

When I have a problem with the program side of the computer, I call one of my 3 surviving daughters, one will straighten me out, especially when it comes to graphics. When they have a mechanical problem, or want to get one of the g'kids a better video card, or a new computer, period, they call on Dad.

I build them for my family and friends. Was a better deal back when the things cost a couple grand. Now you can buy them for 300 bucks, I can't buy parts for that little.

Ah, well,


George,Using the WW for balls wasn't a problem and they seemed to shoot alright . The problem was that the balls are so hard it actually hurt my hand when trying to seat them in the chamber with the loading ram on my Remington and my Navy.
I had to wrap a rag around the handle's and it was just a matter of time before the rams or the pin broke.I'm using .454 balls in my Remmy and .380 in my Navy. If I were using .451 and .375 it would be easier.
That revolver animation would be great to show a new comer just how things work. I played with that stuff a few years back but it was just to much of a hassle for me to learn with the software I had. From what I hear it's much easier now.
OD and I were chatting the other day and it would be great if we could find a animated Remington, Navy , Army and maybe a big old Walker:) Mike
Jsflagstad, another source for pure lead is your dentist! Mine saves the lead foil protective cover which they must remove from each piece of x-ray film before they use it. I picked up a box full from him a few months ago and got 14 ingots out of it. As far as I know, the practice is for the assistant to just throw that foil into the trash when they prepare an x-ray so if you could talk yours into putting those things into a separate container for you, you might not need to come up with lead from anywhere else.
