Casting with only range lead

The thing that I have noticed about powder coating vs. grease/other (NRA Alox, etc.) lubes is that when a person starts to powder coat their bullets, they seem never to go back to the other lubes.

In my case, I built an heated enclosure to fire from to extend my shooting season (Michigan), and noticed that one of the advantages of shooting powder coated over grease-lubed bullets is the lack of smoke, not to mention the sludge that builds up in a gun when using grease-lubed bullets.

In regard to using range scrap, for my shooting (almost all low-velocity, soft lead), there has been no trace of leading when using powder coating despite thousands of rounds (96 rounds, seven days a week during shooting season) between cleaning.
Actually, I would be willing to bet most of the younger guys PCing their bullets started with that method and never actually used a quality lubrisizer such as made by Lyman and RCBS. My favorite lube is White Label Lube's BAC. I use it for everything from 800fps to 1800fps and it does a great job. See no reason to change.

Actually, I would be willing to bet most of the younger guys PCing their bullets started with that method and never actually used a quality lubrisizer such as made by Lyman and RCBS. My favorite lube is White Label Lube's BAC. I use it for everything from 800fps to 1800fps and it does a great job. See no reason to change.

Yes, I am one of those "younger" guys...but I have had four lubrisizers over my lifetime. I have been casting since the middle sixties, am 76 years old. See my post #21.

Also, on the Cast Boolit site there seems to be many posters who started with a lube sizer, switch to powder coating and now do not want to go back.

Maybe someone should start a poll.

Irregardless, I am happy with the tried and true method of sizing and lubing my bullets, and have intention of changing. Best wishes.
