Casting for HK91/G3

powder selection

The only rifle powder I have tried is the blc2, but if 3031 works for you, I might try it. I have tried pistol powders such as 13 grains of v-n350, but it did not cycle reliably.

As far as gas checks go, I havent used them, but am planning to powder coat when I finally get my supplies. While I haven't had any leading yet, I do plan to try some full power loads that I think would cause leading without being coated.
I didn't see much information on loading lead for HK91 style rifles. I know it seems like a funny idea, but I went ahead and tried it with what I had on hand. After a few tries, I worked up a load that functions flawlessly and has good enough accuracy for a battle rifle.

WARNING: I am not an expert, use any loads at own risk!

I was using PMC cases, cause they're cheap, CCI large rifle primers, same reason. For the charge, I found 35 grains of BL-C(2) to be the minimum necessary to cycle the G3 reliably. I did not use any filler, all charges were weighed.
For the bullet, I used a lee C312-185-1R. I used wheel weights, quenched immediately in ice water. I didn't size the bullets or use gas checks. For lube I used mobil 1 synthetic axle grease. It never dries, so I applied it right before seating the bullet. I seated to right after the front grease groove. I don't have a chrono, so I have no idea how fast these go, I suspect they are fairly slow, as this is a light load of Bl-C(2). It is a smoky round, but doesn't seem to leave unburned powder, and doesn't leave leading in the barrel.

If anyone else has loads for cast bullets that work in a G3, I would appreciate it! Also, if someone has like 10 of the lee TL309-230-5R cast bullets that they could send me, I would be glad to pay shipping, and trade a few of my bullets. I really want to try these, but don't want to buy the mold until I know they work. I think the 230 grains might be a bit too long, but only one way to know.
What round is this data for ...308 Winchester (7.62 X 51 ) ?
Not all of us are familiar with a HK 91/G3 .

.308 Winchester or 7.62x51. My bad, completely forgot to specify. Most of these loads are not listed in manuals, so anything on here is at your own risk.
While they have worked in g3 style rifles, be cautious firing out of other .308s, as results may vary. Best of luck, and sorry for the confusion.
Thanks for info , did some research on the HK 91/G3 and learned some of the history of it .
Interesting rifle that I was clueless about. Development went back to the 1950's .

Try sizing your bullets to .309 . With cast bullets and accuracy , proper size in relation to the bore , is way more important than hardness.
Don't forget that powder coating will enlarge a bullet even more.
Some size , powder coat, then size again . All that sizing keeps me with my Lyman 450... size once and done .
I've had my best accuracy in a 03A3 Springfield , 30-06 , with COWW + 1% tin , air cooled , gas checked , sized .309 and lubricated with a lithium beeswax lube.

Sometimes too hard and oversize can play havoc with accuracy . Might want to try omitting the ice water dropping and try air cooled .

Powder coating may be better than conventional lubes but I would still attach a gas check and size to .001 over bore diameter.
I have always had accuracy improve when a gas check is applied to a bullet has the base cut for one and if the velocity is near or over 1600 fps .

Getting semi autos to feed, fire, eject and accurately shoot cast bullet loads is trying on the soul and gives you reason to say profanities.....but keep at it , you will eventually get it all sorted out. You've got the functioning down....just accuracy to contend with .
Good luck.
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I took your advice, and cast some without water dropping, will coat them later today, see how it goes.
I don't have a sizing die yet, but will be getting one this weekend.
I appreciate the help!