Cast Bullet Withdrawals


Photobucket is your friend easy to do once ya do it a time or 2 & now ya can even size em on photobucket !!!

Please keep em close to 700x700 pixels for us dial up people .
Rained here all morning so the coffeepot and Lyman 4500 were well used.:) Lubed/sized all my WW and 30-1 boolits for 45-90 and 45 Colt. Sorted and primed 50 Colt cases and calibrated the scale. Checked out the dipper chart and determined 1.0cc was pretty close to the desired charge for Unique powder. Stepped over to grab the long-neglected can of Unigue......IT'S GONE! :eek: No idea what happened, have 18 different brands of powder but I was sure one of them said "Unique". Can't find it. :confused:
Choices now are Universal Clays, 700X or 231. Only FFFg powder I have is 777 so that's a no-go.
Break time. Sugestions?
Now I know why that can of Universal Clays was on my shelf, it's pretty close to Unique. Hard to find published loads but Hodgdon's site was helpful. Now I have 45 Colt, 45-90 and even some :eek: 30-06 loads ready for a range day tomorrow. Dry spell almost over! :D
Got My Fix!

Sent some repurposed WW's on a quick little errand today, mission accomplished! Still searching for a load my BPCR likes but will resume this project after a trip to eye doc. It seems to like both the 405 and 500gr Lyman boolits over BP but I can't see the target @ 100 yds. :( 45 Colt load was awesome! 25 yd offhand group just a tad over 3" from a 4 5/8" Ruger Blackhawk! No leading in either firearm, used SPG lube on all bullets. 255gr Lyman Keith boolit over 7.5gr Universal Clays.
Super Grade M70 seems to have developed a knack for crowding five jacketed :eek: bullets into under .8 inches, BTW. Store-bought bullets from a 30-06 but still very satisfying. ;)
I`ve been down , a bout with the gout , left toe , hurts so bad I`m :barf:

I have meds but it came on so fast I did`nt have time to get any in my system :(:(
Sorry to hear about that, GP100man. That's a tough affliction you have there. Been some advances in the med/pharm fields on gout the last few years, hope your doc is up to date.
Get better soon!
Deer liver and fried balogna will give ya the gout. If you're eating any kind of gut meat or too much red meat , you can make gout worse.